Refinancing your student loans can be a great way to lower your monthly payment and free up some extra money for yourself. But what does it mean to refinance student loans, and what are the benefits of refinancing? In this post, we explore the facts of: what does it mean to refinance student loans, should i refinance my student loans, best student loan refinance, student loan refinance rates and earnest student loan refinance.

Refinancing your student loans means taking out a new loan with a different lender and using the money you borrowed to pay off the original loan. You’ll have one less loan with its own terms, payments, and interest rates—and possibly even a lower interest rate overall! Read on to learn more about what does it mean to refinance student loans, should i refinance my student loans, best student loan refinance, student loan refinance rates and earnest student loan refinance.
There are several reasons why people choose to refinance their student loans. One reason might be because they want to consolidate multiple loans into one single loan that has a lower interest rate than the original ones did. Another reason could be because they want to take advantage of an opportunity like a low interest rate or special deal offered by their current lender but don’t want to give up their current plan (like one that doesn’t require making monthly payments).
The first step in refinancing is applying for a new loan with another company (or companies). You’ll need proof of income and credit history before being approved for the new loan, but once you are eligible it’s easy!
what does it mean to refinance student loans
We begin with: what does it mean to refinance student loans, should i refinance my student loans, best student loan refinance, student loan refinance rates and earnest student loan refinance.
Refinancing student loans is a way to consolidate all or some of your student loans into one new loan, often at a lower interest rate.
Refinancing can help you pay less over time by lowering your monthly payment.
Refinancing can also extend your repayment term and lower your monthly payment by making it more affordable for you to pay off the full balance of your loan in a shorter amount of time.
should i refinance my student loans
Now we consider should i refinance my student loans, best student loan refinance, student loan refinance rates and earnest student loan refinance.
Should I refinance my student loans?
Refinancing your student loans is a great option if you find a lower interest rate and you want to merge some or all of your payments into one. But while refinancing is a good idea in many cases, it’s not best for everyone—especially those who need to take advantage of the federal protections available with government-sponsored student loans.
If you have private loans and are considering refinancing them with a government-issued loan, make sure to compare rates carefully before making a decision. Refinancing a private loan into one backed by the government can help you save money on interest payments and get out of debt sooner. But beware: if your credit score isn’t high enough or if you don’t qualify for the loan, refinancing can increase the debt burden on your shoulders instead of reducing it.
best student loan refinance
More details coming up on best student loan refinance, student loan refinance rates and earnest student loan refinance.
The Best Student Loan Refinance Companies
When you’re looking for a student loan refinance company, you want to find one that has your best interests in mind. That’s why we’ve done all the research for you! Here are our top picks for the best student loan refinance companies:
- Credible – Best Student Loan Marketplace
Credible is a marketplace for student loans that helps borrowers get competitive rates and fees. They offer more than 200 lenders, including banks and credit unions, who compete for your business based on your specific needs and qualifications.
- Splash Financial – Most Affordable Loan Payment Options for Medical Students
Splash Financial is an online bank that specializes in helping medical students get affordable options when it comes to paying off their loans after graduation. They offer flexible terms and low interest rates on repayment plans that are customized to fit your situation (including an income-based repayment plan).
- PenFed – Best Credit Union
PenFed offers a wide range of financial services—including student loans—to members of the military community or anyone eligible for membership through one of its affiliate associations (like Ameriprise Financial). Their rates and fees are competitive with other credit unions, but they also offer extra benefits such as no origination fees or prepay.
student loan refinance rates
The interest rate on federal student loans is determined based on the financial situation of the borrower, which includes their creditworthiness, income and debt load.
The interest rates for federal loans are set by Congress and vary depending on the type of loan and the borrower’s level of education. For example, undergraduate students currently have an interest rate of 3.73 percent, while graduate students have interest rates of 5.28 percent or 6.28 percent for unsubsidized loans or PLUS loans, respectively.

earnest student loan refinance
When you’re looking for a student loan refinance, it’s important to know that your lender is trustworthy and reliable. Earnest is accredited and has an A rating with the Better Business Bureau. It also has an excellent rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars with Trustpilot, based on more than 4,600 reviews. In 2020, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau received 13 student loan complaints about Earnest.
Earnest is a great option if you’re looking for a student loan refinance because we’re committed to making sure that every borrower gets the best rates possible. Our team of experts will work with each customer personally to ensure that they get exactly what they need for their unique situation, whether it’s a lower interest rate or a longer repayment period.