
When you get ready for college you need to bear in mind certain factors, such as tuition fees, accommodation cost, university ranking, university acceptance rate, etc. Suppose you’re planning to attend george mason law school, how well do you know about its acceptance rate?

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george mason law school ranking

#11 in Student to Faculty Ratio

Scalia Law is tied for #11 in terms of lowest student to faculty ratio (4.6:1).

#21 in Median Undergraduate GPA

Scalia Law ranks #21 in terms of highest median undergraduate GPA (3.76) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.

#22 in Acceptance Rate

Scalia Law ranks #22 in terms of student selectivity with an acceptance rate of 25.9% among those who applied for admission.

#29 in Median LSAT

Scalia Law is tied for #29 in terms of the median LSAT score (163) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students. The LSAT measures reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning.

#33 in Private Sector Salary

Scalia Law is tied for #33 in terms of the median starting salary among graduates working in private practice as law firm associates ($106,000).

#34 in Public Sector Salary

Scalia Law is tied for #34 in terms of median starting salary among graduates working in government jobs or judicial clerkships at the federal or state level ($60,000).

#63 in Presence of Minority Faculty

Scalia Law ranks #63 in terms of the highest percentage of faculty who are racial or ethnic minority (15.1%).

#74 in Employment Rate at Graduation

#92 in Employment Rate at 10 Months
Scalia Law ranks #74 in terms of graduates employed at the time of graduation (52.0%) and #92 in terms of graduates employed ten months after graduation (77.6%).

#86 in Bar Passage Rate

Scalia Law ranks #86 in terms of bar passage rate among first-time test takers (81.5%), and it outperforms by +6.0% the state of Virginiaโ€™s overall bar passage rate of 75.5%. (A national comparison on this metric should be taken in a qualified sense and with caution, because every state has a different bar passage rate.)

#135 in Highest Tuition (out-of-state)

#230 in Highest Tuition (in-state)
Scalia Law ranks #135 in terms of highest tuition among full-time law students for its out-of state tuition of $40,740, and it ranks #230 in terms of highest tuition among full-time law students for its in-state tuition of $25,354. We rank from a total of 283 tuition rates from 194 law schools, ranking twice those law schools that have different in-state and out-of-state tuition rates. Room and board expenses average $18,730 per year.

#139 in Presence of Minority Students

Scalia Law ranks #139 in terms of the highest percentage of students who are racial or ethnic minority (25.2%).

#143 in Library Size

Scalia Law ranks #143 in terms of library size with 300,137 volumes or equivalents.

#178 in Presence of Female Faculty

Scalia Law is tied for #178 in terms of the highest percentage of faculty who are female (30.2%).

Read on to get the latest information on george mason law school acceptance rate, george mason university law school ranking, george mason law school application deadline, george mason law school admissions, george mason law class profile, and george mason law school lsat score.

george mason law school acceptance rate

This report was released in spring 2019.


References to the lowest, median, and highest GPA and LSAT scores reflect those of the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile, respectively, among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students in fall 2018.

Acceptance Rates

The acceptance rate is that of applicants granted admission as full-time students for classes commencing in fall 2018. The acceptance rate of the applicants does not reflect actual enrollment rates, a subset figure.

Student-to-Faculty Ratios

The student-to-faculty ratio shows the number of students for that class per faculty member. This ratio reflects the applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students in fall 2018.

Fall 2020 Application Information
Application Deadline:April 1
Application Fee:$0
Admissions Statistics20202017
Acceptance Rate25.9%34.9%
LSAT Score (Median)163159
LSAT Score (25th-75th percentile)157-164156-162
GPA (Median)3.763.42
GPA Range (25th-75th percentile)3.45-3.883.15-3.68
Bar Exam Statistics20202017
State in which most graduates took bar exam:VAVA
School’s bar passage rate:81.5%72.4%
State overall bar passage rate:75.5%72.3%
School bar pass rate vs. state bar pass rate:+6.0%+0.1%
Employment Statistics20202017
Graduates employed at graduation:52.0%56.0%
Graduates employed 10 months after graduation:77.6%79.9%
Tuition and Expenses20202017
Tuition (In-State):$25,354N/A
Tuition (Out-of-State):$40,740N/A
Room and Board:$18,730$16,928
Proportion of full-time students receiving grants:85.5%61.4%
Median grant amount among full-time students:$28,106$10,000
Average indebtedness of those who incurred debt:$98,996$121,910
Proportion of graduates who incurred debt:70.8%75.7%

george mason law school admissions

General Information

The admissions process at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School is very competitive and highly selective due to the volume of applications and the limited number of seats in the entering class. Members of the Admissions Committee review and consider each application for admission in its entirety. Two of the primary factors considered in the admissions process are performance on a standardized test, either the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) or the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), and undergraduate grade point average.

Other factors that are considered include difficulty of undergraduate major, undergraduate institution, possession of advanced degrees, writing ability (as indicated in the personal statement and Mason statement), recommendations, extracurricular activities, employment experience, demonstrated commitment to public and community service, leadership skills, history of overcoming personal or professional challenges and other academic, personal and professional achievements.

The criteria for admission to Flex JD, the part-time, evening program are the same as for admission to the full-time, day program. Non-Virginia resident applicants receive the same consideration for admission as applicants who are residents of Virginia.

First-year students are admitted only in the fall semester and are not admitted in the spring semester or summer term.


To be eligible to matriculate, an applicant must have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. All applicants must take the LSAT or the GRE.

Application Procedure for JD Applicants

Applicants for regular admission may begin submitting applications on September 1. Admissions decisions are made on a rolling basis.

The priority application deadline is March 1.

The regular decision application deadline has been extended to June 30.

Applications are not evaluated until all required documents have been received. For guaranteed consideration, all application materials (items 1 through 7, and 8 if applicable) should be received by Scalia Law on or before the application deadline. The following are the required application materials:

1. Application

All applicants must apply electronically through the Law School Admission Counsel (LSAC). Applicants who have previously applied to the Law School must submit a new, complete application package and must maintain a current registration with LSAC Credential Assembly Service (CAS).

Scalia Law has waived the application fee for all first-year JD applicants.

2. CAS Report with LSAT/GRE

Applicants must register with the LSAC CAS to ensure that Scalia Law receives a current Law School Report furnished by LSAC. Applicants may contact LSAC directly at 215-968-1001 or through the LSAC Website.

Applicants will need to use the CAS Recipient Code for Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University. The Code is 5827.

The CAS Report must reflect (a) all work done at undergraduate institutions, signifying that a baccalaureate degree has been or will be awarded before the start of the academic year for which admission is being sought and (b) if the applicant is applying with the LSAT, the CAS report must reflect the results of at least one LSAT taken within 5 years prior to the date of application submission.

The applicant has sole responsibility for meeting all LSACโ€™s requirements. Failure to register properly, maintain registration throughout the admissions process, or provide transcripts and other related materials to LSAC can delay or prevent release of a report to a law school. Scalia Law is not responsible for incomplete or missing reports and will not contact applicants about incomplete or missing reports.

TRANSCRIPTS within the CAS Report

All applicants must submit transcripts to LSAC from any post-secondary education they have attended since leaving high school. Applicants may apply during their final year of undergraduate study, in which case acceptance is contingent upon the applicantโ€™s being awarded a baccalaureate degree prior to matriculation at the law school (unless the student is participating in a 3+3 program).

If an applicant has completed post-secondary study outside of the U.S., the applicant must use the Credential Assembly Service for international transcript evaluation.


All applicants must take either the LSAT or GRE. Applicants with both LSAT and GRE scores should submit LSAT scores only; in such cases, GRE scores will not be considered.


To be considered for our priority deadline of March 1, an application must be complete by March 1. The latest LSAT accepted for our priority deadline is the January administration. For applicants who are applying under our regular deadline of April 30, the latest LSAT accepted is the April administration.


In order to have a complete application by our March 1 priority deadline, an applicant must take the GRE prior to February 8. For applicants who are applying under our regular deadline of April 30, the applicant must take the GRE prior to March 7. Applicants who take the GRE instead of the LSAT must have the Educational Testing Service (ETS) send Scalia Law the GRE score. The ETS school code for Scalia Law is 2737. All applicants who apply with the GRE must subscribe and utilize the LSAC Credential Assembly Service (CAS).

4. Personal Statement

The application requires submission of a personal statement not to exceed two pages, double-spaced. This is the opportunity for the applicant to provide the Admissions Committee with insights into himself/herself as an individual, over and above what is reflected in the other parts of the application. The thoughts and words of the personal statement must be uniquely those of the applicant. Apart from basic proofreading, no others may assist in the creation of the personal statement.

The applicant must submit the personal statement as an electronic document uploaded to the electronic application. Applicants should include their names at the top of the personal statement.

5. One Letter of Recommendation

Applicants must submit one letter of recommendation. Scalia Law requires that applicants use the LSAC CAS Letter of Recommendation Service and follow the CAS procedures.

6. Resumรฉ

Applicants must include an up-to-date resumรฉ. There are no format or content requirements, however, it should be a professional resumรฉ. Scalia Law does not have a page limit for the resumรฉ and so applicants should use their best judgement to decide the proper length.

7. Mason Statement

The application requires submission of an additional statement not to exceed two pages, double-spaced, that discusses the applicant’s particular interest in Scalia Law.

8. Application for In-state Tuition (required only for applicants who believe they qualify for in-state tuition rates)

Applicants who believe they qualify for in-state tuition rates must complete and include the Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Rates . This form (and supplemental documentation) is submitted online with your application. See Section 23-7.4, Code of Virginia, and Mason’s Office of the University Registrar Domicile Appeals page regarding eligibility.

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