
Masters in Folklore and Mythology

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When looking for a perfect school to match your needs, especially for a Masters degree, Collegelearners is all you need. You can also get specific information on PhD in Folklore and Mythology, Masters in Folklore and Mythology and Bachelors in Folklore and Mythology in specific universities. This gem provides all the basic information you need on Masters in Folklore and Mythology, and so much more.

Mythology and folklore courses are available through a variety of academic departments at associates through doctoral level. With that said, degrees focusing primarily on mythology and folklore are most commonly found at the graduate level.

Masters In Folklore And Mythology Overview

Humans are pattern-matching animals. Today many of the patterns most important to us are detailed in the annals of scientific journals, classic literature, the arts, and journalistic endeavors. But there was a time before any of these enterprises. A time when humans documented ideas about what mattered the most in the form of stories – often passed down orally – and still poignant to this day.

These “stories” take the form of what we now call mythology and folklore. Some of these stories tell of where we come from. Some warn of vice or human states of love, revenge, or anger. And some provide more practical advice on what plants to use as medicine, on how to navigate by the stars, and more.

If you find yourself drawn to ancient worlds, and tracing our ways of defining our place in the cosmos back to our beginnings, then a degree in mythology of folklore could be a great fit.

Here at DegreeQuery, we’ve covered a wide range of degree and career types. In dealing with students of every level, we strive to provide answers to the pressing and popular questions just as we’ve done in this guide on mythology and folklore degrees.

Masters In Folklore Online

Can I Get A Masters In Folklore

The M.A. in folklore requires a minimum of 20 units of coursework, of which at least three four-unit courses must be graduate level, and an MA thesis based upon fieldwork or other original research.

The MA program enables students both to gain a broad appreciation of the discipline of Folklore (including the complex history of the study of traditional or vernacular culture in a self-consciously modern and global world) and to develop expertise in a particular area of interest. Graduates of our program take jobs in the public sector, bring their folklorist’s eye to work in other professional fields as diverse as museum curatorship and medicine, and go on to further graduate work in Anthropology, Communication Studies, Film Studies, and Information and Library Science as well as in Folklore.

Core courses taught by the Folklore faculty offer students a perspective on the breadth of genres and issues addressed by our discipline. The three additional courses allow students to explore interdisciplinary connections and historical contexts for their thesis topics. These additional courses may be taught by Folklore faculty or may come from a variety of associated graduate programs, including Anthropology, Communications Studies, English and Comparative Literature, History, and Music. Students may also arrange to take courses at Duke University, including courses in the Department of Cultural Anthropology, ethnomusicology courses in the Department of Music, and courses offered by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University.

An Introduction to Hungarian Folklore and Mythology - Emerald Cruises

The Folklore MA requires demonstrated proficiency in reading at least one foreign language. The language is selected in consultation with the Chair or Graduate Advisor; in most cases, it is the language most closely connected with the M.A. thesis. The language requirement is ordinarily satisfied by an examination in which the student translates a passage from an academic text in their language of choice into English.

Folklore degree candidates write a thesis directed by a committee consisting of at least three faculty members, including an “outside member” who does not belong to the Folklore Graduate Group. The Committee Chair and another “inside member” must belong to the Graduate Group. A co-chair from another department or program may be named when appropriate.

Beginning in 2008, one incoming student per year will receive the Alan Dundes Graduate Fellowship in Folklore. Support for Folklore students also comes from Graduate Student Instructor or Reader positions hired through the Department of Anthropology, especially in Anthropology 160AC. Students wishing to be considered for Anthropology teaching positions should fill out the online application by the required deadline. Folklore students are often eligible for teaching appointments in other departments, or may find appointments as research assistants.

Can I Gain a Mythology and Folklore Degree Online?

Folklore and mythology courses are readily available online at the associates through graduate levels of study. For entire degree programs, a handful of mythology as well as folklore degree programs are available entirely online. And while on may wonder why more programs aren’t available online, one should just note that — for now — many of the degree programs that are most readily offered online are those centered around professional disciplines. This means that some of the more readily available mythology and folklore-related degrees are actually degrees in professional studies such as education.

With that said, if one’s heart is truly set on obtaining an online degree, there are options within mythology and folklore.
And while online degrees have been a successful path for millions of students, potential students should know that they aren’t for everyone. Below we’ll work through some of the most common pros and cons of online degrees for your discernment purposes.
Pros of online degree programs

  • Don’t require you to move or change jobs
  • Often designed for adults who are working full time
  • Fees are often lower
  • You get the same degree
  • Support services are catching up with in-person programs

Cons of online degree programs

  • Harder to “get to know” classmates and professors
  • Harder to access networking and other events
  • Lowered access to library materials
  • Less choice of degrees
  • Many report online degrees require you to be more of a self-starter student

How Do I Gain Admission to a Mythology and Folklore Degree?

Admissions to mythology and folklore degree programs are typical of other programs within the humanities offered at the same degree level.
At the associates level, many programs offer “open admissions.” There are still prerequisites for entry, but all students who meet these prerequisites are offered admission. Typically the prerequisites include living in-state, city, or district, holding a high school diploma (or equivalent), and keeping your grades above a certain level once you enter the program.
At the bachelor’s level, students should expect to have completed their high school level study, to have taken a standardized test like an ACT or SAT, to have several letters of recommendation, and to have completed admissions essays. Applications to bachelor’s level programs can range from open admissions to being highly competitive. Once you’ve gained admission to the undergraduate college or the college of (likely) liberal arts within a university, you can proceed to choose whichever major you would like that is related to mythology and folklore.

What Can You Do With A Masters In Folklore

As for what roles mythology and folklore degrees prepare graduates for more directly, the most common jobs that stem directly from these degrees include:

  • Folklorist.
  • Ethnomusicologist.
  • Literature Professor.
  • Secondary Educator.
The Wisdom of Myth and Folklore: Why We Need Stories to Keep us Alive as a  Society — The Conscious Club

What Can I Do With a Degree in Mythology and Folklore?

Mythology and folklore degrees can be approached from a wide variety of angles, from a liberal arts, arts, or social science perspectives. Additionally, gaining a Ph.D. in any topic is quite a leap from obtaining only a bachelor’s degree. As such, there are a wide range of jobs that those with degrees in mythology and folklore can pursue — depending on degree level, interests, aptitudes, and what degree path is chosen.

As with nearly all liberal arts degrees, many graduates can work in education, law, marketing and business, or a range of other fields. The same may be said for mythology and folklore degrees.
As for what roles mythology and folklore degrees prepare graduates for more directly, the most common jobs that stem directly from these degrees include:

  • Folklorist
  • Ethnomusicologist
  • Literature Professor
  • Secondary Educator

Folklorists work by studying and helping to preserve aspects of folk culture. Most commonly employed in museums, non-profits, and university settings, folklorists may focus on a particular region, a type of artifact, or a particular group of people affected by a common issue or belief.
While there are many individuals who enact the preservation of folk lore (in paid and unpaid settings), the lowest degree often required to be a “folklorist” as a title is that of a master’s degree.
The average salary for folklore jobs depends on one’s setting of work. Across all locations the average is $40,000.

One area of folklore that enchants people the world round is that of music. Music is often heavily tied to a location or people group, the struggles they have faced, and their particular views of the world. Ethnomusicologists are individuals who study music within its social context. While master’s-level candidates may work in ethnomusicology, for individuals to obtain funding for their research, as well as to teach courses in findings within ethnomusicology, individuals typically need a doctoral degree.
While ethnomusicology earnings vary depending on the setting in which one is employed, the average salary for such positions (often tied to a professorship) is currently $60,000.
Our longest-lasting myths may have once been passed down orally, though through recent history myths have been transcribed (or even have a long literary lineage). As such, one of the most common angles through which to study mythology is through the lens of literature. Literature professors work in community college, traditional college, and university settings with a primary focus either on original research or the teaching of undergraduate students. While the path is long to becoming a professor of literature, for individuals willing to jump through the hoops to become a tenured professor, this can be one of the most stable paths to being able to study mythology through your entire career.

The average salary for literature professors (tenure track) is presently $80,545.

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