
Do you have some questions about the UVA Masters In Commerce Acceptance Rate?

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UVA McIntire School Of Commerce | Poets&Quants

UVA M S. Commerce Requirement and Eligibility

Uva seek well-rounded individuals who have a passion for their chosen field of study. We look for evidence of strong academic ability and qualities of character, such as motivation, maturity, tenacity, integrity, ability to work with others, self-reliance, and leadership. We strive to achieve a class environment with a diversity of perspectives and life experiences.


Applicants must earn an undergraduate degree in liberal arts, science, or engineering from a regionally accredited college or university and have a strong record of academic achievement. To be eligible, you must have graduated or will be graduating within 18 months of matriculation. If you have an undergraduate major in business or equivalent coursework, you are not eligible to apply and should refer to our M.S. in Global Commerce.

Applicants complete the follow prerequisite courses prior to matriculation:

Introduction to Financial Accounting

Students should understand the basic framework of accounting, including underlying accounting concepts and constraints, that helps them in the preparation of financial records, financial statements, and analysis of the major financial statements.

Introduction to Microeconomics

Students should have gained an understanding of consumer and producer behavior, the nature of supply and demand, the different kinds of markets and how they function, welfare outcomes of consumers and producers, and the forces determining income distribution.

Introduction to Statistics

Students should understand the basic framework of probability and statistical theory, including displaying and describing data, relationships in data, design of experiments, causation, random sampling, probability, statistical inference, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, and regression and correlation.

Poets&Quants | University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce: MS in  Global Commerce

UVA Masters In Commerce Acceptance Rate

Applicants must earn an undergraduate business or economics degree (business administration, economics, finance, marketing, management, supply chain management, etc.) from a regionally accredited college or university and an AACSB- or EQUIS-accredited business school and have completed three prerequisite courses: “Introduction to Financial Accounting,” “Microeconomics,” and “Finance.” Applicants cannot have more than two years of work experience, or must have graduated within 26 months before matriculation in August 2020. Full-time work experience is not a requirement. Proficiency in English is required. 

The one-year master’s program begins in August and concludes at the end of June. The admissions committee seeks well-rounded individuals who bring exceptional intellectual capabilities, proven academic preparation, and a passion for their chosen field of study. The committee looks for evidence of strong academic ability and qualities of character, such as motivation, maturity, tenacity, integrity, ability to work with others, self-reliance, and leadership. We strive to achieve a class environment with diversity of perspectives and life experiences.

Uva m s in Commerce Tuition

Graduate school is an investment in your future and we understand the process of funding your education can often be challenging. There are several options to help pay for graduate school, including departmental scholarship, student loans, and working as a graduate student.

Tuition and Fees

The following proposed breakdown for the 2021-2022 academic year* is offered as a general guide for planning purposes only, and is based on University-approved allowances for living expenses incurred during the academic year. The University of Virginia’s budget for tuition and living expenses for the 2022-2023 academic year is set by the Board of Visitors in February 2022.

Cost of AttendanceIn-StateOut-of-State & International
Global Immersion Fee$4,767$4,767
University Fee$3,172$3,854
Commerce Activity Fee$100$100
Student Activity Fee$50$50
Books and Supplies$2,500$2,500
Living Expenses$18,430**$18,430**
Travel (airfare, visa fees, etc.) $1,500 – $2,000***$1,500 – $2,000***

*Pending approval by the Board of Visitors.

 โ€‹**Estimated for the 2021-2022 academic year and subject to change. Rent and utility figures are calculated for a single student sharing a two-bedroom apartment. This budget does not include allowances for car payments, undergraduate debt, or consumer and other types of personal debt. The typical living costs budget is expected to increase by approximately 3% for 2022-2023. Estimated cost if insurance is purchased through the University of Virginia. Students may be covered under a parentโ€™s policy or a personal policy. If this coverage meets minimum requirements, then the UVA policy may be waived.

In addition to the Global Immersion Fee, students are expected to cover the cost of round trip airfare to and from the chosen destination, as well as the cost of obtaining any required travel visas.

uva ms in commerce reddit

Introduction โ€“ With the current job market, many students are undoubtedly looking to further their education and may consider the MS in Commerce program. I found it hard to find any up-to-date reviews on this program (since it has changed a lot recently) from recent students outside of the MSC brand ambassadors. Since the MSC brand ambassadors are paid to advertise the program, I felt it was necessary to provide an unpaid perspective. I donโ€™t want anyone else to make the same costly mistake that I did without at least knowing what they are getting into. Many students in this program did not seem to consider other options and Masterโ€™s programs and I hope this review will push people to deeply consider other options.

Career Services / Employability โ€“ Students primarily enroll in this program to better their employment outcomes; however, this notion is very misguided. Make no mistake, the undergrad McIntire students are more heavily sought after than the MSCโ€™s students.

Students who enroll in the BA track will gain better employment prospects as they are not bombarded with as much work as the Finance students but still add very useful, scarce and in-demand skills to their resume. This track also provides a high GPA which helps its students recruit. They have the easiest time recruiting.

The Finance track does give its students some useful knowledge for recruiting for finance jobs but the workload makes recruiting a nightmare. This track has by far the lowest GPAโ€™s despite being the hardest to get into because its courses are much harder than the other tracks. Despite giving its students useful knowledge in the Spring, most finance jobs are done recruiting in the Fall making it difficult to find any oppโ€™s once students can actually answer technical interview questions. Students often enter this track to get a job in Investment Banking, which the program encourages but hardly any students get an IB job. Due to accelerated recruiting timelines in IB there are already very limited opportunities. It only really makes sense to do this track and recruit IB, if you have connections, an already impressive resume or are a diverse student. Basically, those that could have gotten a job in IB earlier but were just late to the game. This program really is not going to turn you into an IB candidate. Overall, due to the lowest GPAโ€™s and the most difficult workload, this track has a difficult time recruiting and most just take jobs they probably could have gotten with their undergraduate degree.

The M&M track provides the easiest workload allowing its students ample time to recruit but does not really add any important in-demand technical skills to their resumes. Management roles typically go to candidates with more experience and marketing roles often require the technical skills that BA provides. These students seem to have the hardest time recruiting.

Commerce career services is helpful when it comes to the basic levels of recruiting but really cannot provide you with good answers to deeper questions. Overall, only the BA track really adds enough value to your resume to justify the tuition and time investments. The majority of the people who enroll in this program take jobs they could have gotten without spending 60k.

Honor Code – This programโ€™s treatment of the honor code is repugnant and morally bankrupt. Cheaters are actively rewarded in this program. In the Fall of 2019, there was an honor scandal in GCOM7020 where 20+ students were caught cheating. I am happy to make a more in-depth post about this scandal if needed. In short, the treatment of this honor scandal in the Fall showcases how McIntire does not respect the honor code or its students at all. Professor Roberts curved all of the cheaters to Cโ€™s but none of the students who did not violate the circle of trust were afforded the luxury of a curve. Leaving those who violate the honor code with nothing more than a C in a 1.5 credit class when the Honor Code says those who IR must leave Grounds for 2 semesters is a slap in the face to honorable students. 2 international students were forced to leave the program for a year and consequently deported while 20+ others just got Cโ€™s in the class. How these punishments differed so widely and why these students did not receive the punishment you are supposed to for an IR is still a mystery. As proof, anyone reading this can find the noticeable chunk of Cโ€™s (22 in total) in the graphs for GCOM7020โ€™s grade distribution on Vagrades.com. Another professor even made students put their backpacks at the front of the room for an exam. In summary, this is not a program that fosters an honorable and trustworthy environment.

Track, Section & Elective Splits – Unequal is the rule. First, the program asserts that workload and grading is consistent across tracks. It is incredibly clear that the Finance track has much harder classes in both aspects than the other 2 tracks. Second, the program says there is no grade differentials between Section 1 and 2 or between tracks (which contradicts the grade data UVA itself releases). Section 2 gets extra time on all assignments, they do not have to wake up at 7am for 5 days a week, and their GPAโ€™s are higher. To clarify, each professor usually teaches the same class twice in a row where Section 1 has class first and Section 2 has class second. Students should at least have the option to preference one section or the other but they do not. Third, the program asserts that there is no difference in workloads or grading between electives. The workload and grade differences in electives are very stark. Search โ€œGCOMโ€ in VAgrades and all of this is clear.

Organization/ Scheduling โ€“ Those enrolling should understand that the schedule is inconsistent, spread out and features many useless (questionably mandatory) events. The schedule changes on a weekly basis making it extremely difficult to keep track of. Your classes will also not be in a row meaning you will spend most of your day, specifically in the Fall, at the Commerce School. It is possible that some Section 1 students will have classes intermittently from 8am-6:15pm. Keep in mind recruiting events usually go from 6pm-10pm so those choosing to recruit in the Fall should expect to spend many days on Grounds from 8am-10pm. There are also many mandatory events and speakers that the program includes making the schedule that much more hectic.

Groups โ€“ Students are given one group for all of their group projects in every class in the Fall and another group for the Spring. This means your entire semester grades are dependent on what group you are chosen to be with. How groups are chosen seems to be almost random. Since there are so many group projects and no time to take extra work on your own, if your group does not care about an assignment you will not do well. If you enroll in the program, realize that a lot of your grades are just out of your hands and dependent on what group you are chosen to be with. Itโ€™s not like undergrad where the majority of your grades are individual.

Content โ€“ Overall, the content of this program is lacking. The group work and presentation aspects do add to students resumes, especially the strategy consulting project with real client experience. Despite this, the program is poorly positioned in regards to preparing students for the business world due to its lacking content offering and poor teachers. The program features no Excel class, standard group presentation or PowerPoint guidelines which are all incredibly important in the business world. There are many business and soft skills that I thought I would learn but I never did.

Teachers โ€“ One of the biggest misconceptions I see with incoming students besides employment expectations is expectations about the teachers. Overall, the professors in this program are dreadful with some notable exceptions like Maillet and Koch. Most of the other professors I had in this program range from average to laughably terrible. Notably the professors seem to have no plan, do not listen to students and do not care about them.

Grading & Participation – The grading policies in this program do not reward hard work or learning, especially with regards to participation. Outside of a select few classes, professors do not take any notes on participation yet almost every teacher has a participation component. Keep in mind, participation can carry up to 25% of your grade in some classes. For example, Professor Roberts stated at the beginning of our class that just speaking on the one day you were assigned to was enough for an A in participation. Then, when she doled out participation grades hardly anyone did well and there was a huge rush of students to her office reminding her of what she said. She emphatically denied ever saying that yet dozens of students were certain that she did. This is just one of many examples where students received basically random participation grades and it was extremely obvious that they were chosen out of a hat because students can see most professors do not take notes on participation. In addition, student participation does not really help anyoneโ€™s learning as most students are just trying to spit something out so they get a participation grade.

The grading processes in general do not accurately reflect what a student has learned. For example, Professor Grazioli grades his class entirely on a ranking so no matter how well a student does in the class (since basically everyone gets a 100 in homework) their grade comes almost entirely down to a luck-based tournament. Other teachers implement incredibly opaque grading processes that donโ€™t allow students to know where they are in the class.

The schoolโ€™s late grading policy is also overly punishing. Any late component costs 10 points on the grade of the entire assignment. If a student turns in their cost accounting peer evals 2 minutes late, it costs their entire project 10 points even though the evals are only worth 10 percent. These are just a few examples of the atrocious grading policies of the program. If you are someone concerned with your GPA these grading policies along with the group grading aspect are huge reasons not to choose this program.

Workload โ€“ This program constantly causes needless stress with poor organization and needless tasks. The workload is unbearable at times and extremely poorly planned. There seems to be no coordination about assignment due dates as the program often puts mandatory presentations during large recruiting events/ popular interview weeks or puts multiple exams/projects due at the same time/day. For instance, in a 48 hour period some students had 4 finals during second semester. It was very common to have 3+ major assignments due on the same day. The program needs to be better organized so students who need to dedicate time to job searching (which is the reason they are in the program) can do so. In addition, oftentimes, it feels teachers assign work just to assign work and it doesnโ€™t really help anyone learn. Assignments mostly do not coincide with class times so it is imperative to be very organized. For those in the BA & MM tracks the workload in the Spring is more manageable but for Finance students the Spring semester is somehow worse than the Fall.

Communication โ€“ The program constantly insults the intelligence of the students by lying to them about the issues in the previous paragraphs. In addition, the program often keeps students in the dark and sends out cryptic and condescending emails (the Director loves to do this).

TL;DR – Truthfully, it would be impossible to enumerate every deficiency of this program here but I tried to include all of the biggest reasons a student may want to choose another program. The issues I have raised here are issues I have heard from many other students in the program. Overall, the employability and preparation gained by this program is not worth the stress, time and money it demands from its students. I would only recommend this program to students who were already employable but did not spend the time recruiting that they needed to during their last year of undergrad. I would only recommend the BA track to those that fall outside of this category if they truly had no other options.

ms in commerce vs mba

When deciding between an MBA or a business M.S., consider your career goals, experts suggest.

It’s possible to advance to corporate leadership roles as either a specialist within a particular branch of business, such as marketing, or as a generalist with an interest in every aspect of running a company.

Anyone who wants to attend graduate business school in order to increase their marketability for high-level management positions should consider what type of business degree is the best fit, B-school alumni say. Individuals seeking business education at the master’s level should know that there are important distinctions between M.S. and MBA programs, according to business master’s degree recipients.

Because an M.S., or Master of Science degree, concentrating on a domain of business sets the stage for a career spent within that discipline, it’s important for prospective business students to consider whether they care about a single topic enough to concentrate on it for many years, according to B-school grads.

“An M.S. in some ways kind of pigeonholes you into a certain area, and granted, you can do that across many industries, but you’re really kind of deciding that that’s what you want to do,” explains MBA degree recipient Charles Catania III, chief communications officer for Modulus Global, a financial technology company.

Alexa Brachvogel, who has an MBA and founded California-based digital marketing company Blรผm Agency, notes that there are pros and cons to both MBA and M.S. degrees.

“With specialized masterโ€™s degrees, you get the benefit of a defined career path, but itโ€™s a double-edged sword,” she says. “The specialization also means that you may have less flexibility to pursue career paths unrelated to your specific field of study.”

An application trends survey released by the Graduate Management Admission Council in November 2020 reveals that the number of applications to non-MBA business master’s programs increased by 14.3% that year compared with the prior year, while MBA applications decreased by 0.2% during that time period.

How to Decide Between an MBA and a Business M.S. Degree

Someone who is keenly interested in a particular part of the business world like analytics or finance and who has an obvious talent in that area may prefer a specialized master’s degree that delves into the intricacies of that field, according to leaders of B-schools that offer both M.S. degrees and MBAs. In contrast, a person with a more eclectic mindset may want an MBA that includes a variety of business courses.

“Making the decision between breadth and intense focus is not an easy one,” Jeffrey Buck, dean and vice president of Purdue University Global’s School of Business and Information Technology, wrote in an email.

MBA Vs Mcom - which is Better Career option to Pursue

“When considering this decision, I would always recommend that individuals ponder their career ambitions and factor in the industry they are considering. My best advice is to investigate positions within the desired industry and consider the requirements that are listed in job postings, and also look at the credentials of individuals who hold positions which the student aspires.”

Buck notes that norms surrounding how much work experience is expected at MBA programs have changed in recent years, with a rising number of MBA options for early-career students. “Today there are a number of MBA programs designed to serve individuals with no or limited work experience. These programs support the student through internships and experiential learning opportunities built into the curriculum.”

MBA programs include classes about various business functions ranging from operations to strategy, and the MBA curriculum provides an overview of how all the pieces of a company fit together. Though MBA students may elect to concentrate on an academic discipline, students who choose this route do not generally take as many classes within that area as they would if they had enrolled in an M.S. program that focused entirely on that field.

“While many MBAs do offer the ability to specialize, the number of courses one can take in any given concentration in a two-year MBA program is never equivalent to that of a specialized masterโ€™s degree in that same subject,” Esmeralda Cardenal, an MBA and graduate admissions consultant at the Accepted admissions consulting firm, wrote in an email.

John Crossman, CEO of Crossman Career Builders โ€“ an organization that helps young people advance professionally โ€“ and the owner and president of the CrossMarc Services real estate firm, suggests that an MBA is especially appropriate for future entrepreneurs and aspiring chief executives. He notes that a specialized master’s program can be valuable if it helps someone get deep insight into a particular industry, like real estate, and provides a significant number of professional contacts within that sector.

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