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List of MA Programs
The departments and programs listed below offer courses of study leading to the degree of Master of Arts (MA). Some of these departments or programs also offer courses of study leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. For such programs, applicants wishing to pursue both the MA and PhD degree should apply directly to the PhD program.
- African-American Studies
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Art History and Archaeology
- Biomedical Informatics
- Biotechnology
- Classical Studies
- Classics
- Climate and Society
- Dental Sciences
- Earth and Environmental Science Journalism (Dual M.A./M.S. Program)
- East Asia: Regional Studies
- East Asian Languages and Cultures
- Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
- Economics
- English and Comparative Literature
- European History, Politics, and Society
- French and Romance Philology
- Germanic Languages
- Global French Studies
- Global Thought
- Latin American and Iberian Cultures with a concentration in Hispanic Cultural Studies
- History and Literature
- Human Rights Studies
- International and World History (MA/MSc with London School of Economics)
- Islamic Studies
- Italian
- Japanese Pedagogy
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism
- Latin America and the Caribbean: Regional Studies
- Mathematics with a Specialization in the Mathematics of Finance
- Medieval and Renaissance Studies
- Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
- Modern Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies
- Museum Anthropology
- Oral History
- Philosophical Foundations of Physics
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences
- Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (Dual-Degree MA/MPA or MA/MIA)
- Religion
- Religion-Journalism (Dual MA/MS Program)
- Russia, Eurasia and East Europe: Regional Studies
- Russian Translation
- Slavic Cultures
- Slavic Languages
- Sociology
- South Asian Studies
- Statistics