
Although understanding biomechanical engineering degree requirements or getting your head around it isn’t always simple, particularly when you don’t have any prior knowledge of it, finding the right information of it is not as straightforward as you might think. 

In the article below, you will get updated information on biomechanical engineering courses, biomechanical engineering salary, biomedical engineering graduate school requirements, and biomedical engineering biomechanics. Please read related posts on Collegelearners to find out more information on biomedical computation.

COVID-19-Related Degree Requirement Changes


The Biomechanical Engineering program counts all courses taken in academic year 2020-21 with a grade of ‘CR’ (credit) or ‘S’ (satisfactory) towards satisfaction of undergraduate degree requirements that normally require a letter grade.

Other Undergraduate Policies

The Biomechanical Engineering program encourages students to take courses for letter grades when possible in order to have complete records for use when seeking future opportunities, including employment in industry and students seeking to apply for graduate studies. Per University policy, students can change grading basis through the end of Week 8 in all four quarters in 2020-21. Students are encouraged to reach out directly to Biomechanical Engineering Program Director, Marc Elliot Levenston <levenston@stanford.edu>, for questions about petitions, especially in situations related to COVID-19 policies and grading basis

Biomechanical Engineering (BME)

Completion of the undergraduate program in Biomechanical Engineering leads to the conferral of the Bachelor of Science in Engineering. The subplan “Biomechanical Engineering” appears on the transcript and on the diploma.

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Biomechanical Engineering

The mission of the undergraduate program in Biomechanical Engineering is to help students address health science challenges by applying engineering mechanics and design to the fields of biology and medicine. The program is interdisciplinary in nature, integrating engineering course work with biology and clinical medicine. Research and teaching in this discipline focus primarily on neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and cell and tissue biomechanics. This major prepares students for graduate studies in bioengineering, biomechanics, medicine or related areas.


21 units minimum; CME sequence is recommended, but MATH sequence is acceptable; see Basic Requirement 1 1
CME 102/ENGR 155AOrdinary Differential Equations for Engineers
or MATH 53Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra
Select one of the following:
CME 106/ENGR 155CIntroduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers
STATS 110Statistical Methods in Engineering and the Physical Sciences
STATS 116Theory of Probability
STATS 141Biostatistics
Science (22 units Minimum)
CHEM 31MChemical Principles: From Molecules to Solids ( or CHEM 31A & CHEM 31B)5
PHYSICS 41Mechanics4
Biology or Human Biology A/B core courses 28-10
BIO 45Introduction to Laboratory Research in Cell and Molecular Biology4
or BIOE 44Fundamentals for Engineering Biology Lab
Technology in Society
One course required; BIOE 131 satisfies both TiS and WIM requirements. TiS course must be on School of Engineering Approved Courses list in the UGHB the year taken3-5
Engineering Topics (Engineering Science and Design)
Engineering Fundamentals (minimum two courses; see Basic Requirement 3):
ENGR 14Intro to Solid Mechanics3
Pick one of the following:
ENGR 80Introduction to Bioengineering (Engineering Living Matter)
ENGR 50MIntroduction to Materials Science, Biomaterials Emphasis
Engineering Depth
ENGR 15Dynamics3
ME 30Engineering Thermodynamics3
ME 70Introductory Fluids Engineering3
ME 80Mechanics of Materials3
ME 389Biomechanical Research Symposium 41
Mechanical Engineering/ Biomechanical Engineering Depth
Students are encouraged to carefully select ME and BME depth courses that complement each other and form a cohesive plan of study.
Options to complete the ME depth sequence (3 courses, minimum 9 units): 59
ENGR 105Feedback Control Design
ME 102Foundations of Product Realization
ME 103Product Realization: Design and Making
ME 104Mechanical Systems Design
ME 131Heat Transfer
ME 133Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
ME 151Introduction to Computational Mechanics
ME 152Material Behaviors and Failure Prediction
ME 161Dynamic Systems, Vibrations and Control
Options to complete the BME depth sequence (3 courses, minimum 9 units); (alternative courses may be allowed but only if petitioned for use in advance of being taken) 59
BIOE 260Tissue Engineering
BIOE/ME 285Computational Modeling in the Cardiovascular System
ME 234Introduction to Neuromechanics
ME 281Biomechanics of Movement
ME 283Introduction to Biomechanics and Mechanobiology
ME 287Mechanics of Biological Tissues
ME 337Mechanics of Growth
Total Units79-83
1Math: 21 units required and must include a course in differential equations (CMEย 102ย orย MATHย 53; one of these required) and a course in calculus-based Statistics (CMEย 106ย Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers orย STATSย 110ย Statistical Methods in Engineering and the Physical Sciences orย STATSย 116ย Theory of Probability orย STATSย 141ย Biostatistics).ย 
2Students satisfy the Biology requirementย byย either:taking two of the following: โ€ฏBIOย 82ย Geneticsย ,ย BIOย 83ย Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,ย BIOย 84ย Physiologyorย BIOย 86ย Cell Biologyย requires BIO 83); orย takingย two of the following:ย HUMBIOย 2Aย Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology,ย HUMBIOย 3Aย Cell and Developmental Biology, orย HUMBIOย 4Aย The Human Organismย 
3There are two options for fulfilling the WIM requirement. The first option is to completeย BIOEย 131ย Ethics in Bioengineering, which also fulfills the TiS requirement. The second option is to perform engineering research over the summer or during the academic year and enroll in 3 units ofย ENGRย 199Wย Writing of Original Research for Engineers, preferably during the time a student is performing research or the following quarter, to write a technical report on the research. This second option requires an agreement with the student’s faculty research supervisor.
4Ifย MEย 389ย is not offered, other options includeย BIOEย 393,ย MEย 571, or course by petition.
5Courses may only be listed once on the program sheet i.e no double counting. All courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade if that option is offered by the instructor. Minimum combined GPA for all courses in Engineering Fundamentals and Depth is 2.0. 

Honors Program

The School of Engineering offers a program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering: Biomechanical Engineering with Honors. This program provides an opportunity for qualified BME majors to conduct independent study and research related to biomechanical engineering at an advanced level with a faculty mentor.

Honors Criteria:

  • GPA of 3.5 or higher in the major
  • Arrangement with an ME faculty member (or a faculty member from another department who is approved by the BME Undergraduate Program Director) who agrees to serve as the honors adviser, plus a second faculty member who reads and approves the thesis. The honors adviser must be a member of the Academic Council in the School of Engineering.
  • Submit an application to the ME student services office no later than the second week of the term two quarters before anticipated conferral (e.g., Autumn for Spring conferral, Spring for Autumn conferral).  An application consists of: 
    • A one-page written statement describing the research topic, with signatures indicating approval of both the thesis adviser and thesis reader on a cover page 
    • An unofficial Stanford transcript; 
  • Applications are subject to the review and final approval by the BME Undergraduate Program Director. Applicants and thesis advisers receive written notification when a decision has been made. 
  • In order to graduate with honors:
    • Declare ENGR-BSH (honors) program in Axess
    • Maintain 3.5 GPA
    • Submit a completed thesis draft to the adviser by the third week of the quarter in which they intend to confer. Further revisions and final endorsement by the adviser and reader are to be finished by week six, when two bound copies are to be submitted to the Mechanical Engineering student services office.  A pdf of the thesis, including the signature page signed by both readers, should also be submitted to the student services officer. Students are sent email instructions on how to archive a permanent electronic copy in Terman Engineering library.
    • Present the thesis at the Mechanical Engineering Poster Session held in mid-April. If the poster session is not not offered or the student does not confer in the Spring, an alternative presentation will be approved on a case by case basis with advisor and BME Program Director approval.  

Note: Students may not use work completed towards an honors degree to satisfy BME course requirements

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