Do you want to come to study in Barcelona, but you’re a bit lost between the variety of options and the damn bureaucracy? At Cotown we want to help you, so we have prepared this post for you to get off to a good start in university Barcelona and live the experience to the fullest.
In addition to the good atmosphere, the friends and the multitude of plans you can make, you should always take into account the quality of the studies in Barcelona. The University of Barcelona (UB) is among the 200 most prestigious universities in the world.
Studying in Barcelona can be an incredible opportunity for your future, so pay attention to this article. Let’s get started!
Bachelor’s degrees:
Art Creation for Video Games and Serious Games
Bioinformatics 100 %
Biomedical Engineering 25 %
Biomedical Sciences 6 %
Business Administration and Management 100 %
English Studies 100 %
International Business 100 %
Physiotherapy 100 %
Tourism 100 %
University master’s degrees:
Actuarial and Financial Sciences 15 %
Advanced Immunology 33 %
Advanced Legal Studies
Advanced Mathematics 100 %
Advanced Medical Skills 50 %
Advanced Microbiology 15 %
Advanced Nursing Clinical Practice 20 %
Analytical Chemistry 5 %
Applied Linguistics and Language Acquisition in Multilingual Contexts 100 %
Applied Research Methodology in Nursing Care 20 %
Aquaculture 7 %
Artificial Intelligence 100 %
Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology 100 %
Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry 30 %
Bioinformatics for Health Sciences 100 %
Biological Anthropology
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedicine 60 %
Business Law 5 %
Business Research 45 %
Chemical Engineering 30 %
Citizenship and Human Rights: Ethics and Politics 20 %
Clinical Investigation 70 %
Cognitive Science and Language 80 %
Construction and Representation of Cultural Identity 40 %
Creation and Management of Innovative Technology-Based Companies 25 %
Cultural Management 10 %
Direcció de Projectes de Conservació-Restauració 7 %
Drug Research, Development and Control
Ecology, Environmental Management and Restoration 20 %
Economics 100 %
Economics, Regulation and Competition in Public Services 30 %
Energies Renovables i Sostenibilitat Energètica 15 %
Environmental Engineering
Erasmus Mundus de Física Nuclear 100 %
Erasmus Mundus de Mercats Globals, Creativitats Locals 100 %
Erasmus Mundus de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (EM Nano+)
Erasmus Mundus de Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i dels Recursos Humans 75 %
Erasmus Mundus de Química Teòrica i Modelització Computacional 100 %
Erasmus Mundus d’Educació Internacional en Vacunes
Erasmus Mundus in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)
Erasmus Mundus Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories 100 %
Estudis Avançats en Disseny – Barcelona
Filosofia Analítica 90 %
Food Research, Development and Innovation 2 %
Fotònica 100 %
Fundamental Principles of Data Science 100 %
Genetics and Genomics
Gestió i Desenvolupament de Persones i Equips en les Organitzacions 20 %
Integrative Physiology 25 %
International Business 100 %
International Development 100 %
International Relations 100 %
International Security 100 %
Internationalization: Economic, Commercial, Legal and Political Aspects 25 %
Labour Economics 100 %
Meteorology 20 %
Molecular Biotechnology 50 %
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 100 %
Neurosciences 30 %
Nuclear Physics
Nutrition and Metabolism 11 %
Oceanography and Marine Environmental Management 5 %
Organic Chemistry 25 %
Physical Activity and Health 10 %
Planificació Territorial i Gestió Ambiental 10 %
Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology 100 %
Producció i Recerca Artística 25 %
Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity 10 %
Public Management 30 %
Pure and Applied Logic 100 %
Recerca en Comportament i Cognició 80 %
Research in Language and Literature Teaching
Reservoir Geology and Geophysics 95 %
Science and Integrated Management of Water 10 %
Sociology: Social Transformations and Innovation 25 %
Specialized Communication 10 %
Sport Business Management 20 %
Statistics and Operations Research 50 %
Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling 100 %
Translational Medicine 100 %
Urban Design: Art, City, Society 5 %

university of barcelona admission requirements for international students
To apply for admission to Catalan public universities or the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, you must complete the university pre-enrolment on the university admissions portal. If you complete university pre-enrolment, you must submit the document of the courses that you have completed at the University Admissions Office or one of its sub-offices. These documents should be submitted in the period established in the pre-enrolment calendar.
Bear in mind that if your chosen degree course requires a personal aptitude test (PAP), you must first enrol and take the test in June.
Find out all you need to know about the bachelor’s degree courses offered at the Catalan universities; know what they entail, their structure, where they are taught, the cut-off marks from previous years and career options, as well as the centres that offered in the pre-enrolment period.
Qualifications obtained in education systems in states that are members of the European Union or with which Spain has signed international agreements of reciprocity. International baccalaureate or European baccalaureate
Students with an International Baccalaureate or European Baccalaureate and students from education systems in states that are members of the European Union or with which Spain has signed international agreements of reciprocity*, who meet academic requirements in their own education systems to enter universities in their countries.
Countries and education systems*:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Baccalaureate, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, International Baccalaureate, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.
University pre-enrolment must be processed on the University admissions portal. All information on the university pre-enrolment process can be found in the Pre-enrolment section.
The entrance mark is that recorded in the UNEDasiss accreditation. The entrance mark must be between 5 and 10 points.
There are two options for improving the university entrance mark and calculating the admission mark:
a) The student takes examinations in subjects in the specific/optional phase of the upper secondary level examination for university admission (EBAU) / university entrance exams (PAU) at any university in Spain, and the two marks that are highest after weighting are taken into consideration. If the examinations are taken at a Catalan university, enrolment for these tests can be consulted on the calendar.
b)The student takes examinations in subjects of the UNEDasiss specific skill tests (PCE), and the two highest marks after weighting are taken into consideration, as long as these subject areas can be weighted in Catalonia.
Information on which subject areas can be weighted to improve the admission mark for Catalan public universities and the University of Vic–Central University of Catalonia can be found in the weighting table.
Subjects taken at Batxillerat (upper secondary school) level and recognised in the UNEDasiss accreditation are not taken into account.
Qualifications that are officially recognised as equivalent to a Spanish upper secondary school certificate (Batxillerat) from countries outside the EU
Qualifications officially recognised as equivalent to a Spanish upper secondary school (Batxillerat) certificate obtained in education systems in EU Member States but that do not meet university admission requirements in the country of origin
For university admission, candidates must have final official recognition of the upper secondary school certificate. They cannot be admitted with a conditional registration slip.
They will not be assigned a definite place until they have official recognition of the upper secondary school certificate, but they can complete university pre-enrolment on the university access website.
University pre-enrolment must be processed on the University admissions portal. All information on the university pre-enrolment process can be found in the Pre-enrolment section.
There are four university entry pathways:
- Upper secondary level examination for university admission (EBAU) / university entrance exam (PAU)
– General/compulsory phase. The university entrance mark is calculated using the average mark for the officially recognised upper secondary school qualification (NMB) and the mark for the general/compulsory phase (QFG):
0.6*NMB (official recognition) + 0.4*QFG. This mark is between 5 and 10 points.
– Specific phase / voluntary. The admission grade is calculated using the two best grades of subjects passed to the specific phase that, once weighted, give the highest marks. The common matter of option of the general / obligatory phase, if obtained during the calls of the two years prior to the current call, will also be taken into account for the calculation of the admission note, this matter is 5 points or higher.
If the university entrance exams (PAU) are taken at a Catalan university, all relevant information can be found at this link.
- Upper secondary level examination for university admission (EBAU – UNED)
- The UNEDasiss specific skill tests (PCE) must be taken in the following subject areas (general/compulsory phase):
– Three core subject areas: History of Spain, Spanish Language and Literature and a foreign language (English, French, German and Italian).
– One core subject for the area of study: to be chosen from Mathematics, Mathematics for Social Sciences, Latin and Arts.
- The University entrance mark is calculated with the average mark for the officially recognised upper secondary school qualification (NMB) and the mark for the general/compulsory phase (QFG):0.6*NMB (official recognition) + 0.4*QFG. This mark is between 5 and 10 points.The mark for the general/compulsory phase must be at least 4 points to be averaged with the mark for upper secondary level, and the university entrance mark must be 5 or higher.
- Candidates have two options for improving the university entrance mark and calculating the admission mark:
– Take at least two core subjects in the UNEDasiss specific skill tests. The results will be considered in the calculation of the admission mark, as long as these subjects can be weighted in Catalonia.
– Take subjects in the specific/voluntary phase of the EBAU/PAU at any Spanish university. If the university entrance exams (PAU) are taken at a Catalan university, all relevant information can be found at this link.
The admission mark is calculated using the two highest marks for subjects passed in the specific phase/voluntary phase after weighting. The core area of study/compulsory subject in the general/compulsory phase for the 2018 call is also considered in calculating the admission mark, as long as the mark for this subject is at least 5 points.
Information on subject areas that can be weighted to improve the admission mark for Catalan public universities and the University of Vic–Central University of Catalonia can be found in the weighting table.
- UNEDasiss accreditations issued in academic year 2017. Specific skill tests (PCE).
The university entrance mark is that recorded on the UNEDasiss accreditation for the 2017 session. The university entrance mark is up to 10 points. To be admitted to a Catalan university, candidates must have passed (with 5 points or more) at least two subjects out of the four that they took.
Candidates have two options that they can use to improve the university entrance mark and calculate the admission mark:
– Take the UNEDasiss specific skills tests. The calculation of the admission mark considers the two marks out of the subjects passed that give the highest result after weighting. Subjects will be considered in this calculation when they can be weighted in Catalonia.
– Take the specific/voluntary phase of the EBAU/PAU at any Spanish university. The calculation of the admission mark considers the two marks out of the subjects passed that give the highest result after weighting. If the exam is taken in Catalonia, all relevant information on university entrance exams (PAU) can be found at this link.
Information on the subject areas that are weighted to improve the university entrance mark for Catalan public universities and the University of Vic–Central University of Catalonia can be found in the weighting table.
- Without an entrance exam for students from education systems outside the EU
The university entrance mark is that recorded on the official recognition of the upper secondary school qualification. In this case, candidates will have the lowest priority in the order of allocating places in the September pre-enrolment period. They cannot pre-enrol for university in the June pre-enrolment period..

Recognition of finished foreign university studies
If you have university studies completed abroad, you should contact the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport or the Government Delegation in Catalonia to request the recognition of these studies. The contact information is:
Government Delegation in Catalonia. Functional Area of High Inspection of Education
Bergara Street, 12, 1st floor
08002 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 935 209 690
Hours: from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 17.30 p.m.
The SARU (University Qualification Recognition Mentoring Service) will be able to advise you on the necessary procedures to approve your university degree. The contact information is:
University Qualification Recognition Mentoring Service (SARU)
Calle Calabria 147
08015 Barcelona
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday from 9am to 2pm.
In the afternoon, make an appointment through the web.
During the month of August, and until September 15, from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm.
Appointment by appointment
Contact mailbox
With the recognition granted, you can access the university as a university graduate and you will be awarded a score of 5 points. If you want to get the equivalence to the Spanish scale of your final grade, you must visit the ANECA website.
You must do the university pre-enrolment on the university admissions portal on the established dates in the calendar.

12 Universities in Spain where You Can Study in English
When it comes to studying overseas, a fantastic opportunity for any student is studying in Spain. Spain is a country with an intense cultural and historical heritage, a reasonable cost of living and when you add in the option of studying in English, Spain becomes a very popular destination for international students. Expand your horizons and live the ultimate student experience, in one of Europe’s most beautiful countries.
Give yourself the best chance to learn another language. Learning another language is one of the biggest reasons students elect to study abroad and Spain is a great country to do it in. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, so master this language and it will likely enrich your resumé significantly.
Here is a brief overview of some of the great Spanish schools that offer you the option of studying in English.
EU Business School, Barcelona
The EU Business School in Barcelona is an accredited, diverse and prominent business school. It is part of a network that was established in 1973 and the school has other campuses in Geneva, Montreux and Munich. As well, there is also the option to study online.
The EU Business School offers various courses at foundation, bachelor, master and doctoral levels. EU’s programs include Leisure and Tourism Management, Business Finance, Sports Management, International Relations, Business Administration, Communication and Public Relations, Entrepreneurship and E-Business; this list is not exhaustive.
ESEI International Business School, Barcelona
ESEI International Business School, based in Barcelona, is an institute of higher education. Founded by Mr. Jorge Estera-Sanza, a practised manager and business leader, in 1989, the school offers authenticated British degrees. ESEI is well-known as a top educational establishment and it offers English taught undergraduate and postgraduate business degrees.
Since 1989, ESEI has been promoting ‘creativity, new ideas, and trends’ and is very proud of this. Students come to study at ESEI from all over the world and all students have the opportunity to do an internship while carrying out their degree.
UIBS, Barcelona & Madrid
The United International Business Schools organization (UIBS) is a private training institution with accredited campuses in Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and Asia. UIBS offers adaptable undergraduate, graduate, post graduate and executive level business and management programs. Based on the American higher education model, UIBS’s programs permit students to select their programs dependent on course conditions, prior studies, recent interests and future goals.
Foundation, professional and online business and management programs are also available. UIBS’ community of students and faculty is comprised of over 85 nationalities from all over the world.
EAE Business School, Barcelona
EAE Business School was founded in 1958 and has educated more than fifty thousand executives and managers. The school has campuses in Barcelona and Madrid in Spain and in 2009 MERCO ranked EAE the 4th best business school in Spain.
EAE has created an Online Business School, which provides a wide variety of postgraduate courses. Aside from the Barcelona and Madrid campuses, EAE students can study a semester abroad in Paris or New York. The university also has branches in Lima (Peru), Bogotá (Colombia) and Mexico City (Mexico) the purpose of these branches is to strengthen the university’s position in Latin America.
ESADE Business School, Barcelona
ESADE Business School was established in 1958 in Barcelona. The Business School is part of ESADE and Ramon Llull University. As well as in Barcelona, the school has campuses in Madrid, Buenos Aires and Casablanca.
The ESADE Business School offers graduate business programs including a full-time MBA, a part-time MBA, a one-year MBA, an MSc in International Management, an MSc and CEMS MIM and an MSc in Marketing Management. Another fact worth mentioning is that ESADE has signed co-operation agreements with more than one hundred universities around the world. Through EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA accreditation, ESADE is one of only 35 business schools around the world to have been awarded the triple crown.
C3S Business School, Barcelona
C3S Business School is located in the centre of Barcelona and is internationally-accredited. As the school is situated in a diverse city, it has students from all over the world and has a distinctive teaching method that is focussed on a real-world approach.
As C3S offers a wide range of courses that include diplomas, bachelors, masters and doctorates, the school is able to meet the high expectations of students and working partners. C3S is continually growing and expanding its network of partnerships with top class universities.
La Salle – Universidad Ramon Llull, Barcelona
La Salle University in Barcelona began to serve the Catalonian industry as a pioneer school in 1903, and has been innovating education ever since. The campus in Barcelona is part of the International Association of Lasallian Universities (IALU) which has more than 70 universities around the world. The University’s faculty works to provide a top quality education for the youth of tomorrow. La Salle believes that in society, people must come first.
Schiller International University, Madrid
Schiller International University’s educational mission is to train students, professionally and personally, for future leadership positions in global environments. Schiller programs demonstrate the competencies students need for professional careers and further academic study.
Schiller International University offers US accredited undergraduate programs in International Relations and Diplomacy and Business Administration, as well as an MBA program. Programs are taught in English and university admission is year-round.
Studying in Madrid is a fantastic opportunity for students seeking an international education to be immersed in one of the world’s top cultural capitals.
Suffolk University, Madrid
Suffolk University was established in 1906, initially as a law school. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, this private university operates three international campuses, including one in Madrid. The Madrid campus was created with a liberal arts perspective and management style to education. Programs offered include art history, computer science, English, government, business, communication, history, science, sociology and Spanish.
Students can complete up to two years of study in Madrid before moving to the main campus in Boston or transferring to another American university to complete their degree.
European University of Madrid
The European University of Madrid was established in 1995 and is a private university with two campuses in Madrid, one in Villaviciosa de Odón and a new one in Alcobendas. The university currently has 12,500 students from over 60 countries.
One of the many advantages this university offers is the option of gaining dual degrees at universities worldwide. The European University offers a range of bachelor programs, as well as master’s and doctorate degrees. The teaching is student-focused and constantly updated to be relevant to a developing global environment.
Saint Louis University, Madrid
Saint Louis University-Madrid, is the Spanish branch of Saint Louis University in Missouri. Established in 1818, SLU is an American Jesuit University. The Madrid campus started in the 1960s as a study abroad program and was officially recognized as a university in 1996. SLU-Madrid offers degree programs in Political Science/International Relations, Spanish Language and Literature, Communication, Business Administration/International Business, English and Economics.
In addition to this, programs are offered in Ibero-American Studies and Business Administration and graduate programs in Spanish and English. SLU-Madrid offers students the chance to complete the first two years of over 85 more majors in Spain.
Málaga Business College, Málaga
Created in 2000, Málaga Business College is situated in the southern Spanish city of Málaga. Part of the Madrid Management Centre, the Business College strives to offer high quality education in areas of Economics, Management, Finance and the Social Sciences. The Málaga Business College provides several BSc degrees along with a Diploma for graduates from the University of London, under the academic direction of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Some of the other courses offered include foundation courses for British university degree programs and the Cambridge International Diploma in Business.