
auburn university dual degree engineering

Why this degree?

Auburn University’s dual degree program allows students to pursue a bachelor’s degree in German and a bachelor’s degree in engineering, concurrently. Graduates receive two separate diplomas in two distinct fields of study.


The dual degree program in German and engineering allows students to earn two degrees in an accelerated period, making it more cost effective. The program allows students to learn from experts at Auburn and in Germany while gaining real-world experience, intercultural competence and advanced German language proficiency.

Students can earn a dual degree in one of the following engineering fields:

  • Computer Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering

You are eligible to apply if…

You meet the requirements to be admitted to Auburn University. Freshman and transfer applications can be found at

To complete the program you must…

  • Complete the five-year program to acquire both degrees*
    • The program requires one year in Germany, including one semester of coursework and an extensive internship. Auburn University has partner institutions in Aalen, Offenburg, Karlsruhe and Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
    • Each non-summer semester features at least one German class to build and maintain German language proficiency.
  • Find degree requirements for your engineering program of choice at

*This is a five-year degree program; however, a shorter duration is possible. The length of study will depend on language and math placement in the first year as well as advanced credit earned through Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate or dual enrollment. Some summer coursework may be necessary. Students will be closely advised in both fields of study during this program.

What can you expect?

Auburn University offers its students the opportunity to learn from and work with some of the world’s finest leaders in German engineering. Through a combination of classroom instruction and practical experience, Auburn students can obtain a dual degree in German and engineering and take advantage of the tremendous career opportunities at some of the most innovative and respected engineering companies in the world.

Applying for the Engineering/German Dual Degree

New Freshman and Transfer Students

New freshman and transfer students should complete the Undergraduate Admissions application and select Engineering or German as your intended major. Upon being accepted to Auburn, you can request to add this dual degree at Upon completing the request form, an academic advisor in your new college will be notified and reach out to you to assist with completing next steps. You are encouraged to complete the form prior to attending Camp War Eagle or SOS in order to work with both of your academic advisors prior to registering for classes. 

Current Students

Current students can request to add this dual degree program at Upon completing the request form, an academic advisor in your concurrent degree will be notified and reach out to you to assist with completing next steps.  

Dual Degree Programs

Auburn University offers the following dual degree programs for students whose career goals or academic interests span two fields. Please refer to the Graduate School section in the Auburn University Bulletin for more information about degree requirements for each area of study.


ProgramDegreeDepartmentCollegeProgram Coordinator
Business Administration/ Industrial Systems EngineeringMBA/MISEInterdisciplinary CurriculumRaymond J. Harbert College of Business &
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
Jim Parrish or LuAnn Carpenter
Business Administration/ FinanceMBS/MSInterdisciplinary CurriculumRaymond J. Harbert College of BusinessJim Parrish or Dr. Marlin Jensen
Business Administration/ Information SystemMBA/MSInterdisciplinary CurriculumRaymond J. Harbert College of BusinessJim Parrish or Dr. Dianne Hall
Public Administration/ Community PlanningMPA/MCPDepartment of Political ScienceCollege of Liberal ArtsKathleen Hale or Dr. Jay Mittal
Landscape Architecture/ Community PlanningMLA/MCPInterdisciplinary CurriculumCollege of Architecture, Design and Construction & College of Liberal ArtsDr. David Hill or Dr. Jay Mittal

Engineering Student Fees

What are fees for engineering students?

The Samuel Ginn College of Engineering is deeply committed to providing high quality, student-centered education programs and professional development experiences to our students. Additional fees are required by the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering to support enhancements to the learning experience of undergraduate students enrolled in engineering programs. The fees help pay for additional faculty and instructors, student services and computer and laboratory equipment. The outcomes include:

  • Decrease in class sizes
  • Increase in course offerings
  • Upgraded and better maintained laboratories
  • More student services such as advising, internship and career assistance, study abroad opportunities, and student projects and organizations support

Some peer universities or programs refer to the additional charge as a “fee” and others refer to it as “differential tuition.”

Who pays the fees and at what amounts?

All undergraduate students enrolled and majoring in engineering or computer science programs must pay the engineering student fees. 

For academic year 2020-2021 (Fall 2020, Spring 2021 and Summer 2021), the fee is $431 per semester for freshmen and $753 per semester for sophomores, juniors and seniors. For academic year 2019-2020 (Fall 2019, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020), the fee is $420 per semester for freshmen and $735 per semester for sophomores, juniors and seniors.

The fee cannot be prorated, adjusted or waived. The fee amount is not based on the number or type of courses, the number of credit hours, or full- or part-time status. The fee is assessed during summer terms for students enrolled and taking courses. Students who change to a major outside of the College of Engineering must do so by the 15th day of class of a semester to be considered for a fee refund for that semester. The fee is not assessed during co-operative education work terms, unless the student is also enrolled in courses.

The fees were proposed by the dean of the College of Engineering, endorsed by the provost and the president, then formally approved by the Auburn University Board of Trustees on April 8, 2016. Effective fall 2017 for academic year 2017-18, the fee was $400 per semester for freshmen and $700 per semester for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Effective fall 2018 and thereafter, each fee level is adjusted in proportion to any percentage increase that may be necessary in undergraduate tuition, such that a 1% increase in tuition would correspond to a 1% increase in engineering student fees.

Why are fees being charged?

Fees are being charged because additional funding is necessary to provide a student-centered engineering education at the level of excellence consistent with our high standards. Engineering education is costly, particularly because it is most effective with smaller class sizes and with equipment and laboratories that are at the forefront of technology. Furthermore, the professional development and preparation that happens outside of the course schedule is more and more important in preparing engineers for the workforce or study for advanced degrees. 

Many other programs at Auburn University charge student fees, including the Harbert College of Business and the College of Architecture, Design and Construction.

A large number of excellent engineering programs at peer institutions charge fees or differential tuition for engineering students. These include the University of Tennessee, Texas A&M, the University of Missouri, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Alabama, among many others.

How are engineering fees spent?

Click to View Fee Allocation

All funds raised from fees are used to enhance undergraduate engineering education, including:

  • Hiring and retaining additional faculty members and instructors to offer more sections and courses with reduced class sizes (68 percent)
  • Providing additional GTAs for core engineering courses (10 percent)
  • Upgrading and maintaining hands-on and computer teaching laboratories, including the elimination of bottleneck courses that currently limit enrollment because of facilities (15 percent)
  • Adding advisers, career counselors, tutors and academic support staff; and enriching targeted student experience programs, including student projects, student organizations and teams, and professional and leadership development, and internship placement (7 percent)

Note: the percentages provided represent the proportion of FY19 Engineering Fees expended in each of the listed categories.

An engineering fee oversight committee advises the dean on effective use of the fees. The committee includes representation from faculty, staff, students and alumni. 

Will additional financial aid be available to assist with the cost of the engineering fee?

Yes. Additional resources will be available through the student financial aid office to assist accessibility.

How do I obtain additional information regarding the engineering fee?

All information regarding the engineering fee will be posted to this page as it becomes available. For further information, contact   

The following is a statement from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs:

The amount that students pay in tuition and required fees represents a sizable and important investment in their future. However, student payments alone do not cover the full cost of providing any of Auburn’s educational programs. Even after state appropriations are included, some programs require supplemental tuition or student fees in order to provide the high-quality learning environment that students expect. Like the basic tuition and fees, these additional amounts help to cover not only the direct costs of providing instruction and advising in these programs but also indirect costs associated with Auburn’s role as a comprehensive center of higher education for the state.

Basic Charges

The following is a schedule of the tuition structure effective Fall, 2021. If you need more details, please call the Student Financial Services Office at (334) 844-4634.

Tuition and Student Services Fee

Basic ChargesResidentNon-Resident
Credit Hour Tuition – Undergraduate to 12 hours* (1)420.001,260.00
Credit Hour Tuition – Graduate/Professional to 9 hours* (1)560.001,680.00
Student Services Fee873.00873.00
Student Services Fee – GRA/GTA/GA715.00715.00
*No additional charge for credit hours exceeding 12 (undergraduate)/9 (graduate)

Non-Credit/Specialty Fees

Basic ChargesResidentNon-Resident
Auburn Abroad Fee (2)708.00708.00
Auditing Fee – Undergraduate per course (3)420.001,260.00
Auditing Fee – Graduate/Professional per course (3)560.001,680.00
Clearing for Graduation (4)450.00450.00
College of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Rotation Fee708.00708.00
International Student Fee130.00130.00
Music Fee (full hour lessons) (5)246.00246.00
Music Fee (half-hour lessons) (5)163.00163.00

Professional Fees, Program Fees, Differential Tuition*

Basic ChargesResidentNon-Resident
College of Architecture, Design, & Construction (per semester)2,160.002,160.00
College of Business FR/SO (per semester)300.00300.00
College of Business FR/SO Summer (per semester)100.00100.00
College of Business JR/SR (per semester)600.00600.00
College of Business JR/SR Summer (per semester)175.00175.00
College of Business Graduate – per credit hour210.00210.00
College of Engineering Undergraduate FR (per semester)431.00431.00
College of Engineering Undergraduate SO/JR/SR (per semester)753.00753.00
College of Human Sciences – Interior Design (per semester)2,091.002,091.00
College of Veterinary Medicine (per semester)5,542.008,542.00
Honors College (per semester)250.00250.00
School of Nursing – per clinical credit hour200.00200.00
School of Pharmacy (per semester)5,283.005,283.00
*Professional fees, program fees, differential tuition are in addition to regular credit hour tuition

Graduate students’ tuition and student services fee are waived, provided they are on a one-third time or greater appointment and are being paid according to the approved salary structure as a Graduate Research or Teaching Assistant. Their appointment date must be effective as of the eighth class day of the fall and spring semester or the fifth class day of summer semester. Professional and Program fees are not waived.
Graduate students that have their tuition and student services fee waived pay the GRA/GTA/GA student services fee each semester.

  1. The university tuition and student services fee are used to meet part of the cost of instruction, physical training and development, laboratory materials and supplies for student use, maintenance, operation and expansion of the physical plant, library and student activities. The Student Activities portion of the fee supports; Intercollegiate Athletics, Student Center Operations, Campus Recreation, and Student Activity Projects within Student Affairs. Student Activity Projects supported are: the Auburn Student Media Group, Black Student Union, International Student Organization, Leadership Programs, Service Programs, Student Governance, Student Organizations, and Student Programming. This fee includes $0.25 held in reserve to cover damage to university property by students. The student services fee is waived for full-time faculty and staff. All students except faculty and staff are eligible to participate in Student Activities.
  2. Students participating in the Study Abroad/Exchange Program will pay the Auburn Abroad Fee, and any course work resulting in AU credit or grades will be assessed in accordance with the university fee structure.
  3. Not charged to faculty and staff.
  4. A student who is a candidate for a degree in a term in which no credit hour work is taken at Auburn University is required to be cleared for graduation and pays the Clearing for Graduation fee. The Graduation fee is to be paid in addition to this fee.
  5. This additional music fee is to be paid for each Performance Course of individual instruction. Instruction is available in either half-hour or hour lessons.
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