
Chemnitz University Of Technology Masters In English

Advanced Manufacturing


Standard study period:4 semesters (admission in winter semester only, no part-time program)Start of studies:


Winter semester


The admission requirements for the Master’s programme Advanced Manufacturing are fulfilled by students who have acquired a first professional qualification in an engineering or natural science degree programme and, additionally, in-depth scientific knowledge in the following fields:

  1. special mathematical methods of engineering, totalling at least 18 ECTS and including the topics of Fourier transforms, regression calculation, probability and mathematical statistics,
  2. scientific and engineering data processing, totalling at least 12 ECTS and including the topics CAD, CAS, numerical simulation and data acquisition as well as multiphysics simulation and practical experience,
  3. metrology and control engineering, totalling at least 8 ECTS and including the topics of sensors, actuators and digital methods of manufacturing,
  4. new materials for engineering, totalling at least 8 LP and including the topics of polymers, metals, composites, matrix systems and functional properties,
  5. in-depth theoretical basics of engineering, in a total of at least 12 ECTS and including the subjects of engineering mechanics, design, manufacturing and fluid dynamics,
  6. resource-efficient manufacturing concepts, totalling at least 8 ECTS and including the topics of technical and natural cycles and networks, system optimization and energy concepts,

as well as an English language proficiency at level B2 according to European Reference Framework for Languages.

The Examination Board decides on the admission of the applicants.

proficiency: Master courses at the TU Chemnitz require a well-founded basic knowledge of higher mathematics. The faculty of mathematics at the TU Chemnitz wants to help applicants to try out their mathematical understanding and to raise it to the required level. To this end, the faculty of mathematics offers a series of online exercises and tests covering all required mathematical disciplines. Applicants are encouraged to pass these online tests.
Online Course Basic Mathematics Documents: study regulation (official version, available only in German language)
study regulation (unofficial version in English language, for the purpose of understanding only)
program schedule (unofficial version in English language, for the purpose of understanding only)
modules (unofficial version in English language, for the purpose of understanding only)Application procedure:

Application Documents
Your application and enrolment
Application terms
For international applicants: the application process on the Uni-assist e. V. portal usually starts in late April or early May.
Flyer:Flyer Master programme

Program outline


The degree programme Advanced Manufacturing embraces the new and promising manufacturing technologies in modern industry, with a special focus on resource-efficiency of products and processes. The students acquire an enhanced professional education providing the abilities for the solution of highly demanding tasks in research and development. The curriculum includes subjects in manufacturing processes and process control, factory systems and supply chains, business fundamentals and the product development process. Moreover, the programme is centred on hands-on activities to provide a practical understanding of processes, equipment, software and materials. By its four profile areas “Hybrid Technologies”, “Printed Functionalities”, “Work Design and Sustainability Management” and “Production Systems”, the degree program is oriented towards the research key areas of Chemnitz University of Technology in a trans-disciplinary, faculty-overarching and future-oriented way. In addition, the students also acquire intercultural competencies due to the international and heterogeneous character of the degree programme.

In the study programme Advanced Manufacturing, fundamental mathematical basic knowledge for the further studies are imparted in a block seminar at the beginning of the study. Besides, the students get a first overview of different future-oriented manufacturing methods and bring them in correlation with current questions regarding the availability of resources. The supplementary modules Research Methods and Soft Skills enable the students to the methodological preparation for independent scientific works. Within the profile modules, the students have the choice between four profile areas for deepening their scientific knowledge. According to the individual interests, two additional modules may be taken from other profile lines within the supplementary modules Elective Courses. Based on the scientific and methodological abilities acquired, the second year students work on an own research topic in academic or industrial context and complete their studies with the Master Thesis.


1. to 2. Sem.Basic Modules Advanced Manufacturing (20 Credits)
Compulsory Modules – Research Methods and Soft Skills (10 Credits)
1. to 3. Sem.Profile Modules – Profile lines (40 Credits)Hybrid TechnologiesPrinted FunctionalitiesWork Design and Sustainability ManagementProduction Systems
2. to 3. Sem.Elective Courses (10 Credits)
3. Sem.Research Project/Internship (10 Credits)
4. Sem.Modul Master Thesis (30 Credits)

chemnitz university of technology fees

At Chemnitz University of Technology, no tuition cost is charged for Undergraduate degree programs and Master’s degree programs based on a Bachelor’s degree program. However, all the applicants are required to pay the semester contribution fees:

Type of FeeAmount
Tuition FeesN/A
Long-term study fee500.00 € per term
Second degree studies350.00 € per term
Room and Board7,200.00 € per term
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