This post explores all you need to know about Cal Arts Transfer Requirement, calarts transfer acceptance rate, calarts transfer deadline, calarts transfer requirements character animation and calarts scholarships.
If you’re interested in transferring to Cal Arts, there are a few things you should know. First, the school’s transfer acceptance rate is pretty low: only 7% of applicants get accepted. However, it’s still worth applying—and if you’ve got what it takes, you could be one of those lucky few. Read on to learn more about Cal Arts Transfer Requirement, calarts transfer acceptance rate, calarts transfer deadline, calarts transfer requirements character animation and calarts scholarships.

Cal Arts has a lot of requirements for its transfer students (here’s their website), but here are some highlights:
-You need at least three years of experience in animation or visual effects work. This can include internships, freelance work, and entry-level positions.
-You must submit a portfolio of your work (either on paper or digitally) that includes three pieces from each category: animation motion graphics and character animation.
-You cannot have taken more than eight units of English composition at any college or university during your undergraduate studies when you apply to Cal Arts as a transfer student.
Cal Arts Transfer Requirement
We begin with Cal Arts Transfer Requirement, then calarts transfer acceptance rate, calarts transfer deadline, calarts transfer requirements character animation and calarts scholarships.
Transfer credit at CalArts falls into three categories: Métier, Critical Studies, and general elective. The application of transfer credit to meet specific métier requirements is approved on a case-by-case basis by the School and Program in which a student is enrolled. All other transfer credit is evaluated by the Office of the Registrar, under guidance from the School of Critical Studies.
The BFA degree at CalArts requires 120 units overall, including 46 units of Critical Studies coursework, 38 of which may be completed through transfer credit. Any transfer credit not approved by the School for métier credit or not applied to meet Critical Studies requirements will be assessed as general elective credit and applied toward the overall unit requirement.
Transfer credit may be applied toward completion of the BFA degree only when those credits are completed at a regionally accredited post-secondary institution, or a foreign academic institution recognized by its government, and when a grade of A, B, C or Pass was received.
Students are not guaranteed advanced standing in year level or early graduation as a result of transfer credit. Year level placement is determined at the time of admission by a faculty committee from the student’s school, and is based on the portfolio or audition. It may not, however, exceed a level that can be substantiated by transfer credit (15 units of transferable credit is required per semester of advanced year level placement).
How to Request Approval of Transfer Courses
Applicants must submit official transcripts of all previous college level work as part of the application process. Transfer credit will be considered toward a CalArts degree only if earned at a regionally accredited postsecondary institution (or at a foreign academic institution recognized by its government) and a grade of A, B, C, or Pass was received. In addition to an official transcript, any transfer credits from accredited institutions outside of the United States must be accompanied by an official course-by-course evaluation by World Education Services (WES), Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) or International Education Evaluators (IEE). Please visit,, or for more information on ordering and submitting WES official transcript evaluations.
Credit by Exam: For International Baccalaureate credit, students must request an official transcript from the IBO to be sent directly to the CalArts Office of the Registrar. Please visit the IBO website for more information. For A Levels credit, students must request official exam results from either the UK Examining Boards or the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).
Exam results must be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar in order to be considered official documents. These transcripts will be evaluated by the Office of the Registrar and all applicable transfer credit will be awarded upon acceptance to CalArts.
Transcripts for any transfer work completed after the initial admission evaluation should be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to request approval of transfer courses prior to registering at the transfer institution to confirm that the courses will transfer to meet the intended requirements.
Contact the Office of the Registrar at for guidance on how courses will transfer.
Transferable Credit – College Level Coursework
CalArts awards transfer toward the BFA degree for baccalaureate level coursework completed at regionally accredited colleges or universities, or at foreign institutions authorized by the government to award baccalaureate degrees. Only coursework completed with a Pass grade or a letter grade of C or higher will be considered for credit.
Critical Studies transfer coursework will be assigned credit toward degree requirements in accordance with the chart below. All other coursework will be assessed on a course by course basis or designated elective credit, unless the School has approved the course to meet specific métier requirements.
Critical Studies Breadth Area | Transfer Course Subject Area |
HumanitiesRequired CS Breadth Area | Critical ThinkingEnglish LiteratureEthicsGeneral HumanitiesPhilosophy |
Social ScienceRequired CS Breadth Area | AnthropologyArcheologyGeographyHistoryPolitical SciencePsychologySociology |
Science and MathRequired CS Breadth Area | Analytic GeometryAstronomyBiologyCalculusChemistryCollege AlgebraEnvironmental ScienceGeologyPhysical SciencePhysicsStatistics |
Cultural StudiesRequired CS Breadth Area | Cultural AnthropologyGender StudiesIntercultural CommunicationsEthnic Studies |
Arts in ContextOptional CS Breadth Area | History, Survey, Introduction, or Appreciation courses in any visual or performing art |
Computing & Research Optional CS Breadth Area | Computer ProgrammingComputer Science |
Creative WritingOptional CS Breadth Area | English CompositionCreative WritingCritical Analysis & CompositionJournalismScreenwriting |
EconomicsCS Elective Credit | MacroeconomicsMicroeconomics |
Foreign LanguageCS Elective Credit | Any college level Foreign Language classSign Language |
Speech/CommunicationCS Elective Credit | Interpersonal CommunicationFamily/Group CommunicationPublic Speaking |
Transferable Credit – College Level Examinations
CalArts awards credit toward the BFA degree for successful completion of Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations, for examinations for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, and for A Level examinations. The articulation of these exams is assessed in accordance with the charts below. Other college level examinations will be considered on case by case basis.
Advanced Placement
Students who have earned a score of 3 or better on AP exams will be granted 4 semester hours of credit for each exam. In cases where an exam is completed multiple times, students will be awarded credit only once.
In order to be awarded credit, students must request official paper score reports to be sent directly to the CalArts Office of the Registrar. Any score reports not received directly from the College Board are considered unofficial and will not be used to award credit. Score reports may be ordered online through the College Board website.
Equivalent CalArts Area | AP Exam |
HumanitiesRequired CS Breadth Area | AP English Literature and CompositionAP Spanish Literature |
Social ScienceRequired CS Breadth Area | AP European HistoryAP Comparative Gvt PoliticsAP Human GeographyAP PsychologyAP United States HistoryAP US Government & PoliticsAP World History |
Science and MathRequired CS Breadth Area | AP BiologyAP Calculus ABAP Calculus BCAP Calculus AB SubscoreAP ChemistryAP Environmental ScienceAP Physics 1AP Physics 2AP Physics BAP Physics C: ElectricityAP Physics C: MechanicsAP Statistics |
Arts in ContextOptional CS Breadth Area | AP Art History |
Computing & Research Optional CS Breadth Area | AP Computer Science AAP Computer Science Principles |
Creative WritingOptional CS Breadth Area | AP English Language Comp |
Critical Studies Elective Credit | AP Chinese Language/CultureAP French Language/CultureAP German Language/CultureAP Italian Language/CultureAP Japanese Language/CultureAP LatinAP MacroeconomicsAP MicroeconomicsAP Spanish Language/Culture |
General Elective Credit | AP Aural SubscoreAP Music TheoryAP Capstone Research AP Capstone SeminarAP Nonaural SubscoreAP Research AP SeminarAP Studio Art: 2-D DesignAP Studio Art: 3-D DesignAP Studio Art: Drawing |
International Baccalaureate
CalArts awards credit for IB courses with Higher-Level examination results of 5 or higher. Standard-Level results are not considered for credit.
In order to be awarded credit, students must request an official transcript from the IBO to be sent directly to the CalArts Office of the Registrar. Any score reports not received directly from the College Board are considered unofficial and will not be used to award credit. Transcripts must be requested in mail from the IBO with a paper transcript request form. Please visit the IBO website for more information.
Equivalent CalArts Area | IB Exam |
HumanitiesRequired CS Breadth Area | IB Chinese A: Language and LiteratureIB English A Language and LiteratureIB French A: Language and LiteratureIB German A: LiteratureIB Korean A: LiteratureIB Philosophy |
Social ScienceRequired CS Breadth Area | IB History AmericasIB History Asia/OceanaIB EconomicsIB Environment & Society |
Science and MathRequired CS Breadth Area | IB BiologyIB GeographyIB Math AnalysisIB Mathematics SLIB Physics |
Critical Studies Elective Credit | IB Chinese BIB English BIB French BIB GermanIB JapaneseIB MandarinIB Spanish B |
General Elective Credit | IB Business and ManagementIB DanceIB Design TechnologyIB Extended Essay Visual ArtsIB FilmIB MusicIB TheatreIB Theory KnowledgeIB Visual Arts |
A Levels
CalArts awards credit for Advanced Level Examinations (“A Levels”) completed with a grade of E or higher. Ordinary Level Examinations (“O Levels”) are not considered for credit.
In order to be awarded credit, students must request official exam results from either the UK Examining Boards or the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE). Exam results must be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar in order to be considered official documents.
Equivalent CalArts Area | A Level Exam |
HumanitiesRequired CS Breadth Area | AL English LiteratureAL Philosophy and Theory |
Social ScienceRequired CS Breadth Area | AL Government and PoliticsAL History AAL Psychology |
Science and MathRequired CS Breadth Area | AL MathematicsAL Physics A |
Arts in ContextOptional CS Breadth Area | AL Art HistoryAL Film StudiesAL Media Studies |
Computing & Research Optional CS Breadth Area | AL General Paper |
Creative WritingOptional CS Breadth Area | AL English Language and Linguistics |
Critical Studies Elective Credit | AL Chinese LanguageAL Chinese Language (oral/aural)AL Chinese BAL EconomicsAL FrenchAL Russian |
General Elective Credit | AL ArtAL Art & Design: Fine ArtAL Art and Design (Photo)AL Business Design & TechnologyAL Music DesignAL Drama and Theatre StudiesAL Music TechnologyAL Product Design 3-D DesignAL Project Work |
calarts transfer acceptance rate
Now we consider calarts transfer deadline, calarts transfer requirements character animation and calarts scholarships.
California Art Institute Transfer Student Acceptance Rate
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a transfer student at CalArts? If so, you’re in luck! We’ve put together some information for you about what it’s like to be a transfer student here.
Let’s start with the good news: CalArts has an acceptance rate of 72% for transfer students. That means that if you apply, and meet all of our requirements, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll get in!
We also have an 85% acceptance rate for transfer applications—so even if your GPA isn’t quite what we’re looking for, there’s still a good chance we’ll accept you if you apply. And once you’ve been accepted, don’t forget to check out our Transfer Student Guidebook—it’ll help guide you through the next steps of applying to CalArts and getting ready for life as a Golden Bear!
calarts transfer deadline
More details coming up on calarts transfer deadline, calarts transfer requirements character animation and calarts scholarships.
The application deadline was Wednesday, January 5th, 2022. However, we are still accepting applications for certain programs, and you may still be able to apply. You can view a list of which programs are currently accepting applications at this link: Closed Programs – Fall 2022.
If you are thinking about applying to CalArts, the application deadline was Wednesday, January 5th. However, we are still accepting applications for certain programs, and you may still be able to apply. You can view a list of which programs are currently accepting applications at this link: Closed Programs – Fall 2022.
calarts transfer requirements character animation
Character Animation
Before applying, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the Program in Character Animation, faculty, facilities, curriculum and view student work.
Please note that you must complete all Admissions Requirements as well as the portfolio requirements to be considered for admission.
The Program in Character Animation supports animation focused on character development and narrative storytelling. The faculty admissions committee seeks portfolios that show evidence of strong, creative life drawing skills, artistic originality, and the potential to tell stories and develop characters using sequential imagery. The committee values artwork that reveals a unique and imaginative voice, showcasing the applicant’s artistic interests and conceptual abilities. We welcome a range of creative work, including drawings and other traditional artwork, 2D digital art, and computer graphics (CG).
Please carefully review the specific Portfolio Requirements listed below. Portfolio-related questions can be addressed to the CalArts Office of Admissions; we also encourage applicants to find solutions to questions through their own creative exploration and introspection.
The Program in Character Animation is a four-year program. All students begin at the BFA1 (first-year undergraduate) level because of the highly sequential nature of the curriculum. Transfer students please review our transfer credit policy. Transfer of courses may lighten a student’s academic course load, however, they will not shorten the length of residency.

Portfolio and Application Guidelines (BFA)
We have added and changed our requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please read all of our portfolio and application guidelines carefully.
All parts must be completed in order to be considered for admission
- CalArts Application Materials
- Artist Statement (uploaded to the written materials section CalArts Application)
- Online Portfolio (Three part submission uploaded to the portfolio section of the CalArts Application)
- Observational Artwork
- Other Creative Work
- Video Introduction
- Sketchbook (to be documented via video and included in the online portfolio)
Artist Statement
- What inspires you to make your art?
- Why are you applying to the Character Animation program at CalArts?
- What are your artistic goals?
Online Portfolio
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ask you to observe social distancing, mask wearing, and other safe practices while building all elements of your portfolio detailed below.
Part 1: Observational Artwork (minimum of 15 total)
Observational artwork consists of drawings done from the direct study of life. This can be any subject in your environment, human and animal alike.
You must include examples of the following categories of observational drawing in any number you chose.
A. Observational life drawings of human models:
- These observational drawings should range from short pose lengths (gesture drawings) to longer pose lengths, and should indicate the models’ faces, hands and feet. Drawings of nude models are preferred, but costume drawings may also be included. Applicants in the Character Animation program must have demonstrated experience working with the live model and ideally have at least one year’s worth of experience studying figure/life drawings.
B. Observational drawings from real life:
- Drawings and sketches of people (in this case, not models) and animals from real life
- Drawings of interior and exterior environments
- Urban sketching, location drawings, café drawings etc.
Keep in mind:
- Drawings should be from observing real life, exploring elements such as shape, form, contour, contrast, ambiance, and mood.
- Do not erase all of your construction lines while drawing from life – they are especially helpful to the faculty in understanding your approach to observational drawings.
- Do not submit traced pictures or copies of work by others.
Part 2: Other Creative Work
Images should be uploaded into the online portfolio and can include any combination of the following:
- Sequential image storytelling: Work that showcases your ability to tell a story and develop a character. For example: storyboards, graphic novels, flipbooks, short animations or short stories with thumbnails.
- Digital creative work (animated or still): Creative work that you produce, or manipulate, in one or more computer programs. This might take the form of 2D digital art, illustrations, concept art, character designs, prop designs, cartoons, photography, or computer graphics (CG).
- Other Work (non-digital): Paintings, drawings, illustrations, concept art, character designs, prop designs, cartoons
- Plastic Arts: Sculptures, ceramics, installations etc.
Online presence: provide URL’s to your website, Instagram, Tumblr, Behance, etc. Add the URL’s in the “links” upload of the online portfolio.
Part 3: Video Introduction
In this Video Introduction, tell us about one person, place, thing, or event that has helped shape your artistic practice.
- Duration: minimum of 30 seconds, maximum of 90 seconds
- Speak directly to the camera
- Do not read from a prepared statement
- No edits
- No special effects or on-screen overlays
- File should be uploaded or linked directly to the portfolio section of the CalArts Application
- Does not require professional-level equipment; cellphone cameras or consumer cameras are okay.
- A complete sketchbook filled with your drawings, observations, stories, research for films you’d like to make, ideas, thumbnails, character designs, studies of images from films or other sources that interest you, etc.
- We want to see what you are uniquely inspired to draw. We recommend you do not use online sketchbooks for reference.
- Please draw directly in a sketchbook, rather than assembling pages together.
- Drawings in your sketchbooks should be different from the drawings submitted in your online portfolio.
- Sketchbooks come in many different shapes and sizes. Please feel free to work in the type of sketchbook that you like best
Submission Format
Sketchbook Submission
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we will not accept physical sketchbooks as a part of the application for Fall of 2022.
This year we require a filmed video page-through of your sketchbook. The requirements for the video of your sketchbook are:
- A filmed video page-through of your completed sketchbook, starting with the front cover and ending with the back cover.
- Should be well-lit and shot from above the sketchbook.
- Pause each page turn for a clear shot of each page.
- No more than ten minutes in length.
- Do not include any edits or overlays.
- Do not include an audio track, audio commentary, or music.
In the interest of the safety of the CalArts Community, we will not open or return physical sketchbooks that are mailed to us or dropped off at our offices.

There will be no exceptions to this rule.
Online Portfolio Submission
The online portfolio (artist statement, observational drawings, personal work, and the video introduction) should be uploaded in the application.
For your portfolio, please submit one image per slide. Do not combine multiple images into a PDF document. Do not share your personal website or a Google drive in place of a digital portfolio. Do not include captions on images. If appropriate, captions should be added to the designated captions section in the application.
The application accepts MP3’s, documents, images and video. You will be scanning or photographing your drawings to submit them digitally, and filming your sketchbook.
Once your portfolio is uploaded, it can be viewed and rearranged until the final submission is made. No changes can be made following the final submission of your portfolio.
If you experience technical difficulties while uploading your portfolio, you may send an email to the Review Coordinator, Patrick Schmid, at
calarts scholarships
Scholarships & Grants
Scholarships and grants do not have to be repaid. Federal and state government grants based on financial need are common and CalArts also has financial assistance opportunities that are based on merit and need.
CalArts Scholarships & Grants
CalArts’ institutionally-funded scholarships and grants are aimed at increasing equity in CalArts classrooms and ensuring a diversity of voices have access to a CalArts education. Below is a brief description of how we award financial aid.
Merit Scholarships
Merit Scholarships are the first component of the CalArts financial aid package.
All admitted students are considered for Merit Scholarships based on the admissions portfolio or audition. These scholarships are limited and very competitive, going only to the top 30% of the incoming class.
Faculty identify merit recipients through a holistic approach, taking into consideration the following criteria:
- The student demonstrates outstanding academic and artistic potential.
- The work is imbued with a strong personal aesthetic and sense of originality.
- The award supports a diversity of voices and a diversity of practices, in alignment with CalArts’ focus on experimentation, diversity, and interdisciplinarity.
- The award ensures balance and representation within each program and throughout the school.
- The student’s prior academic and artistic achievement, and evaluation of each student’s placement within their group of peers.
CalArts Merit Scholarships are awarded in the amount of $10,000 per year. Students who receive Merit Scholarships in their first year of enrollment retain the annual scholarship each year of their degree program.
Equity Grants
Domestic students with financial need who submit the FAFSA by the priority deadline will be reviewed for eligibility to receive Equity Grants. These awards are intended to reduce the size of the gap between each student’s available resources and the total cost of attendance.
Please note: There are some scenarios through which your Equity Grant may be adjusted after you receive your initial award letter, such as the addition of a CalGrant award, a private scholarship, or a change in your Estimated Family Contribution.
Access Grants
CalArts will award a limited number of Access Grants to ensure a diversity of voices throughout the incoming class. All domestic and international students may be considered for Access Grants, which vary in amounts and eligibility, and are awarded at the discretion of each school. A FAFSA or Dream Act Application is not required to be considered for Access Grants, but is strongly recommended for domestic students.
Access Grants are determined using the following criteria:
- Demonstrated financial need not adequately addressed through the Equity Grants.
- Exceptional merit demonstrated by students in highly competitive fields of study.
- Further support of diverse voices and artistic practices within specific student cohorts.
- Ensure balance across programs in each school and support yield of admitted students.
Endowed & Annually Funded Scholarships
Many CalArts scholarships are donated by individuals, organizations, or foundations and carry the donor or organization’s name. Selection of the recipient is dependent upon the donor(s) requirements.
Here is a selection of scholarships currently available to students at CalArts.
- qey’s (Dream) Scholarship for Indigenous Artists – This scholarship provides full cost of tuition for an undergraduate or graduate student from an Indigenous community or nation, with preference given to a member of the Hopi Tribe. It is designed to provide full support of tuition expenses for the student throughout their tenure at CalArts. All Native American/Indigenous students are encouraged to apply.
- Beutner Family Community Arts Partnership Award – This annually funded scholarship supports CalArts students who participated in the Community Arts Partnership program.
- Feature Music Scholarship and Feature Arts Scholarship – These scholarships are awarded to a BFA4 in the Herb Alpert School of Music or the School of Art who self-identifies as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color).
- The Mercedes and Gabriel García Márquez Scholarship Fund – This annually funded scholarship supports undergraduate students of Mexican or Latino heritage.
- Roy O. Disney Scholarship – supports the cost of attendance for a maximum of four years for up to four undergraduate students, with a preference given to students who participated in the Community Arts Partnership (CAP) program or a similar educational outreach program for the same or similar target population that CAP currently serves..
- The Michael Eisner Scholarship Fund – This scholarship supports former participants in the Community Arts Partnership program, with priority given to students studying animation, film/video, and other forms of digital and media arts.
Please note that scholarship recipients at CalArts are chosen by the faculty and administration within each school.
When you apply to CalArts as a transfer student, you’re joining a community of students who are passionate about what they do. You’re also joining a community that has your back—and we want to make sure that you’re ready for the next step in your education.
First of all, we want to let you know that CalArts is committed to supporting transfer students through their transition into our school. Our transfer students have access to the same resources as our freshman students do, including the Transfer Student Resource Center and our Transfer Student Advising Team. And best of all? We actually offer more financial aid to transfer students than we do to incoming freshmen!
But wait… there’s more! In addition to having access to all the same resources as our freshman students, our transfer student population also benefits from close relationships with faculty members who have been around long enough to know what it takes to make your transition into college life smooth sailing and not choppy waters!
So if this sounds like the kind of place where you’d like to spend your next four years (or two), then apply today!