
he University of Stuttgartย does not offer scholarships for degree studies. Scholarships by other organizations can be found in the database of theย German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)ย and on theย Baden-Wuerttemberg STUDYGUIDEย website. Please start looking for a scholarship while still in your home country. Deadlines for scholarships might be earlier than the deadline for applications at the University of Stuttgart.

If you are already studying in a higher semester at the University of Stuttgart and you are in a temporary financial emergency, there are the following options for financial assistance: + –


The University of Stuttgart offers scholarships funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to advanced students. Priority is given to qualified, highly-committed international degree and doctoral students with demonstrated potential for completing their studies at the University of Stuttgart. The scholarship can be awarded for up to six months.

There are three types of DAAD STIBET I scholarships:

  • Scholarships for highly committed studentsย 
  • Graduation scholarships
  • Scholarships for doctoral students

Who can apply?
International students who

  • will receive their degree from the University of Stuttgart (BSc, MSc or PhD)
  • have received good grades so far
  • are not recipients of any other full scholarships from a German or foreign organization
  • are in the final stage of their studies

Application deadlines:
January 31 and June 30

Application deadline for doctoral students:
January 31 and June 30

How to apply:
  • Please submit all required documents (as listed in the PDFs above) to the International Office
  • Application forms are only available in person from your contact person at the International Office

Beihilfe (Financial Aid)

Beihilfe is an emergency support for students from the University of Stuttgart sponsored by the Ministry of Science (Ministerium fรผr Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Wรผrttemberg). The amount of Beihilfe is determined on a case-by-case basis. A senate committee has the final say on all awards.

Who can apply?
Degree-seeking students who

  • expect to graduate from the University of Stuttgart
  • are currently enrolled in at least their third or fourth semester (Bachelor’s or Masterโ€™s degree)
  • find themselves in a temporary situation of financial emergency

Regular application deadline:

  • December 01 (for Beihilfe starting in January)
  • June 01 (for Beihilfe starting in July)

How to apply:
If you would like to apply for Beihilfe, please send an e-mail to the International Office. Contact:ย Ms Hanssenย 

Emergency fund

The University of Stuttgart offers short-term scholarships from an emergency fund for enrolled international students who are suddenly  experiencing financial difficulties. The scholarships are funded by donations from the Christian Bรผrkert Foundation.

Unforseen armed conflicts, natural disasters, inflation and currency fluctuations can cause financial support from the country of origin to suddenly stop. Likewise, illness, parental unemployment or the expiration of project funds may contribute to students or doctoral candidates being unable to finance their livelihood.

The emergency fund is aimed at qualified and particularly committed international students as well as at doctoral candidates seeking a degree at the University of Stuttgart.

The scholarship duration and amount are based on the temporary financial needs of the applicants and are determined by a selection committee of the International Office.

Who can apply?

International students who

  • are pursuing a degree at the University of Stuttgart and expect to graduate successfully.
  • are suddenly confronted with serious, unexpected short-term financial difficulties.
Application deadline

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

How to apply?

The application forms are only available after personal consultation at the International Office.

university of stuttgart tuition fees for international students

The following table will give you a clear idea of cost of attending university of Stuttgart including tuition fees and living expenses to study in Germany

Tuition fees

Fees typeCost per semester (EUR)
Semester contribution (for exchange students)120
Semester contribution (for degree seeking students)190
Tuition fees (for degree seeking international students)1,500

Living expenses

Fees typeCost per month (EUR)
Rentbetween approx. EUR 350 and EUR 500
Health Insuranceapprox. EUR 110
Broadcasting Fee (compulsory for all households in Germany)EUR 17,50
Semesterticket (for public transport)approx. EUR 210
Additional costs(personal expenses)Depends upon the student

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