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You have your bachelor’s degree, and you’re well into your career. But something isn’t quite right. It might be a matter of salary, advancement, opportunity, or confidenceโ€”or even just a feeling that you’re not really fulfilled in your work. Regardless, something has to change. One strategic way to change it is by getting a second bachelor’s degree. Today, more work-experienced adults with a degree are returning to school for a subsequent degreeโ€”a degree that may be related, tangential, or even completely unrelated to their first. Maybe you’ve thought about a second bachelor’s degree, but you’re on the fence. Will it be worth it to you? How might it change your career path? Should you go for a master’s instead? There are many questions. It may help for you to start by considering these 5 common reasons why others like you are returning to school.if i already have a bachelor’s degree how do i get another one

Getting a Masters Degree after a Bachelors in Another Field

Do you consider getting a Masters degree in a different field than your Bachelors? It is easier than you might think. 24 APRIL 2017  Kathy Hawes

Getting a Masters Degree after a Bachelors in Another Field

If you find yourself considering a career change after you get your Bachelors degree, do not worry. Getting a Masters degree in a different field than your Bachelors is not as difficult as you might think. Many institutions make this process as easy as possible while still maintaining high enrollment standards. Embracing your change of heart may be the key to a longer, more fulfilling career for you.

Changing your mind

Most college-aged students are still trying to decide on their ideal career when they begin their undergraduate education. One may settle on a major and degree path early on, but students mature in their ideals and goals, and what once was right for someone may not be right a few years later. This is perfectly natural in life, although some feel chained to a chosen career forever. This doesnโ€™t have to be the case at all. Nearly all Masters programmes accept applicants with degrees from different fields as long as the degrees were conveyed by an accredited school, and even then, it is up to the school admission policies.

Check with the schools

Now that you know it is possible to get that Masters degree in a different area of study, your very first step needs to be to check the admissions requirements at the school(s) you are considering. Most university websites have this essential information in a checklist format for you, but, if not, reach out to the school personally. There are always admissions counsellors who can advise you on your qualifications and suggest the best path for you.

Minimum requirements for getting a Masters degree

Surprisingly, the focus of your Bachelors degree is rarely of concern to a school or universityโ€™s admissions office. What may be the most important โ€“ keeping in mind that schools differ in their priorities and prerequisites for admission โ€“ is to show you have a Bachelors degree in any field, relevant professional experience and typically a GRE or other similar test score. All things being equal, an admissions officer may give preference to an applicant with a demonstrated interest in a particular field of study, but that certainly is not the case every time.

Check out: When is the Right Time for Masters Degree Studies?

Standardised tests

If the school(s) you are considering require a standardised test for admission, the most common one accepted is the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). This is a general-knowledge course that gauges your overall preparedness when it comes to post-graduate study.

Some schools require a more specialised standardised test if the programme concentration is in a specific field. For example, many B-schools or MBA programmes require its students to submit their score from their Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), just like programmes in medicine may require the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) and a law school may require the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).

It is possible that the school you wish to attend does not require any standardised test for admission. That is the case with the Business School Lausanne (Switzerland) MBA programme, which does not require the GRE or the GMAT, but does require professional experience.

Professional experience

In lieu of, or in addition to, a Bachelors degree in a field closely related to the Masters degree you seek, some schools and universities require a minimum level of professional experience. That experience typically must be relevant to the degree programme, so a Masters degree in management would likely require either a Bachelors degree in a management field or a few years of professional management experience. Some may require both. Again, check with the individual schools for their prerequisites.

International students

At a minimum, international students from countries for which English is not the native language will have to prove their fluency in the English language. This can be done with a few different standardized tests, such as the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), for which universities offering Masters programmes typically require a minimum score for admission.

Minimum scores and accepted tests may vary from school to school, but the English fluency prerequisite is not likely to be excluded from admission requirements. In fact, the GISMA Business Schoolโ€™s (Germany) Masters in International Business programme requires neither a GRE or GMAT score nor professional experience, but it does require a minimum score from the TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Proficiency Exam or the Pearson Test of English.

Preparing for your Masters programme

Even though it is not required, it may be advisable for you to brush up on some of the skills your peers would have already learned as part of their undergraduate programme in your newly chosen field. A practice GRE test will reveal not only whether your score beats the minimum that some schools require for admission, but it will also reveal those areas of general academic knowledge in which you may be lacking.

Check out: Choosing the Right Masters Programme (articles, videos, interviews, podcast)

If you score well on the practice test, chances are you donโ€™t need any preparatory classes before you begin your Masters programme. If, however, you find an area in which you are weak, there are many preparatory classes, online or at a college, that will help bring your skills up to par with other Masters students. Once you fall behind in a fast-paced, professional degree programme, it can be difficult to catch up. Ultimately, however, you are the best judge of whether or not you are adequately prepared.

In some cases, the school or university will assist you with the transition to a Masters programme in a field other than the one related to your Bachelors degree. For example, the University of Wollongong (Dubai) offers a Graduate Foundation Course (GFC) to assist students seeking a Masters degree programme in business, but who did not receive a Bachelors degree in a business field.

Increase your odds with application enhancements

If you are worried about being accepted into the school you want because your Bachelors degree is in an unrelated field, put some extra time and consideration into developing your admissions packet. Most schools want to see some sort of statement of personal interest, letters of recommendation or similar documentation in addition to proof of a Bachelors degree. Make those the best they can be, and improve your odds of acceptance.

Everyoneโ€™s situation is unique. You may be suffering from burnout and you want a fresh start with a new career, or you may have just gotten your Bachelors and you are having a change of heart. No matter what your circumstance, the school you want to attend will have staff on hand โ€“ career or education advisers โ€“ who can answer your questions and advise you on the best way to propel you forward towards your dream career.

If youโ€™ve previously completed a bachelorโ€™s degree and are considering going back to school, you have many educational options available to you. One of these options is to return to school for a second bachelorโ€™s degree โ€“ a choice that can help you embark on a new career path or broaden your skills and knowledge.

This chapter will focus on the reasons why you may consider returning to school for a second bachelorโ€™s degree, and discuss the potential prerequisites and requirements as well as the financial aid options available to you.

adult student working on laptop

Choosing Between a Second Bachelorโ€™s Degree or Pursuing a Masterโ€™s

Before deciding on getting a second bachelorโ€™s degree, speak with an academic counselor. They are in the best position to advise you on your choices. You need to discuss your career goals with an academic counselor to receive advice on the academic and professional implications of each of your options.

When considering going back to school, itโ€™s likely that your first priority would be to choose an educational option that enables you to gain an additional qualification that has the biggest potential impact on your future career prospects. This is where the academic implications of your options may come into play, with transferring credits from your first degree enabling you to reduce the time it takes to get your second degree.

This section will discuss why earning a second bachelorโ€™s degree is a great choice for students looking to go back to school for further education, as well as go over the situations where a masterโ€™s degree may be a valuable alternative.

Situations Where a Second Bachelorโ€™s Degree May Be the Right Choice

Although each individualโ€™s case is different, getting a second bachelorโ€™s degree is often a great option for those looking to pursue further post-secondary education. Consider the following situations:

  • You are unhappy in the career that you have chosen and want to move into a completely different field. In many cases, because the curricula are so different, you may not be given any credits from your first degree. This may disqualify you from eligibility for a masterโ€™s degree in your new field, and your only option would be to enroll for a second bachelorโ€™s degree.

Have you been thinking about making the switch to a job thatโ€™s more fulfilling? Check out the programs that are available to you, and see how they can help you discover your new career path.Get Program Details

  • You want to progress in your current industry, but getting a masterโ€™s degree may make you too specialized and limit your career prospects. A second bachelorโ€™s degree that compliments your first degree may make more sense if you are looking to broaden your education and increase your prospects for career advancement.
  • Your current field may have evolved to the point where a second degree may be required to bring you up to speed with advancements in technology. As an older graduate, you may find yourself falling behind younger degreed employees and being overlooked for career advancement.

When a Masterโ€™s Degree May be the Right Option For You

Youโ€™ve learned why a second bachelorโ€™s degree may benefit your career advancement. Now, letโ€™s talk about why you may choose to pursue a masterโ€™s degree instead.

  • You work in a field that demands specialization. If you work in a field like nursing or computer science, you may find that in order to progress in your career, you need specific, specialized skills. Masterโ€™s degree programs help you to zero in on a specific specialization within your chosen industry.
  • You want to enter the C-suite. Earning a masterโ€™s degree in a business-related field can help you to develop the leadership and management skills required to move into a senior-level position.

Additionally, research has shown that students with a masterโ€™s degree earn around $20,000 more per year than those with only a bachelorโ€™s degree.

Receiving Financial Aid for a Second Bachelorโ€™s Degree

Although the financial aid options available to students pursuing a second bachelorโ€™s degree are more limited, there is still ample opportunity for you to apply for assistance.

Federal Student Loans

Under the Stafford loan program, you may apply for a student loan for a second bachelorโ€™s degree. The lifetime loan limit, however, is capped at $57,000 for undergraduate studies, so be sure to check how much of this loan limit you may have spent on your first bachelorโ€™s degree.

Federal Grants

By law, any federal grant cannot be applied toward a second bachelorโ€™s degree. This makes you ineligible for the Pell Grant, the Cal Grant, and the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG).

Private Scholarships.

If the available funds under the federal student loan program are insufficient to pursue your second bachelorโ€™s education, you are still eligible to apply for private scholarships.

Getting a Second Bachelorโ€™s Degree: Prerequisites and Credits

There is no hard and fast set of rules when it comes to prerequisites for enrollment or the eligibility of transfer of credits when applying to study for a second degree. The rules vary from institution to institution, and you should discuss these details with an advisor at the college or university where you intend to study.

The following points regarding the transfer of credits are relevant:

  • Transferring credits within the same state educational system can be fairly simple.
  • Many institutions impose a limit on the amount of time that has elapsed between the completion of the first degree and enrollment for the second for credit transfer eligibility.
  • Some schools have formal interstate articulation agreements that enable the transfer of credits.

Dare to Take That First Step Toward a Second Bachelorโ€™s Degree

The option of getting a second bachelorโ€™s degree or enrolling in a graduate program for a masterโ€™s often prompts much discussion. It ultimately depends entirely on your personal circumstances and the field of study you want to pursue for your second degree. Talk with an academic advisor at the university where you intend to study. They should be more than willing to help you with your decision.

The undeniable fact is that, if you make the right choice, a second degree can have a huge impact on your career prospects.

So, go on, take the necessary steps today to enroll for your second degree at a leading university.

Are you ready to take charge and begin the process of going back to school for a bachelorโ€™s, masterโ€™s, or doctorate degree? Then contact an enrollment advisor today.

You have your bachelor’s degree, and you’re well into your career. But something isn’t quite right. It might be a matter of salary, advancement, opportunity, or confidenceโ€”or even just a feeling that you’re not really fulfilled in your work.

Regardless, something has to change.

One strategic way to change it is by getting a second bachelor’s degree. Today, more work-experienced adults with a degree are returning to school for a subsequent degreeโ€”a degree that may be related, tangential, or even completely unrelated to their first.

Maybe you’ve thought about a second bachelor’s degree, but you’re on the fence. Will it be worth it to you? How might it change your career path? Should you go for a master’s instead? There are many questions.

It may help for you to start by considering these 5 common reasons why others like you are returning to school.

“Whys” to Consider a Second Bachelor’s Degree

1. Meet Requirements You Need to Advance.

Has your career hit a ceiling? Maybe you’ve topped out in terms of pay or promotions for your current role. If you’re successful enough to be crouching at the top of a tall platform that certainly deserves congratulations. But getting to the next level may require a degree that you donโ€™t hold.

For example, let’s say a person has a bachelor’s degree in English. She used it to get her first job, as a marketing writer. Then, with experience, she became a marketing associate and eventually a senior marketing associate. She’s proven herself at the company and she loves her job. But the next level up is the director position, and the company requires a specialized degree in either marketing or business. Unable to apply, she’ll lose that promotion to someone else with the right degree. She could move to another career path in the company or go to another employer, but in either case, she’d have to work her way back up again.

She could work with her employer, letting them know that sheโ€™s going after the appropriate degree. The second bachelorโ€™s could be the difference maker in her promotionโ€”while preparing her for the new responsibilities that lie ahead. Earning a second bachelorโ€™s degree may be a ceiling buster if youโ€™re looking to move up within your company.

graphic describes how a bachelors degree affects earning potential

TIP: Many companies offer a tuition reimbursement program to help employees pay for their education. Talk with someone in human resources to see what’s available.

When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. But do you know how to find them? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide.

2. Take a New Career Path

After years of working in one field, you may find yourself in a difficult spot:

  • The field is advancing and you need to keep up,
  • You lack a growth path for the next step up,
  • Youโ€™re bored with the status quo and you’re looking to take a new path, or
  • Youโ€™ve been laid off or let goโ€”and you want to build a career in a new, stable industry for tomorrow’s workforce

Perhaps your time in your current field has been generally unsatisfying, uninteresting, or not financially rewarding. Regardless of how you reached this point, it’s clearly time to take active steps toward another career. It can be a time that’s both exciting and daunting.

In many cases, your years of work experience in one field will not mean much to an employer hiring you for an entirely different line of work. Employers may view career switchers with a critical eye, asking questions like: Will they like the work?, Do they know what this field entails? Do they know what it takes to do this job well?, and Will they just leave again for yet another job?

For your next employer, a second degree is powerful, tangible proof of your knowledge in and commitment to the field. By teaching you specific, immediately useful skills you need, it makes you more attractive to employersโ€”and less of a risk than a job applicant without a degree. It may even prevent you from having to start over at the bottom and work your way up.

3. Stay Current and Positioned for Success

Over time, some degrees can grow less important or outdated. It can hurt you in terms of shrinking opportunities, lower pay, tougher competition for the best jobs, or even layoffs. Consider a traditional degree in computing, which has grown outdated, while a related specific degree in cybersecurity is now in high demand. A second bachelor’s degree in a similar, thriving industry can help you deftly squeeze your way out of a shrinking fieldโ€”and apply some of that knowledge toward new opportunities with growth potential.

graphic describes a same field with different prospects

TIP: Before you go back for that second, related degree, consider the importance of transferred credit from your prior degree. A person working in data processing may already have taken most of the fundamental coursework (general education requirements) and perhaps most of the advanced math courses required for a second degree. Planning ahead with your higher education counselor can save you time, effort, and cost.

4. Grow into a Promotion

A promotion feels great because it says you’ve mastered your previous role and you’re ready for more responsibility. But sometimes getting that promotion moves you away from your existing talents and experienceโ€”and throws you into an arena of entirely new skills. Youโ€™re suddenly facing new challenges that youโ€™re unprepared to solve.

A common example is nurses who are promoted into administration. Whereas they once managed patient care, now they manage budgets and human resources issues. They’re still in the same field and with the same employer, but it’s a whole new set of demanding commitments.

When finding yourself in a new position with new and different responsibilities, a second bachelor’s degree can help in terms of:

Fast tracking – You could learn on the job, but a degree will fast track your knowledge into an area like finance, economics, or accounting. And that keeps you looking like the right person to promote.

Specialization – A business degree holder might need to specialize in marketing. A communications degree holder might need to specialize in public relations. Perhaps a registered nurse wants to enroll in an RN-to-BSN program to access a whole new cache of well-paying jobs.

5. Get Proper Credit for Your Skills

Have you been doing something as a part of your job, say bookkeeping, but you never really studied it? It happens all the time. You just learned it on the job. You’re good at it. And you’ve been doing it for years.

But two things can happen over time:

  • You arenโ€™t getting the benefit of the proper title of “accountant” or the commensurate salary
  • Your current employer knows you can do the bookkeeping and accounting, but future employers who look at you will only see an “office manager,” meaning you have an under-inflated job title and worth

Getting a second degree can take an area that you already know very well and boost your career standing, giving you legitimate credentials to prove your knowledge.

TIP: Since you already have a lot of experience in the area, there’s a chance you can “test out” of some of your coursework. Some schools offer guidance on CLEP (college-level entrance proficiency) exams, which can save you time and effort so you can get your degree faster.

Why a Second Bachelorโ€™s Over a Masterโ€™s

Some people will wonder, “If Iโ€™m putting in the work and time for a bachelor’s, why not just get a master’s? Wonโ€™t I get the same benefit but with even more clout?” It can be hard to answer the master’s question.

The truth is that every person’s goals, time availability, and career situation are different. Sometimes a bachelor’s degree is the smart option to charge up your career choices. Sometimes, you may want something more.

How a Second Bachelorโ€™s Compares to a Masterโ€™s

  • Complete in Less Timeโ€”For a subsequent bachelor’s, consider how much time might be saved via the transfer of credit. A second bachelorโ€™s degree, for instance, generally requires fewer courses in general education, a notable benefit when youโ€™re trying to get in and get out quickly. For a bachelor’s program, a student’s previous coursework for another degree is more likely to transfer than for a master’s program, which has far more rigorous standards.
  • Graduate with a Lower Out-of-Pocket Costโ€”A second bachelor’s degree may be lower in price than a master’s. Employer-paid tuition reimbursement programs may also drive your decisions, so check into what might be covered.
  • Limit the Intensity of Your Studiesโ€”Masterโ€™s programs are more challenging, and they require an extreme amount of reading, researching, and writing. Think about current commitments in your life and whether you can add a significant challenge to it.

Bachelor’s vs. Master’s: Course Intensity

Thereโ€™s a big difference in the type of curriculum between the two programs. To see which is right for you, see the comparison between a Bachelorโ€™s in Accounting and a Masterโ€™s in Accounting below.

Bachelor’s Curriculum
Focused on helping you develop best practices & tactical skills

Major Focus

  • Intermediate Accounting I
  • Intermediate Accounting II
  • Cost Management
  • Federal Income Tax I
  • Federal Income Tax II
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Auditing
  • Accounting Research & Analysis

Major Electives

  • Accounting Ethics & Professional Responsibilities
  • Fraud Examination

Master’s Curriculum

Focused on providing you with analytical skills & application

Core Courses

  • Introduction to Research in Accounting
  • Financial Accounting Theory
  • Management Control Process & Systems


  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Forensic Accounting
  • Advanced Auditing & Data Mining Techniques
  • Enterprise Risk Analysis & Management

Only You Can Decide

How will you know if a second bachelor’s degree is right for you? Ask yourself a lot of questions. Honestly assess your goals, constraints, and ambitions. By identifying your whys, you can start now toward the best career move for you.

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