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The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Vetsuisse Faculty) at the University of Bern comprises clinics, institutes and offices. The Bern Animal Clinic is run by the clinics. The Veterinary Medicine faculty has set out a number of tasks in the three areas of research, teaching and service provision. These tasks are:
- Caring for the health and welfare of pets and companion animals (assistance and sporting animals)
- Maintaining the performance of farm animals and horses through researching, recognizing and tackling livestock epidemics, poor housing conditions and feeding problems
- Protecting the health of human beings through researching and combating diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans and through monitoring foodstuffs of animal origin
- Investigating the impact that animal pathogens have on the environment and the measures used to combat them
- Basic biomedical research into significant diseases affecting humans and animals
The future of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Vetsuisse Faculty) of the University of Bern
In what was at the time the largest project of higher education reform in Switzerland, the Vetsuisse faculties of Bern and Zurich were merged into a single faculty with two sites. For more information, visit
Vetsuisse Zurich

Formed in 2006 by the merger of the two veterinary faculties of Bern and Zurich, Switzerland’s Vetsuisse Faculty Bern and Zurich describes its aim as educating veterinary students in the “necessary scientific fundamentals for the understanding of biological correlation, in compliance with the dignity of the animals” in addition to providing a high-quality education in clinical veterinary medicine.
Animal health and well-being is particularly important to the Vetsuisse Faculty, and the institution is driving innovative research in this field. The faculty is ranked 28th in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018 for veterinary science.
Vetsuisse Bern

The Vetsuisse Faculty University of Bern comprises clinics, institutes and departments. The faculty operates – among other things – the animal hospital in Bern with the animal clinics.
Tasks of the Vetuisse Faculty, Bern location:
- The health and animal welfare care of pets and pets (companion and sport animals)
- Maintaining the productivity of farm animals and horses through research, detection and control of animal diseases, husbandry and feeding problems
- The protection of human health through research into and control of diseases which can be transmitted from animals to humans and the monitoring of food originating from animals
- Research into the effects of animal pathogens on the environment and the measures taken to combat them
- Basic biomedical research with regard to important diseases in animals and humans
- The two Vetsuisse faculties, Bern and Zurich, have been merged into a single faculty with two locations. For more see: .
Veterinary School Switzerland

Veterinary medicine falls under The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), which is part of the Federal Department of Home Affairs. Within the Federal Office of Public Health, the Commission of University Medical Professions, based in Berne, is responsible for university education and continuing education. Veterinary medicine is regulated by a Federal Act on University Medical Professions (Medical Professions Act, 23rd June 2006).
Veterinary Specialist Recognition
There is a federal register for all medical professionals with post graduate qualifications. It lists individuals with Swiss or Switzerland-recognised diplomas and continuing professional development titles in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. However, no international (e.g. European Veterinary Specialists, AVMA American Board of Veterinary Specialties diplomats, Fellows of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists) or national specialist qualifications in veterinary medicine are recognised officially in Switzerland.
Professional membership organisations like the Swiss Veterinary Society (GST/SVS) can however register the titles that they award. There are nine national specialist titles (FVH) for horses, companion animals, ruminants, swine, pathology, laboratory medicine, food hygiene, veterinary microbiological analytics and veterinary public health at EQF level 7+, based in part on continuing education.
Advanced Veterinary Practitioners
There is no Advanced Veteirnary Practitioner Training. Some veterinarians in Sqitzerland have completed postgraduate studies leading to a Dr. med. vet. title. Dr. med. vet. is not equivalent to a PhD.
Continuing education of veterinary general practitioners
Continuing education has been mandatory, under the Federal Law on the Medical Profession, for all practicing veterinarians since 2002. This is recorded by the Swiss Veterinary Society (GST/SVS) using continuing education points. The awarded continuing education points are prerequisite to gaining the national specialist qualifications (FVH).
Veterinary education
There is one Veterinary Faculty in Switzerland, called the Vetsuisse-Faculty. It has two locations: Vetsuisse-Faculty University Zurich and Vetsuisse-Faculty University Berne. Veterinarians graduate and are federally licensed (med. vet.) and can get the permission to work as a veterinarian in private practice.
Membership Organisations
The membership organisation is the Gesellschaft Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte/Société des Vétérinaires Suisses (GST/SVS). One of the aims of the GST/SVS is to ensure the quality of veterinary practice in education in general and in continuing education in particular. The Swiss Veterinary Society (GST/SVS), the official representing body of veterinarians in Switzerland, has a number of subsections including one for specialized veterinarians – Fachsektionen.