Degree in Dentistry
Knowledge branch:Health sciences
Taught at:Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Undergraduate degree
Core subjects:60
Compulsory subjects:193,5
Optional subjects:16,5
External placements:24
Degree final project6
Degree code:1206
1st year available places 2021:80
Price per credit [2021-2022 academic year]:20 €
Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies:Dentist
Languages used in class:English, Spanish, Valencian
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student:30 ECTS part-time students/ 60 ECTS full-time students
Degree Academic Committee President (CAT):Yolanda Jiménez Soriano
Degree coordinatorJosé Manuel Almerich Silla
External placements coordinator:Filo Estrela Sanchis
Mobility coordinatorLeopoldo Forner NavarroAcademic, scientific or professional interest:
Dentistry studies provide future dentists with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent, diagnose and treat health problems that are linked with teeth, jawbones, the mouth and oral tissues. In addition, the importance of a continued training is highlighted, as this is fundamental in order for graduates to incorporate scientific and technical advancements into their daily clinical practice. Communication with patients is also an area that is focused on, because their characteristics must be taken into consideration, in order to allow them to play a role in the therapeutic decisions made.Worth Noting:
In the fifth academic year, students must carry out tutored practicum, that will allow them to acquire the necessary practical knowledge to work autonomously.
The tutored practicum involve active participation in health services and working on real clinical cases.
The following hospitals are linked to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry: University Hospital Clinic, La Fe University Hospital, General University Hospital and Doctor Peset University Hospital. The University of Valencia also has its own Dentistry Clinic where students are trained to attend to external patients.
Academic year: 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020
1st year
Coordination: Francisco Javier Megías VericatTotal credits: 60 | Compulsory: 6, Basic training: 54.
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
34696 | Human anatomy | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34703 | Biostatistics and public health | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34697 | Biology | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34704 | Biomaterials and ergonomics I | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34699 | Biochemistry | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34698 | Human physiology | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34701 | Histology | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34700 | Microbiology and immunology | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34702 | Psychology and communication | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34708 | Documentation, professionalism and forensic dentistry | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
2nd year
Coordination: Gloria Olaso GonzálezTotal credits: 60 | Compulsory: 43,5, Optional: 10,5, Basic training: 6.
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
34705 | Biomaterials and ergonomics II | 6 | Basic training | Check info |
34713 | Pathological anatomy | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
34712 | Pharmacology, anaesthesia and resuscitation | 9 | Compulsory | Check info |
34730 | English for health sciences | 4,5 | Compulsory | Check info |
34710 | Oral manifestations of systemic illnesses | 4,5 | Compulsory | Check info |
34709 | General medical pathology and paediatrics | 9 | Compulsory | Check info |
34711 | Surgical pathology | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
34729 | Health, society and culture | 4,5 | Compulsory | Check info |
Elective subjects | 10,5 | Optional |
3rd year
Coordination: José Mª Montiel CompanyTotal credits: 60 | Compulsory: 60.
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
34715 | Oral surgery | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34714 | Oral medicine | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34706 | Preventative and community dentistry I | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
34718 | Dental pathology, conservative dentistry and endodoncy I | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34716 | Dental prosthesis I | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34690 | Radiology and radiation protection | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
4th year
Coordination: Fernanda Solá RuizTotal credits: 60 | Compulsory: 60.
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
34722 | Odontopediatrics | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34720 | Orthodontics I | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34719 | Dental pathology, conservative dentistry and endodoncy II | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34723 | Periodontics | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
34717 | Dental prosthesis II | 12 | Compulsory | Check info |
5th year
Coordination: Vanessa Paredes GallardoTotal credits: 60 | Compulsory: 54, Optional: 6.
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
34726 | Gerodontology | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
34725 | Dentistry for patients with special needs | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
34707 | Preventative and community dentistry II | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
34721 | Orthodontics II | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
36249 | Practicum I in Paediatric Patients | 10 | Compulsory | Check info |
36250 | Practicum II in Adult Patients | 14 | Compulsory | Check info |
34728 | Degree Final project | 6 | Compulsory | Check info |
Elective subjects | 6 | Optional |
Elective subjects
Code | Name | Credits | Type (of subject) | Course syllabus, schedules, exams |
34739 | Dental care for disabled patients | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34733 | Bioethics | 4,5 | Optional | Check info |
34736 | Advanced clinical cariology | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34735 | Implant surgery | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34732 | Discovering ophthalmology | 4,5 | Optional | Check info |
34737 | Management and marketing in dental clinics | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34738 | The history of dentistry and dental anthropology | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34734 | Introduction to research into dentistry and the publication and dissemination of results | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34740 | Mixed prosthetics and implant prosthetics | 6 | Optional | Check info |
34731 | Orofacial sensitivity | 4,5 | Optional | Check info |
34741 | Advanced diagnosis techniques for dental and cervicofacial pathology | 6 | Optional | Check info |
- CB1: Students must have acquired knowledge and understanding in a specific field of study, on the basis of general secondary education and at a level that includes mainly knowledge drawn from advanced textbooks, but also some cutting-edge knowledge in their field of study.
- CB2: Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have acquired the competences required for the preparation and defence of arguments and for problem solving in their field of study.
- CB3: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their field of study) to make judgements that take relevant social, scientific or ethical issues into consideration.
- CB4: Students must be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both expert and lay audiences.
- CB5: Students must have developed the learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
Degree Final Project
The Degree Final Project consists of the student undertaking an autonomous project under the direction of a tutor, the completion of which is intended to help the students implement the skills that they have gained during their studies and ensure that they acquire the relevant competences associated with their degree.
Each degree has a Final Project Committee that aims, in part, to prepare the necessary guidelines for the organisation and development of this area.
In the Degree in Dentistry the Degree Final Project is a 6 ECTS subject.
Regulations of the Degree Final Project
The Degree Final Project is regulated by the Regulations of the Degree Final Project of the Universitat de València, developed by the Specific Instructions for the Degree in Dentistry.
Application, documents and presentation
The requirements, projects offer, procedure for the development and presentation are accessible on the website of the Faculty of Medicine and Odontology.