Did you wonder what the university of louisville medical school required? Did you feel overwhelmed while communicating with the university of louisville medical school? Did you worry about everything? You are not the only one.
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Average UGrad GPA3.60Total Med School Enrollment640Acceptance Rate9%
Early Decision IIOctober 1
RegularOctober 15
Admissions Requirements
MCAT ScoresRequired
Essay / Personal StatementRequired
Science GPARequired
Non Science GPARequired
Extracurricular ActivitiesRequired
Letters of RecommendationRequired
State ResidencyRequired
Admissions RequirementsRequirements are two semesters each of Biology, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, and 1 semester of Calculus or 2 semesters of other college-level Math. All science courses must include lab work. Two semesters of English is also required. The MCAT is required, and scores should be no more than two years old. For applicants who have retaken the exam, the most recent set of scores is considered. Thus, there is no advantage in withholding scores.[+] More
Other Admission Factors
MCAT Scores
Science GPA
Non Science GPA
Letters of Recommendation
Essay / Personal StatementNon-Academic
Extracurricular Activities
Exposure to Medical Profession