Researching the right information on engineering schools in maryland can be confusing for those with no personal experience or who have never studied the subject at hand.
Learn about biomedical engineering schools in maryland, mechanical engineering schools in maryland, civil engineering schools in maryland, and electrical engineering schools in maryland. You’ll also discover more research on college learners related to computer engineering schools in maryland.
Best Engineering Colleges in Maryland

We have created a 2021 ranking of the best colleges in Maryland that offer Engineering degrees to help you find a school that fits your needs. Each school’s ranking is based on the compilation of our data from reliable government sources, student surveys, college graduate interviews, and editorial review. In addition, you can view our entire list of all 43 Engineering schools located within Maryland. We also provide reviews, facts, and questions and answers for schools on our site and offer you access to get valuable information from colleges and universities today.

Best Engineering Colleges in Maryland for 2021
1 | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore, MD | ![]() | Based on 32 Reviews | ||
2 | University of Maryland-College Park | College Park, MD | ![]() | Based on 68 Reviews | ||
3 | University of Maryland-Baltimore County | Baltimore, MD | ![]() | Based on 28 Reviews | ||
4 | United States Naval Academy | Annapolis, MD | ![]() Aspiring engineers who want to serve their country will be hard-pressed to find a stronger fit than the U.S. Naval Academy. The institution offers programs in electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, naval architecture and ocean engineering, weapons and systems engineering, and aerospace engineering. All put a premium on learning skills that equip graduates to be productive members of the U.S. Navy or U.S. Marines following graduation, though some go into civilian careers at the end of their mandatory service time. USNA considers hands-on experiences a vital component of an engineering education. For ocean engineers, this might mean studying wave mechanics in the Academy’s state-of-the-art hydromechanics lab. Aerospace engineers might serve a summer internship with a defense contractor such as Boeing or Lockheed Martin. All engineering majors complete a capstone senior design project and present it during a well-attended, day-long event in the spring. Past teams have built an energy-efficient ship to take supplies to small Caribbean islands and designed cyclone shelters for people in Bangladesh using local materials. These meaningful projects clearly go beyond your typical resume bullet point. |