Chicago Center for Music Education - Chicago Center for Music Education

If you want to become a music therapist, one option is to go straight to graduate school. However, if you’d rather take some time off from school and explore the field first, there are other options. If you live in Chicago or are considering moving here for this reason, here’s what you need to know about music therapy schools in Chicago:

Chicago School of Music

Location: Chicago School of Music is located in the city of Chicago, Illinois. It’s a private college, meaning that it’s not a state school or funded by the government.

Academics: CSM offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees in music therapy. The program is accredited by the National Association for Music Therapy Education and Research (NAFTER). Tuition for 2018-2019 was $24,000 per year for an undergraduate degree and $33,800 for a graduate degree.

Programs: The school has several different programs available to students looking to earn their bachelor’s or master’s degree in music therapy. Students can choose between majors in classical piano performance, jazz studies/performance, voice performance, composition/arranging, guitar performance and electric bass performance; all majors also have minors available if you want something more specialized than just one area or another. There are also minors available in theory/analysis/composition; history/literature; applied voice; woodwinds (oboe & clarinet); brass instruments (Trumpet & Horn); string instruments (violin & cello); percussion instruments (marimba & timpani). In addition to these individual areas there are also general education courses required as part of your basic education requirements at CSM which cover topics like chemistry 101 through calculus III classes so that students get exposure across multiple fields even within their own specialty area(s).

Student Life: The student body here isn’t too big but they do have quite a few clubs on campus such as choir club which meets every Tuesday night after class ends at 6pm where they practice singing together along with other activities such as playing games during breaks etc.. They also have drama club meetings every Friday afternoons where members gather together

Eastern Illinois University, Charleston

To apply to the music therapy program at Eastern Illinois University, you’ll need to have a bachelor’s degree and submit an application fee. If accepted, students are required to complete 24 credits of music therapy coursework in order to graduate. The curriculum includes classes like Research Methods in Music Therapy and Ethical Issues in Music Therapy (required), which enhance your knowledge base and prepare you for a career in this field.

The cost of tuition for this program can vary depending on whether or not you’re taking classes online or on-campus. However, tuition is covered under an annual scholarship that covers all expenses such as books and supplies with no additional fees incurred by the student during their studies here at Eastern Illinois University Charleston! Contact them today if interested in learning more about how they can help get started down this rewarding path towards success within your chosen field!

Western Illinois University, Macomb

Western Illinois University, Macomb

Western Illinois Universityโ€™s music therapy program is offered through the School of Music. It is a bachelor of science degree that can be completed in four years and includes an internship component. The program accepts students with a wide range of academic backgroundsโ€”some students have no musical experience at all while others have degrees in music or other related fields.

The tuition for this school is $11,000/year (estimated cost for 2023-24).

The best schools for music therapy are in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.

The best schools for music therapy are in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.

Musicians, singers and other musicians have long been known to be excellent subjects for hypnosis. The ability to concentrate on something can help a hypnotist easily control them. This makes music therapy an ideal career choice for those who love singing or playing instruments.

A music therapist is trained to help patients improve their lives by using music as an aid in therapy sessions. They often work with people who need physical rehabilitation, such as stroke victims or individuals suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). They may also work with people who are experiencing depression or anxiety disorders; those struggling with drug addiction; children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); children living with cancer; etcetera!

music therapy degree online

An online master’s degree allows you to earn a degree where you live and work.

An online master’s degree allows you to earn a degree where you live and work. The flexibility of an online program means that students can earn their degree while still working full-time, part-time, from home or remotely and in their own time zone.

If you’re interested in earning your master’s as quickly as possible but need more flexibility than what a traditional university offers, an online program is the perfect choice for you!

The degree will prepare you for the music therapy equivalency program.

  • The degree will prepare you for the music therapy equivalency program.
  • You can take the exam after completing an approved equivalency program.
  • If you want to become a licensed music therapist, check out our list of accredited colleges near you!

To become a credentialed music therapist, you’ll be eligible for the exam after completing an approved equivalency program.

To become credentialed, you’ll need to complete an approved equivalency program and pass the national music therapy examination. Once you’ve passed these two steps, the next step is to get licensed in your state.

You can choose from three areas of concentration: clinical practice, community music and education.

After you’ve earned your master’s degree, you can choose from three areas of concentration: clinical practice, community music and education. The most common concentration is clinical practice (41 percent). This program will prepare you to work with children and adults with disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, developmental delays and other health issues.

Community music is another popular area of study (12 percent). You’ll learn how to incorporate music into community activities such as school programs or senior centers. Education (8 percent) focuses on teaching others about musical therapy through the classroom setting or mentoring students who are pursuing a career in this field.

Your course load will vary depending on what type of degree program you choose but they generally include classes like “Music Therapy Ethics” and “Music History Through Performance.” You may also need to complete an internship during your coursework where you’ll gain hands-on experience working with clients under the supervision of licensed therapists.

You’ll take 42 credit hours of coursework, including an internship and thesis.

You’ll take 42 credit hours of coursework, including an internship and thesis. Coursework will include classes such as World Music and Globalization; Neuroscience and Behavior; Clinical Improvisation; Ethnomusicology; Music Therapy Assessment, Evaluation and Research Methods among many others.

Students may select from three areas of concentration: Child/Family Music Therapy, Group or Community Music Therapy (which includes work with adults), or Adult/Geriatric Music Therapy.

Coursework includes classes such as World Music and Globalization; Neuroscience and Behavior; Clinical Improvisation; Ethnomusicology; Music Therapy Assessment, Evaluation and Research Methods; among many others.

Courses are offered in a variety of subjects and taught by experienced instructors. Students will learn about music therapy theory and practice, as well as the history of music therapy. Students may also be able to participate in clinical practicums where they can apply their skills to patients or clients in local hospitals and clinics.

Courses are designed to prepare students for their future careers as music therapists, but they’re also designed to prepare them for the national board examination required by most states before one can practice professionally as a Music Therapist.

As a graduate student in our program, you will be able to apply for a variety of scholarships.

Scholarships are available to students in our program. Our faculty members are committed to helping students finance their education, and we encourage you to apply for any scholarships that might be available based on your qualifications or financial need.

Scholarship opportunities include:

  • The American Music Therapy Association Scholarship Program
  • The Edward Cushing Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • National Endowment for the Arts Enrichment Grant

You may also be eligible for financial aid through grants and loans administered by the government or private institutions.

  • Grants are free money you don’t have to pay back. Grants are awarded to students with financial need, so if you’re low on cash and can’t afford tuition, grants could help you out.
  • Loans require repayment with interest, but they typically come with lower interest rates than credit cards or personal loans. Unlike grants, student loans don’t consider your financial status when deciding how much funding to give you; they simply offer up a predetermined amount based on your school’s cost of attendance and other factors like family size, income level and state residency requirements.

After receiving your degree, you’ll be prepared to enhance your career as a music therapist or take on a role in academia, government or other fields.

Music therapy requires a certain level of skill and training that can be attained only by completing an accredited degree program. Once you earn your bachelor’s degree in music therapy, you’ll be prepared to enhance your career as a music therapist or take on a role in academia, government or other fields that value this valuable skill set.

In addition to helping patients get through their physical injuries and illnesses, music therapists often help them through emotional traumas as well. They do so by using songs from their own experience or from others who have been there before them. These songs can range from pop ballads to classical piecesโ€”whatever works best for each individual patient’s situation.

The World Health Organization reports that there are currently about 18 schools offering accredited programs for those who wish to become music therapists; however, these programs tend not to offer online degrees because they require hands-on learning experiences like internships and externships where students can gain firsthand experience with patients while they’re still enrolled at school full time (in order to graduate). There are some schools around the country who do offer online degrees; however these aren’t eligible for licensure due to their lack of real-world application practice requirements necessary according

An online music therapy degree can help further your education so that you can begin or continue your career as a music therapist.

An online music therapy degree can help you further your education so that you can begin or continue your career as a music therapist. As an aspiring music therapist, there are many benefits to earning your degree online:

  • You can earn a degree where you live and work, so no need to relocate.
  • Choose from three areas of concentration: general, clinical, or research.
  • Take 42 credit hours of coursework in the field at an accredited school of higher education .
  • Apply for scholarships and financial aid to lessen the cost of tuition for your education.


Music therapy has been proven to help people of all ages, so if you are interested in this field, these schools are a great place to start. You can learn more about them by visiting their websites or contacting them directly.

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