
If you would like to extend your stay and work in the US after graduating on an F1 student visa, it is important that you research your options and plan ahead.In 2019-2020, the US Immigration and Customs Services (USCIS) offer a confusing array of visa options, shifting requirements, eligibility & quotas that often require an immigration lawyer to apply for.

Extend your F-1 OPT visa as international - Prodigy Finance

1. F1 visa work: Optional practical training (OPT)

Can international students work in the USA? F1 visa OPT is a popular program that allows temporary employment directly related to an F1 studentโ€™s major area of study. F1 visa students can apply to receive up to 12 months of total OPT employment authorization. Students may complete this F1 visa work in 2 different ways:

  1. Pre-completion OPT before completing academic studies. F-1 students must have been enrolled in school for one full academic year and work only part-time while school is in session. They may work full time when school is not in session.
  2. Post-completion OPT after completing academic studies. F-1 students may work part-time (min 20 hours per week) or full-time.

All periods of pre-completion F1 visa OPT work will be deducted from the total available 12 months to determine the available post-completion F1 OPT visa status available for the student. OPT application, F1 visa work permit and student work visa guidance is usually handled through your university international student office.

When to apply

Apply for your student work visa early as you don’t need to wait for a job offer. Typically post completion OPT students apply 90 days before the last day of your final quarter. You can apply for your F-1 visa work permit as late as 60 days after a program, although late applications are strongly discouraged.

USCIS only allows F-1 students to stay unemployed 90 days past their program end date before having to leave the US.

24 Month STEM OPT F1 visa extension

Once an F-1 student is working in a post completion OPT, the STEM OPT extension allows students with certain science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) degrees to apply for a 24 month F1 visa extension to their OPT authorization bringing the total maximum F-1 OPT visa status period to 36 months.

STEM graduates often use the extension time to work with Chudnovsky Law to line up a transition to another visa for longer term employment.

USCIS must receive the STEM OPT extension application as early as 90 days before or no later than the end of the OPT period.

Using OPT time wisely

If your objective is to stay and work in the US after your F1 OPT visa status expires, it is best to use all your US student visa work OPT authorization after you graduate to allow time after graduating for planning and transition.

Many visa options outlined below, such as an F-1 to OPT to H-1B can have long lead times and qualifications that require you carefully map out the steps, find employer sponsors and make good use of the limited OPT time you have.

options for students on f-1 visas after graduation - International ...

2. Continue education

Students often elect to pursue additional education or graduate degrees after completing their F1 visa USA undergraduate studies. Students need to work with their international student advisors to timely update their I-20 or DS-2019 to accurately reflect their new school and major and ensure they do not violate their F-1 expiration before transitioning.

3. Start or invest in a business

Chudnovsky Law often works with students who wish to utilize US visas that encourage entrepreneurial investment in the US:

  • E-2 visa: Allows entrepreneurs from treaty countries to be admitted to the US when:
    • They have invested, or are actively in the process of investing, a “substantial amount” of capital in a bona fide enterprise in the US.
    • Are seeking to enter the US solely to develop and direct the investment enterprise. This is established by showing at least 50% ownership of the enterprise or possession of operational control through a managerial position or other corporate device.
    • “Substantial amount” of capital definition varies depending on the business plan and needs of the business.
    • Initial period of stay is 2 years with no maximum number of 2 year extensions.
  • EB-5 visa: For non-citizens who invest at least $500,000 in the US in USCIS qualified investments that create US jobs. This visa offers an F1 visa OPT to green card path.
    • Period of stay: Can be permanent as investors and their families are eligible for a green card or permanent residence. This is a rare student visa to green card path.
    • Investments can be made directly or through regional centers and include a wide variety of options including real estate, businesses and restaurants among others.
    • Investments can either be passive or actively managed by the investor.
USCIS Puts Restrictions on F-1 Visa Holders

4. Non-immigrant work visas

Non-immigrant visas are for temporary stays in the U.S. and typically have an expiration date. The process for obtaining a non-immigrant visa involves an application to the USCIS and typically an interview. Most non-immigrant visas fall under the following classifications:

Requiring a US institution or employer sponsor

  • E-3 visa: For Australian nationals coming to the US solely to perform services in a specialty occupation.
  • H-1B visa: For certain specialty skill occupations requiring bachelor’s degrees.
    • H1-B visa quota caps are quickly used up within days of release on April 1st of each year. For 2018 Congress mandated a regular cap of 65,000 H1-B visas and a further H1-B Master’s Exemption cap of 20,000 visas available for Master’s degree or higher applicants. For 2017 USCIS reached the quota on April 7th after receiving 236,000 applications in 5 days for the 85,000 available visas.
    • Cap-Exempt sponsors: Some H1-B sponsors are exempt from the cap including certain (1) higher education institutions, (2) non-profits affiliated with higher education institutions, and (3) nonprofit research or governmental research organizations.
    • Start date: The earliest start date for an April 1st application is October 1st of each year.
  • L-1 visa: For employee transfer of a multi-national company or affiliate, or for establishing a new US office.
    • Employee must be seeking to provide service in an executive or managerial capacity.
    • Employee must have worked for the company for at least one continuous year out of the last three years.
    • Maximum stay of 7 years with extensions for a manager or executive, 5 years for a specialized knowledge employee and 1 year if establishing a new US office
  • O-1 visa: For non-citizens with extraordinary ability in the arts, science, movies, education, business or athletics, intending to engage in official activity in the US. An advisory consultation letter from a qualified peer group is generally required to qualify.

Involving business activity

  • E-1 visa: For a Treaty Trading employee to carry on substantial international trade with their home qualifying treaty country.
    • Example trade items include: goods, services, international banking, insurance, transportation, tourism, technology and its transfer, and some news-gathering activities.
    • Initial period of stay is 2 years with unlimited 2 year extensions.
  • TN visa: For qualified Canadian and Mexican citizens engaging in NAFTA authorized professional business activities in the US.
    • Example qualifying professionals include accountants, engineers, lawyers, pharmacists, scientists, and teachers
    • Initial period of stay is up to 3 years with extensions available

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