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Students who wish to continue their education after graduation often choose to enroll in master’s programs. Such programs are also required before students can obtain doctoral degrees. Master’s degree students gain specialized knowledge that usually puts them in higher salaries and more responsible jobs.
Course content
The aim of the four-semester study programme MSc in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology (NCP) is to train a select group of about 15 students each year (recruited from around the world) in both methodological and conceptual topics in this neuroscience-oriented discipline of psychology, and to provide an education that competes with the best international programmes.
More detailed information is provided on the NCP website:
Application deadline
15 February for the following winter semester
Educational organisation
In the first two semesters, students study an optimally structured broad curriculum, learning state-of-the-art basic scientific knowledge. The second part of the programme provides students with the opportunity to specialise and expand their knowledge in particular modules by participating in two full-time research projects between lecture periods and in advanced optional courses on current research topics in the third semester. The fourth semester is set aside for the writing of the Master’s thesis.
More detailed information is provided on the NCP website:
Course objectives
1. Research-oriented education in state-of-the-art methods and theories of neuro-cognitive psychology (e.g. experimental procedures for the measurement and imaging of neuro-cognitive functions and their disorders, neuro-cognitive modelling and theory formation)
2. Expanding students’ intellectual horizons as well as developing their interpersonal skills: cross-disciplinary teaching topics from Psychology, the Neurosciences (Biology, Medicine, etc.), and related disciplines (Philosophy, Computing Science, etc.); discussion, in obligatory seminars, of historical, philosophical, and ethical developments and problems encountered by the neuro-sciences; developing team and leadership abilities in small-group work, as well as of communication skills in project-oriented workshops
3. Key qualifications for postgraduate studies or science-related careers in positions of leadership: qualification for (1) internationally competitive, basic-science research, especially postgraduate studies (doctoral study programmes); (2) the application of basic-science knowledge in innovative applied fields in industry (e.g. ergonomic product and workplace design) and the health sector (e.g. neuropsychological diagnostics); (3) scientific communication (e.g. international conferences and journals); (4) self-organised, advanced studies in a methodologically and conceptually fast developing research field; promotion of team and leadership abilities as well as communication skills; orientation to/sensitisation for novel professional perspectives in research-related (e.g. industrial high-tech) areas of application
More detailed information is provided on the NCP website:
Academic requirements
Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in psychology, biology, medicine, or a closely related subject area. Also eligible to apply are students in the final year of their Bachelor’s or equivalent degree courses, provided that the degree will be conferred prior to enrolment in this programme in the winter semester (October).
German applicants who do not hold a Bachelor’s degree must have successfully completed the “Vordiplom” or “Physikum” examinations in one of the subjects specified above and have completed two semesters of advanced-level courses (“Hauptstudium”) by the date of enrolment in this programme.
The applicants’ age should not exceed 27 upon enrolment. Exceptions are possible only under particular circumstances upon the decision of the admissions committee.
Where to apply
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Neuro-Cognitive Psychology
Prof. Dr. Hermann J. Müller/M.Sc. Nadine Gögler
Leopoldstraße 13
80802 München
Masters In Cognitive Neuroscience
This Master’s degree has been designed to bridge the gap between undergraduate study and PhD research in cognitive neuroscience, experimental psychology, and imaging methods.
You will learn how to design, analyse, and evaluate neuroimaging experiments that contribute to our understanding of the brain mechanisms underpinning aspects of cognition and behaviour such as memory, attention, object recognition, neurodegeneration, and brain trauma.
You will get in-depth training in cognitive neuroscience research, introducing the principles of neuroimaging and gaining hands-on experience in structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI and fMRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS).
Why Cognitive Neuroscience At Swansea?
Our Psychology department has an outstanding reputation both in the UK and internationally. According to the Research Excellence Framework 2014, we are one of only four psychology departments in the UK to achieve a 100% 4* rating (maximum score possible) for the reach and significance of our work.
We are also ranked 2nd in the UK for Graduate Prospects by The Times and Sunday Times University League Tables 2019.
Our state-of-the-art research facilities include a high-density EEG suite, a fully fitted sleep laboratory, a social observation suite, eye-tracking, psychophysiological, tDCS, and conditioning labs, a lifespan lab and baby room plus more than 20 all-purpose research rooms.
Your Cognitive Neuroscience Experience
Our wide range of optional modules means that you can tailor your studies to your particular interests and goals for further study. We can also help you to secure work placements to provide valuable clinical experience.
Many of our academic staff are leaders in their specialist fields of research, including clinical and health psychology, brain injury, sleep, cognition, neuroscience and developmental psychology.
You will be joining a university that was named ‘University of the Year’ and ‘Postgraduate’ runner up in the What Uni Student Choice Awards 2019.
Cognitive Neuroscience Careers
A Master’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience will provide you with a vital academic foundation for future study at doctoral level. On completion, you will be able to apply to any competitive PhD programme in cognitive neuroscience nationally and internationally.
The course opens up a range of career options within cognitive neuroscience and related fields including psychology, computing, neurosciences, medicine and computer science