Master's in Cybersecurity Online Degree | Liberty University

Master of Science (MSc): These programs are postgraduate studies for people who have recently finished their undergraduate studies and want to improve their knowledge on a profound and more scientific level.

Cyber security is a field that arose out of the increasing dependence on computers by most industries around the world. It is tasked with the important job of protecting information and computer systems from tampering by any unauthorized source.

Distance education or distance learning is a way of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present on campus.

The United States of America commonly called the United States, is a federal republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district. The 48 contiguous states and the federal district of Washington, D.C. are in first North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in northwestern North America, west of Canada and east of Russia across the Bering Strait, and the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-North Pacific. The country also has five populated and nine unpopulated territories in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

Cybersecurity, M.S.

What Youโ€™ll Learn

Help companies around the world keep important data safe, limit risks, and recover from attacks with the Cybersecurity, M.S. This program is ideally suited for those with engineering or computer science undergraduate degrees.

Youโ€™ll design, implement, and maintain software tools to support network security across multiple operating systems, overseeing the information lifecycle of an organization from planning and acquisition to implementation. Youโ€™ll also study algorithm concepts, computer forensics, risk management and legal issues, and intrusion detection and hacker exploits.

Youโ€™ll then put classroom-learned theory into practice through hands-on projects and researchโ€”some completed side-by-side with leading faculty working on innovations in areas including biometrics, conceptual modeling, cryptography, cyber behavioral authentication, genomic computation, mobile and cybersecurity, and swarm intelligence.

Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence (MCTI)

Fall 2022 Admissions Open - Apply Now!

With the number of global cyber-attacks on the rise, the industry demand for professionals in cybersecurity and threat intelligence has never been higher.

“Weโ€™re approaching a cyber security talent shortage of 2 million people worldwide in the next 3 to 5 years. Every cyber-security provider can contribute, and when weโ€™re joined by respected education institutions like the University of Guelph, our combined effort makes the world safer.”- Christopher D. Young, CEO, McAfee

Program Information

The Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence (MCTI) is a unique, cutting-edge program that offers professionals the potential for a demanding and exciting career in cybersecurity, cyber threat intelligence and digital forensics within the Canadian or global landscape. Graduates of this program become leaders in security analysis and design, threat intelligence, Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM), intrusion prevention, malware analysis, penetration testing, cryptography engineering and digital forensics.

The Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence (MCTI) is a course-based program that offers students full-time and part-time options.

Our Full-time program can be completed within oneยญ-year (3 semesters, or 12 months). Students will complete six core courses and a culminating, independent project wherein students produce an evidence-based solution to a complex security problem in partnership with an industry partner or academic expert. Alternatively, students can complete six core courses, and two elective cybersecurity courses (in place of the project), for a total of eight courses. 

Our Part-time program is designed for busy working professionals who wish to continue working while completing their MCTI degree. The part-time MCTI can be completed between 24 to 36 monthsPart-time MCTI students may be required to take classes during business hours (Monday to Friday, between 9am to 5am).Requirements of the part-time MCTI program include the completion of six core courses and two elective cybersecurity courses, for a total of eight courses.

Complete course descriptions can be found in the Graduate Calendar.

This program offers the following course structure to MCTI students:

  • CIS*6510 [0.50] Cybersecurity and Defense in Depth
  • CIS*6520 [0.50] Advanced Digital Forensics and Incident Response
  • CIS*6530 [0.50] Cyber Threat Intelligence and Adversarial Risk Analysis
  • CIS*6540 [0.50] Advanced Penetration Testing and Exploit Development
  • CIS*6550 [0.50] Privacy, Compliance, and Human Aspects of Cybersecurity
  • CIS*6570 [0.50] Advanced Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
  • CIS*6580 [0.50] Security Monitoring and Cyber Threat Hunting
  • CIS*6590 [0.50] Professional Seminar in Cybersecurity
  • CIS*6670 [0.50] Special Topics in Cybersecurity

Subject Areas

  • malware and forensic analysis
  • cyber physical systems security
  • cryptography and blockchains
  • privacy
  • usable security
  • mobile security

Application Deadlines

Applications are currently being accepted for Fall 2022 intake. Admission to the MCTI program is available once annually in the Fall semester only. The application deadlines for Fall 2022 are as follows:

  • International Students: May 1, 2022*
  • Domestic Students: June 1, 2022

*We encourage International applicants to apply 6-9 months in advance of this deadline to ensure study permits can be processed in time for admission. Please see the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Recommendations for International Applicants for suggested application timeline.

How to Apply

Please apply online at Applying to Guelph. We will process applications after we receive proof of payment of the application fee and all required documentation. Please note, we will not be able to pre-evaluate any documents or any applications, and must receive all the required documentation before your application can be examined.

Industry Partners

The Master of Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence program is made possible through in-kind contributions from industry partners McAfeeย Canada, Information Systems Architects (ISA), Ciscoย Systems,ย Kaspersky Lab, RCMP, eSentire, BlackBerry, IBM, the Cooperators, Georgian, Canadian Cyber Threat Exchange, Microsoft, EY, Fireeye, Longview Systems, Stratejm, and Toronto Police. These funds have supported the creation of a new cybersecurity teaching lab andย the University of Guelph Security Operations Centre, which enable rich experiential learning activities that set this program apart from similar programs in Canada.

er security masterโ€™s degree is a postgraduate course that provides students with the technical knowledge and practical skills needed to become an effective cybersecurity analyst. A cybersecurity analyst is a person who works in the field of computer science, software engineering, and IT industries to protect company data from hackers. The goal of this course is to equip students with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge required to work in these industries. This course aims at equipping students with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge required to work in computer science, software engineering and IT industries.

The cyber security masterโ€™s programs are a postgraduate course typically lasting one year.

A master’s degree in cyber security is an advanced postgraduate course that lasts one year and can be studied full-time or part-time. It can be done on a distance learning basis, allowing students to study remotely from their homes.

A cyber security masterโ€™s program consists of core modules such as digital forensics and incident response management, risk management, ethical hacking and penetration testing. In addition to these core modules there are also electives available for students to choose from depending on their career goals or interests. Some examples include:

  • Software Security
  • Cryptography & Information Assurance
  • Digital Forensics & Incident Response Management

This course aims to equip students with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge required to work in computer science, software engineering, and IT industries.

This course aims to equip students with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge required to work in computer science, software engineering, and IT industries. Students will develop a deep understanding of major areas such as:

  • Computer Architecture
  • Operating Systems
  • Software Engineering Methods
  • Database Management Systems

Many study options are available for this course including full-time, part-time, evening courses, and distance learning.

The Masters of Cyber Security is an online program that allows you to tailor your studies to fit into your busy lifestyle. You can study at a time that suits you and any place that has internet access. Many students take this course part-time while they are working, but it is also ideal for those who want to go further in their careers but cannot commit to attending university or college full-time. This master’s degree offers several options when it comes to study times and locations, making it the ideal choice for anyone looking for flexibility when choosing their program of study.

One common career choice for postgraduates is to become a cybersecurity analyst.

One common career choice for postgraduates is to become a cybersecurity analyst. Cybersecurity analysts are in high demand; they can work in a variety of industries, including finance, government and even tech startups.

In addition to protecting company data from hackers, cybersecurity analysts are responsible for designing and implementing security policies that keep systems safe from malicious computer attacks.

There is a great need for cybersecurity analysts in Canada because of the high number of cyberattacks in this country.

There is a great need for cybersecurity analysts in Canada because of the high number of cyberattacks in this country. The job market for these professionals is expected to rise by 19% over the next decade, which means that there’s plenty of opportunity out there and you don’t have to worry about being left behind if you’re looking for a job as a cybersecurity analyst.

The role of a cybersecurity analyst can include anything from assessing risks at organizations and developing strategies to mitigate them, or detecting vulnerabilities in existing systems and recommending solutions on how they can be fixed or improved upon. They also monitor networks 24/7 and detect any unusual activity such as someone trying to break into data servers or steal information by planting malware on company computers, then respond accordingly with appropriate measures taken against such threats (e.g., blocking access).

Cybersecurity analysts are essential in preventing cyberattacks as they protect company data from hackers.

Cybersecurity analysts are essential in preventing cyberattacks as they protect company data from hackers.

Cybersecurity analysts are responsible for protecting company data from hackers, and they do this by being aware of the latest threats to companies and by monitoring any suspicious activity on your network. They also make sure that your employees know how to protect themselves online, which is important because many people still don’t know about phishing attacks or how to spot a fake website. Cybersecurity analysts also keep track of what’s in the news so they can report any relevant information back up the chain.

A masterโ€™s degree can equip you with the skills needed to be an effective cybersecurity analyst in Canada.

Cybersecurity analysts are responsible for helping organizations identify and mitigate cybersecurity threats. They can also help companies with risk assessment, incident response and forensics. As a result, they play a vital role in ensuring that organizations have the appropriate safeguards in place to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or theft.

In order to become an effective cybersecurity analyst in Canada, youโ€™ll need the necessary skills and education to perform your duties at a high level of proficiency. The following list includes some of the most important characteristics of an effective cybersecurity analyst:

  • A deep understanding of how networks operate โ€“ This will allow you to detect vulnerabilities in systems before they present any security concerns. In many cases, these issues can be corrected before anyone notices them (and potentially exploits them). Itโ€™s also important that this knowledge is applied correctly so that it doesn’t create new problems; otherwise, you’ll end up making things worse instead!
  • Excellent communication skills โ€“ Security issues can occur at any time without warning; therefore it’s vital that your company has someone who knows how best respond quickly when something happens – whether it’s an attack by hackers looking steal information or just regular maintenance tasks being performed regularly without incident.”


A cybersecurity masterโ€™s degree is an excellent way to gain the skills required to work in this important field. By completing this degree, you can be well-prepared for a career as a cybersecurity analyst and help protect companies from cyberattacks. There are many postgraduate programs available that offer different study options including full-time, part-time evening courses, and distance learning. If interested in pursuing this course of study then check out our list of top universities below!

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