
nyu business school ranking

Obviously, choosing a school implies knowing how it is ranked internationally, such as nyu business school, which is ranked among the top schools in the world. However, what is the specific ranking?


The article below tells you just that. Read on to get the latest information on nyu business school ranking, nyu business school acceptance rate, nyu business school ranking undergraduate, columbia business school ranking, nyu stern ranking 2020, & nyu stern ranking qs.

Rankings at a glance
Rank in 202113
Rank in 202022
Rank in 2019025
Three-year average rank20
Country, by primary campusUS
Audit year02019
Alumni career progress
Salary today (US$)8,916174,980
Weighted salary (US$)8,847175,239
Salary percentage increase5127
Value for money rank295
Career progress rank739
Aims achieved (%)190
Careers service rank215
Employed at three months (%)89 (93)
Alumni recommend rank412
Female faculty (%)128
Female students (%)643
Women on board (%)121
International faculty (%)347
International students (%)132
International board (%)1124
International mobility rank760
International course experience rank1043
Extra languages0
Idea generation
Faculty with doctorates (%)288
FT research rank216
Overall Satisfaction9.49
Idea generation/CSR
Corporate social responsibility rank54
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