
University Of Helsinki Ranking Europe

University of Helsinki is one step closer to world's top 50 universities

The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution of academic education in Finland, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. The University of Helsinki seeks solutions for global challenges and creates new ways of thinking for the best of humanity. Through the power of science, the University has contributed to society, education and welfare since


Study Areas and Degree Levels





Arts & Humanities 
Business & Social Sciences 
Language & Cultural 
Medicine & Health 
Science & Technology 

Yearly Tuition Range

0-1,000 US$
(0-750 Euro)
0-1,000 US$
(0-750 Euro)
0-1,000 US$
(0-750 Euro)
0-1,000 US$
(0-750 Euro)


In most global university rankings, the University of Helsinki ranks in the top 50–100, or the top 0.5 percentile. This page showcases the University’s success in both overall and field-specific rankings. At the end, we describe how different rankings are calculated.91On average, 91st globally.31On average, 31st in Europe.4.On average, 4th in the Nordic countries.1First in Finland.

Among the best in the world

Depending on the method of calculation used, there are approximately 18,000–23,000 universities in the world. On average, the University of Helsinki ranks among the top 100 universities globally, or the top 0.5 percentile.


There are approximately 4,000 universities in Europe. On average, the University of Helsinki ranks among the top 30 European universities, or the top percentile

Nordic countries

Only a handful of Nordic universities are ranked among the global top 100. On average, the University of Helsinki ranks among the top four Nordic universities.

Best in Finland

Finland has 14 universities, of which the University of Helsinki is ranked the best in all key general rankings

High impact in sustainable development

The THE University Impact Rankings assess how well universities are promoting sustainable development through their operations and carrying out their third mission, public engagement. The rankings are based on the Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN in 2016.

In 2020 the University of Helsinki was placed 80th in the world in the THE University Impact Rankings. The University of Helsinki was the most successful in the following individual indicators used in the rankings:

  • Climate action: 6th
  • Sustainable cities and communities: 35th

University of Helsinki in the THE University Impact Rankings

Discipline-specific ranking results

Discipline-specific rankings provide comparative information on the operations and reputation of universities in certain disciplines. If you wish to compare the quality of research at various universities in a certain discipline, such as atmospheric sciences or chemistry, a discipline-specific ranking may be a useful tool.

What information can be gained from discipline-specific rankings, and what cannot?

The classifications of disciplines used in the rankings are based on the groupings used by international scientific journals.

Discipline-specific citation numbers are calculated on the basis of the scientific journal where the article has been published. The faculty or unit within the university in question where the scholar works does not affect the ranking.

Discipline-specific rankings cannot be used to rate disciplines in order of excellence within a university.

This is because the number of researchers varies by discipline, and individual research areas are not pursued equally extensively by all universities in the world. Moreover, the faculties and discipline classifications of universities do not necessarily correspond to the groupings used in rankings.

The University of Helsinki’s discipline-specific ranking results

What do university rankings measure: Shanghai, QS, THE, NTU and U.S. News

There are roughly a dozen global general rankings, alongside which there are a number of global specific rankings. All rankings utilise different datasets and computational models. Below, we describe the indicators used by the five rankings which we monitor closely.

All rankings measure the amount of citations by other scholars to universities’ research publications. Citations are collected into various research databases.

In databases, research in the humanities and social sciences as well as research in languages other than English are underrepresented. Regardless, citations are a strong point for the University of Helsinki in all rankings.

The ShanghaiRanking, or the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), puts emphasis on the most successful researchers and the best-known publications.

ARWU is a fairly stable ranking, with the placement of individual universities fluctuating relatively little. In this ranking, the University of Helsinki has fared the best in the citation indexes and the ranking of highly cited researchers, while its poorest success has come in the indicators for Nobel Laureates and Fields Medalists.

There are also regional and discipline-specific rankings under ARWU.

ARWU, which is published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was first released in 2003.

Ranking indicators and their impact on the overall ranking of universities

30%: Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals

The reputation indicator of ARWU comprises two categories:

  • 20%: Institution where the recipient worked at the time of winning the award
  • 10%: Institution where the recipient has studied

The University of Helsinki is awarded points for

  • The Nobel Prize awarded to A. I. Virtanen
  • The Fields Medal awarded to Lars Ahlfors
  • The bachelor’s degree completed by Bengt Holmström at the University of Helsinki

The award indicators represent universities’ historical reputation and recognition. They are also meant to compensate for the fact that the ShanghaiRanking does not include a separate survey on university reputation.

20%: Research citations

ARWU uses the reference index of the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database for ranking citations.

20%: Highly cited researchers

ARWU uses the Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researchers list to rank researchers with the most citations by fellow researchers. The list includes the most highly cited percentile from 22 different fields of science.

The list of highly cited researchers is in constant flux. If a researcher transfers to another university, they take the points awarded to them with them.

20%: Number of publications in Nature and Science
10%: All of the above indicators weighted by the number of researchers and teachers

The purpose of this indicator is to even out the impact of differences in size among universities. This criterion also assumes that each teacher conducts research of as high a standard as possible.


The University of Helsinki belongs to the top 100 universities in the world and the top 50 universities in Europe.

(in the world)
(in Europe)
QS World University Rankings202110437
Times Higher Education World University Rankings20219836
Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities20207427

World University Rankings

World University Rankings525047466656646869718179909397

By Fields

Life Sciences6050404950565357706062676465
Natural Sciences95102951129282979383121100121128152
Social Sciences99149127144181172105122121113130123114135

By Subjects

Agricultural Sciences1213192130445055677874
Biology & Biochemistry636249
Chemical Engineering275167185264252351-400351-400401-450
Civil Engineering228257251268256285273301-350
Clinical Medicine9192104
Computer Science253203235247194214219250280294351-400
Economics & Business
Electrical Engineering275289258351-400351-400351-400351-400301-350
Environment / Ecology2723242524343643444539
Materials Science286238270252294351-400351-400301-350301-350401-450
Mechanical Engineering207451-500451-500
Molecular Biology & Genetics464956
Neuroscience & Behavior9793104
Pharmacology & Toxicolog394546816551627782103
Plant & Animal Science4136302522302226293130
Psychiatry / Psychology127128141
Social Sciences, General9090113
Space Science668087
Energy Science & Engineering
Environmental Science & Engineering77
Biomedical Engineering

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