University Of Auckland Medical School Entry Requirements
Category One: First Year entry from the BHSc or BSc (Biomedical Science) only
First year applicants need to complete the eight required courses (listed below) in the first year of either the Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) or the Bachelor of Science (BSc) Biomedical Science at the University of Auckland. This needs to be completed on a full time basis and in the year of application for MBChB. Only the first attempt for these courses will be considered for MBChB admission in the First Year category. First Year BHSc courses:
- CHEM 110: Chemistry of the Living World
- BIOSCI 107: Biology for Biomedical Science – Cellular Processes and Development
- MEDSCI 142: Biology for Biomedical Science – Organ Systems
- POPLHLTH 111: Population Health
- POPLHLTH 101: Health Systems I
- POPLHLTH 102: Health and Society
- HLTHPSYC 122: Behaviour, Health and Development
- General Education*
First Year BSc (Biomedical Science) courses:
- CHEM 110: Chemistry of the Living World
- BIOSCI 107: Biology for Biomedical Science – Cellular Processes and Development
- MEDSCI 142: Biology for Biomedical Science – Organ Systems
- POPLHLTH 111: Population Health
- BIOSCI 101: Essential Biology: From Genomes to Organisms
- PHYSICS 160: Physics for the Life Sciences
- BIOSCI 106: Foundations of Biochemistry
- General Education*
*General Education excluding BIOSCI 100G, EXERSCI 100G, MEDSCI 100G, MEDSCI 101G, POPLHLTH 103G, POPLHLTH 104G. Interview EligibilityYou will need to achieve a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 6.0 across all eight first year courses, with no fails, to be eligible for consideration for an admission interview (MMI – Multi Mini Interviews).
Interview RankingIf eligible, you will be ranked for interview invitation. This ranking will be based on your grades in the four core courses (in bold above): BIOSCI 107, CHEM 110, MEDSCI 142, and POPLHLTH 111. If your final grades are not available at the time of interview ranking, an interim grade (highest possible) will be temporarily assigned. Official final results will be used for the final selection.
Final Selection Ranking
Applicants will be offered admission to the programme according to the rank order until the available places in the category are filled. Interviewed applicants’ final ranking is based on a weighting of the following components:
- GPA for four core courses: 60%
- UCAT ANZ Final Score: 15%
- Multi Mini Interview: 25%
Please note that selection criteria may change from year to year. For further information, refer to our FAQs or contact the Faculty directly on fmhs@auckland.ac.nz.
University Of Auckland Medical School Graduate Entry
Category Two: Graduate Entry
2021 Graduate Entry Requirements
Domestic applicants
To apply for the MBChB under the Graduate entry category, domestic graduates must have successfully completed, normally in the minimum academic time and no more than five years prior to the date of application, a degree, postgraduate degree or postgraduate diploma from a New Zealand university with a minimum Grade Point Average of 6.0 (B+) or equivalent.
Depending on your previous study, you may need to undertake some or all of the First Year courses before commencing Part II. If you are required to take Part I courses, you must pass all these courses within one year in order to proceed to Part II. This will be assessed as part of your application for admission.
International applicants
To apply for the MBChB under the Graduate entry category, international applicants need to have completed a relevant degree on a full time basis at a recognised university. Your last year of full time study must be no more than five years prior to the year of application. Shortlisted international graduate applicants will be interviewed over Skype/phone. International Graduate applicants are not required to sit UCAT ANZ.
Interview Eligibility
In order to be eligible for consideration for an admission interview (MMI – Multi Mini Interviews), domestic applicants will need to complete, normally in the minimum academic time and no more than five years prior to the date of application, a degree, postgraduate degree or postgraduate diploma from a New Zealand university with a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 6.0 (B+) or equivalent.
Interview Ranking
If eligible you will be ranked for interview invitations. This ranking will be based on the cumulative GPA from your qualifying programme. If your final grades are not available at the time of interview ranking, an interim grade (highest possible grade) will be temporarily assigned. Official final results will be used for the final selection.
Final Selection (Offer) Ranking
Applicants will be ranked for final offer selection based on a weighting of the following components:
- Cumulative GPA from your qualifying programme: 60%
- UCAT ANZ Final Score: 15%
- Multi Mini Interview: 25%
Please note that selection criteria may change from year to year. For further information, refer to our FAQs or contact the Faculty directly on fmhs@auckland.ac.nz.
Other pathways to study
You could be eligible for another programme, or check out these alternative pathways:
- See if you meet the criteria for the Undergraduate Targeted Admission Scheme (UTAS).
- Bridge your educational gap with a preparation and foundation programme.
- If you are under 20, have no formal University Entrance (UE) qualification, and are a New Zealand or Australian citizen or permanent resident you can apply for discretionary entrance.
- If you can demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and maturity, we offer admission to applicants under 16.
University Of Auckland Medical School International Admissions
The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s leading university*. The Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences also provides much of the country’s health research.
International students from across the globe enrol in both our undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and we also offer a great range of taught courses along with opportunities to pursue research.
We offer a supportive learning environment in modern facilities.
We hope you will join us for your career in health.
Mai Al Sharaf
International Manager
Email: m.alsharaf@auckland.ac.nz
Graduate Entry to FMHS undergraduate clinical programmes for 2022 entry
The deadline for submission of final grades (either showing in Student Services Online for University of Auckland students, or sent to us by official transcript for students from other institutions) has previously been noted in the online application form for undergraduate clinical programmes as being the 30 November 2021, for 2022 entry.
Due to the continued disturbance of Covid-19 and associated lockdowns on Semester Two 2021 courses, the deadline has been extended to 5pm Monday 6 December 2021, for 2022 entry to FMHS undergraduate clinical programmes.
Applicants who are concerned that they still may not meet this new deadline are encouraged to contact us by email as soon as possible, via fmhs@auckland.ac.nz.
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)
MBChB applicants are selected on the basis of academic merit, UCAT ANZ performance and personal qualities exhibited during the admission interview (MMI).
There are two application categories for entry into the MBChB:
1. First year entry: First year applicants may apply from either the BHSc or BSc (Biomedical Science) at the University of Auckland
2. Graduate entry
For more information on application categories and selection criteria see: Entry requirements for MBChB.
UCAT ANZ (University Clinical Aptitude Test for Australia and New Zealand)
All MBChB applicants (except international graduates) are required to sit the UCAT ANZ in the year of application to MBChB.
UCAT ANZ is not required for BMedImag(Hons), BOptom, BPharm, MAud or MHSc NUDI applications.
university of auckland medical school international admissions
If you are an international student, you must have completed a relevant degree, normally in the minimum academic time and no more than five years prior to the date of application, from a recognised university overseas.
Please note: UCAT is exempted for international students applying under the Graduate entry pathway. UCAT is required for international students applying through the First Year pathway.
For more information about the programme, visit Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
Domestic students
If the institution where you completed your degree is not a NZ university, in order to be eligible to apply for entry to MBChB, you need to either:
- Complete a minimum 1 year postgraduate qualification, normally in the minimum academic time, on a full-time basis at a NZ university OR
- Complete the first year of Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) or Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) at the University of Auckland
Please note: UCAT is required for all domestic students applying for entry to MBChB through both pathways and for international students applying through the First Year pathway.
For more information about the programme, visit Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

university of auckland medical school acceptance rate
Of between 1500 to 2000 students from around the country who meet the rank score and sit first-year premed in Auckland, only approximately 6 to 8% of these students will be accepted into medical school.