
ccny electrical engineering requirement

If you’re reading about ccny electrical engineering requirement for the first time, it may seem overwhelming to those without previous knowledge, but you might find it fascinating. 


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REQUIRED COURSES:MATHEMATICSMATH20100Calculus I3 cr.RMATH20200Calculus II3 cr.RMATH20300Calculus III4 cr.RMATH39100Diff. Equations3 cr.RMATH39200Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis3 cr.RSCIENCESCHEM10301General Chemistry I4 cr.RCSC10200Intro to Computing3 cr.RPHYS20701General Physics I4 cr.RPHYS20801General Physics II4 cr.RPHYS32300Quantum Mechanics for Engineers3 cr.RENGINEERINGENGR10100Engineering Design I1 cr.RENGR10300Analysis Tools for Engineers2 cr.RENGR20400Electrical Circuits3 cr.RENGR27600Engineering Economics3 cr.RELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGEE20500Linear Systems I3 cr.REE21000Switching Systems3 cr.REE22100EE Lab I1 cr.REE24100Electronics I3 cr.REE25900Programming for EE4 cr.REE30600Linear Systems II3 cr.REE31100Probability and Statistics3 cr.REE31200Communication Theory3 cr.REE32200EE Lab II1 cr.REE33000Electromagnetics3 cr.REE33900Semiconductor Materials and Devices3 cr.REE34400Digital Computer Systems3 cr.REE42500Digital Computer Lab1 cr.REE59866Senior Design I3 cr.REE59867Senior Design II3 cr.RENGLISHENGL 11000 Freshman Composition                                3 cr.RENGL21007 Writing for Engineers3 cr.RSub-Total Required Courses:                                                                          89 cr.   –ELECTIVE COURSES:
All Electrical Engineering major students must complete the credit requirements from the AB,  and C Electives lists:
A. Lecture Electives
All EE students, in consultation with their faculty advisor, must select 6 courses of Lecture Electives, at least 3 courses of which must be Electrical Engineering courses.
Electrical Engineering
EE 33300: Antennas & Fiber-Optics3 cr.E
EE 34200: Electronics II3 cr.E
EE 35700: Electric Power Engineering3 cr.E
EE 37100: Control & Feedback Systems3 cr.E
EE 43800: Management Concepts for Engineering3 cr.E
EE 44100: Solid State Devices3 cr.E
EE 45000: Microwave Networks3 cr.E
EE 45100: Communication Electronics3 cr.E
EE 45200: Fiber Optic Communications3 cr.E
EE 45300: Digital Signal Processing3 cr.E
EE 45400: Physical Electronics3 cr.E
EE 45500: Elements of Power Systems3 cr.E
EE 45600: Elements of Control Theory3 cr.E
EE 45700: Digital Integrated Circuits3 cr.E
EE 45800: Introduction to Lasers3 cr.E
EE 45900: Microprocessors3 cr.E
EE 46000: Computer Communication Systems3 cr.E
EE 46200: Photonic Engineering3 cr.E
EE 46300: Wireless Communications3 cr.E
EE 46400: VLSI Design3 cr.E
EE 47100: Introduction to Digital Image Processing3 cr.E
EE 51000: Independent Study (departmental approval required)3 cr.E
Computer Science
CSc 31800: Internet Programming3 cr.E
CSc 34200: Computer Organization3 cr.E
Math 32800: Numerical Analysis**3 cr.E
Phys 45200: Optics3 cr.E
ENGR I0600: Applied Algebra (GPA 2.75 or better required)3 cr.E
ENGR I1100: Engineering Analysis (GPA 2.75 or better required)3 cr.E
ENGR I1200: Complex Variables (GPA 2.75 or better required)3 cr.E
ENGR 23000: Thermodynamics3 cr.E
ENGR 30000: Social Impact of Biomedical Technology3 cr.E
ENGR 30100: Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing & Imaging3 cr.E
Biomedical Engineering
BME 50100: Cell and Tissue Mechanics3 cr.E
BME 50200: Cell and Tissue Transport3 cr.E
BME 50300: Cell and Tissue Biomaterial Interactions3 cr.E
BME 50500 Image and Signal Processing in Biomedicine3 cr.E
Chem 10401: General Chemistry II (minimum grade of C required)4 cr.E
   ** Credit can not be received for both Math 32800 and CSc 44000.
Sub-Total Lecture Elective Credits:                                                        18 –19 cr.
B. Advanced Laboratory Electives
Two of the following courses:
EE 32300: Lab III1 cr.E
EE 42100: Local Area Network Laboratory1 cr.E
EE 42200: Analog Communication Laboratory1 cr.E
EE 42300: Microwave Laboratory1 cr.E
EE 42600: Control Laboratory1 cr.E
EE 42700: Digital Systems Laboratory1 cr.E
EE 42800: Photonics Engineering Laboratory1 cr.E
EE 42900: Solid State1 cr.E
CSc 34300: Computer Systems Design1 cr.E
Sub-Total Advanced Laboratory Electives Credits:2 cr.
Note for Transfer Students: Any transfer student exempted from taking Engr 101 must have an additional Advanced Laboratory Elective credit.
C. Restricted Electives
Please note: Although the following courses may be selected for Lecture Elective credits, they cannot be selected as both Lecture Electives credits and Restricted Electives credits at the same time.
Two of the following courses:EE 33300: Antennas & Fiber Optics3 cr.EEE 34200: Electronics II3 cr.EEE 37100: Control & Feedback Systems3 cr.EEE 44100: Solid State Devices3 cr.ESub-Total Restricted Electives Credits:6 cr. LIBERAL ARTS REQUIREMENTSEE Students must take five approved liberal arts courses:LIBERAL ARTS PER PATHWAYS SCHEDULE  LA100-LEVELCreative Expression  3 cr.RLA100-LEVELWorld Cultures and Global Issues3 cr.RLA100-LEVELIndividual and Society3 cr.RLA100-LEVELUS Experience in Its Diversity3 cr.RLA200-LEVELSee List of Approved Classes3 cr.RSub-Total Liberal Arts Credits:    15 cr.  GRAND TOTAL CREDITS FOR EE MAJOR: 130 Credits
R – Required course
E – Elective course
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