
Medical Residency In Germany

The Medical Residency Program in Germany is an integrated program that combines clinical training with medical sciences training, resulting in both a M.D. degree and a Ph.D. degree at the end of the 6-year program.

This residency program will allow you to complete your medical degree in Germany and gain valuable experience as well as clinical knowledge. You will be working with patients from all over the world, allowing you to gain practical skills that can be used throughout your career.

The residency program gives you access to state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, ensuring that you have the best possible learning environment available. In addition to this, there are many opportunities for research within this residency program, giving you an opportunity to further develop your knowledge of medicine and science while also gaining valuable work experience in various fields such as surgery or cardiology among others.

Are you interested in completing a residency in Germany (Facharztausbildung)? Germany is known as one of the most affordable countries to live and work in, and it’s perfect for those looking for professional experience before starting their careers back home.

Would you like to have access to or know about medical residencies? Get ready! Find out more about medical related and other related topics youโ€™re interested in such as Medical Residency In Sweden, Medical Residency In Denmark, Medical Residency In Germany For Non EU Citizens, Medical Residency In France, Medical Residency In Germany and Medical Residency In Norway right here on Collegelearners.com giving you the freedom and knowledge you so rightfully deserve.

Study Medicine in Germany - Study in Germany for Free

How To Get Medical Residency In Germany

Medical residents in Germany have the opportunity to train at one of the most competitive and comprehensive programs in Europe. The Clinical Training Center (CTC) at the Medical University of Munich (MUM) comprises all clinical departments necessary for medical training, allowing residents to become familiar with nearly every discipline, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatric and obstetric wards, intensive care units and emergency clinics. Residents also complete their practical training at several hospitals other than the CTC, including radiology and pathology labs. Residents may accept other opportunities to train at clinics in Europe or even further afield.

Residents can expect to gain valuable experience working with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Cultural sensitivity is important for doctors who treat patients from different countries or regions around the world, so this experience will be invaluable for your career. Additionally, German hospitals tend to be less crowded than American ones because of their universal healthcare system: You’ll have more time with each patient because you won’t need to rush through your appointments as quickly as possible!

Step 1

German language
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1

If you are planning for a medical residency in Germany then first you have to know the German language. After finishing the language portion, you can move further. Because language is the most important step for medical residency in Germany for non EU citizens.

Step 2

C1 Medical Terminology Or B2-C1 Medicine Terminology.

Step 3

It is a temporary medical license. For getting a temporary medical permit, you need to give Medical Language-communication exam Or Medical Terminology exam. And basically, it is known as Fachsprachprรผfung.

  1. FSP preparation:-
    After learning all levels of the German language, you need to give a test. And for the test there are three-step:-
  • Doctor to Doctor conversation:-Doctor to Doctor conversation is the first step for FSP test. It is a 20-minute test, and in that conversation will happen between Doctor to Doctor.
  • Doctor to Patient conversation:-The doctor to the patient is the second stage for FSP test, and in this stage, the discussion will happen between Doctor and Patient. And in this stage Doctor will get 20 minutes.
  • Patient case history:- It is the 3rd stage of the FSP test. And it is also a 20-minute test. But in this process,you have to understand the history of the patient. Patient illness problem and what is the recovery now and seeing the history which all treatment can give for further treatment. So you have to make a proper report based on history.

FSP exam duration is one hour and the same day they will announce the result.

FSP pass.:-If you pass the test, then you will get -2-year temporary medical license. You can start work, and you will get around 3000 to 5000 euros /month. You can also start clinical practice in German hospitals.

FSP fail:-
Suppose if you are not able to clear the test then do not worry, again you will get a chance after 3 months. So there are a number of attempts for the FSP test. So do your best to get a chance for medical residency in Germany.

Degree Evaluation:-
Once you submit the degree, then it will go for an evaluation. That means once you will provide the document then according to the German rules, it will go for German translation and then attestation process. And after that, you can apply for degree evaluation. We provide Medical residency in Germany for Non Eu Citizens.

B2 level German:-
For applying for the medical residency, you need to know B2 level German language.
And it is a 4-5 month course. Once you complete the course, you can apply for further process.

Approbation exam/Knowledge test/kenntnisprรผfung/Permanent Medical license. After clearing the KP, test Doctors are eligible to go for free pg/medical residency to work as a doctor.

Hereafter FSP you will get a temporary license. After the approbation test, you will get a permanent chance to do the medical practice because you will get a permanent license. For free PG medical residency in Germany. After getting the license, you can work all over Europe :-Germany, Austria, Luxembourg ,Switzerland etc.
Good luck Doctors for the future career. We provide Medical residency in Germany for Non Eu Citizens.


Medical Residency In Germany

A medical residency program is a training program for doctors, who learn how to work in a hospital and gain experience in different fields of medicine. The program usually lasts from 3-6 years. A doctor can choose one of two types of residencies: a general one or a specialized one. If you have already completed your medical education, you can apply for a general residency program in Germany. If you have not yet completed your medical education, you need to complete it first and then apply for the specialized residency program.

To enter a medical residency program in Germany, you must have an undergraduate degree in medicine or dentistry. You must also have at least one year of work experience as a doctor before starting the residency program.

You should be able to speak English fluently because medical residencies are taught only in this language. You must also have excellent written and oral communication skills in German as well as good computer skills.

If you are an international student looking for Continuing Medical Education in Germany, you may want to consider doing your residency or PhD at one of the many German universities.

The 6-year medical degree is a must, but language skills are not. The good news is that many German universities offer English-language options for those who need them. And the great news is that Germany has a high quality healthcare system and is known as one of the best places to study medicine in Europe!

The requirements vary from university to university, but generally speaking there are two routes: either a residency or a PhD. A residency will allow you to work as a doctor in Germany right after graduation; however, this usually means working in an affiliated hospital for several years before getting your own practice license. A PhD program will allow you to conduct research on topics related to medicine (and potentially publish), but it’s important to keep in mind that this option takes longer than doing a residency program and will not result in any work experience unless you manage to secure some kind of position during your studies.

Basic medical training in Germany leads to graduation with Approbation (License to Practise Medicine) equals to Doctor of medicine). Undergraduate medical study in Germany is a 6-year program and it includes 48 weeks of continuous practical training.

When you graduate from medical school, youโ€™re technically a doctor. But there are many different fields of medicine that require specialisation, and to become a specialist in any given field, you have to complete an extra qualification for that particular field.

For example, if you want to become an ENT specialist (ear, nose and throat), then you need to do a 2-year course in ENT at a hospital approved by the Medical Council of India (MCI). This involves 5 years of training after the MBBS degree. Once this is done, one can apply for postgraduate residency (PG) in ENT at an approved hospital. After completion of PG training period of 1 year or more depending upon the preference of the candidate or availability of seats in PG courses after completion of MBBS degree and registration with Medical Council Of India, one can register as a medical practitioner specializing in ENT under Section 12A which is applicable only upto March 31st 2020.

Medical residency in Germany easily explained - CERTA MEDICAL

Medical Residency In Germany For Foreigners

Germany is a country with one of the most advanced medical systems in the world. It is also a country where there is a shortage of doctors.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, in 2017 there were about 5,300 doctors who were not German citizens and worked as doctors in Germany. There are also many more students who are studying to become doctors in Germany but do not yet have their license. The chart below will give you an overview of foreign doctors working in different areas of medicine in Germany:

Placement fees

Placement in Medical Residency is a mega bureaucratic process and since each candidate’sโ€™ case is different and therefore, our service charges are calculated case by case basis depending upon the complexities of the task and individual support requirement. Once you have passed Goethe Zertifikat B1, please visit us along with your documents so that we can assess further possibilities and inform you of the related costs.


The starting point of Medical Specialist training is that you should have a good medical education and a licence to practise medicine in your home country followed by German language courses upto B2 level and either TELC Medizin test or Patientkommunikationtest 1 or PatientKommunikationTest 2. For successful integration and stress free work in a German hospital, you need C1 level of German language.


If you are a medical doctor in Nepal and interested in doing Medical Specialist training in Germany or Facharztausbildung in Germany, you have several pathways with us to support your medical residency in Germany. However, most of these pathway start after passing Goethe Zertifikat B1. It is important to note that a very good German language skill at least upto B1 is required in order to start the process. A simple pass may not be enough and we advise you to learn German language course at Edupark so that we can create a tailored learning plan depending upon your needs.

Important things to know !

Medical Residency In Germany Duration

The length of residency varies from five up to six years depending on the residency area. Dentistry residencies are between 1 and 3 years long.

Minimum wage:

We understand that you are looking for a medical residency position in Germany. We can help you with this!

We know that it is hard to find a job as a doctor in Germany, especially when you are new to the country. We have been helping candidates like you get their dream residency positions in Germany since 2008.

Our team of experts has helped over 100 candidates get their dream residency positions in Germany with an average salary of 3000 -4500 Euros depending upon the area of your medical residency in addition to support with paperworks such as German Tax office support service and obtaining work permit support.

Our company provides all these services for free, so there is no need for you to worry about the extra costs involved with obtaining your residency position in Germany.

Application date:

You can embark on residency anytime. The main requirement is the knowledge of German language at the necessary level.

Language Competency:

Usually at least language level B2 is required for admission into residency. It is impossible to get admission without knowledge of the language. Those who do not command German can avail themselves of our language course services.

We support interested medical doctors with all necessary steps provided that you make use of our services for placement in Medical Specialist Training in Germany. Moreover, we support you in complicated paperwork and obtaining work permit during your medical residency. Therefore, one has an opportunity to study and train himself in of the finest hospitals or university clinics in Germany and a the same time earning normal salary of assistant physicians.

How to get a medical residency in Germany? - Incor

Medical Residency in Germany for International Students

A medical residency is a postgraduate training program that is required for licensure as a physician. The first part of the training period is called internship, while the second part is called residency.

During this time, residents learn by observing and working with more experienced doctors. This may include working in hospitals or other care institutions such as nursing homes or clinics. Residents are supervised by attending physicians who are usually board-certified specialists in their field.

Residents may also take on patients directly under supervision, and they may even be able to perform minor procedures such as setting broken bones or stitching wounds.

The length of a residency varies depending on the specialty chosen; however, most last between three and eight years.

The German language is one of the most important languages in the world. It is spoken by over 100 million people in Germany alone, and over 200 million people worldwide. It is also an official language in Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium, as well as several other countries that were once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The German language is closely related to Dutch, English, Danish and Swedish; it also has some similarities with Frisian (spoken in parts of Germany), Yiddish (a Jewish language), Gothic (the oldest known form of written German) and Latin (the language used by the Romans).

The German alphabet contains 26 letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z In addition to these letters there are also special symbols such as รค รถ รผ รŸ which are called umlauts or diacritics. These are used when certain sounds are pronounced differently from their normal pronunciation.

In order to understand how these letters work together to create words we need first understand how sounds are formed when speaking them out loud (or even just thinking about them). When making these sounds we use our vocal chords

In Germany, the oldest universal health care system in the world ensures that everyone can access medical care. Health insurance is mandatory for all residents. Most people are covered by public health insurance, and 11% of the population is covered by private health insurance. The Ministry of Health oversees this system to make sure it’s running smoothly, but there are also several other health authorities involved.

Public health insurance: This is a national program that covers everyone who lives in Germanyโ€”including foreigners who have been living here for at least five yearsโ€”and gives them access to health care services at an affordable price (or free!). There are two types of public health insurance: statutory sickness funds and statutory accident insurance funds. Both offer comprehensive coverage for all sorts of medical services including hospital visits, primary care visits, and prescription drugs. However, statutory accident insurance funds also cover rehabilitation costs after an injury or illness occurs.

Private health insurance: Private plans allow individuals to customize their benefits based on their personal needs and budget constraints. These plans often provide higher coverage limits than statutory sickness funds or accident funds do; however, they tend to come with higher premiums or deductibles too because they usually cover more expensive treatments than providers would charge under public plans alone.

Undergraduate Medical Education

Basic medical education starts after completing secondary school education of 12 to 13 grade and holding Abitur or Fachabitur certification.

Germany has many medical schools (List of medical schools can in Germany can be seen here) Basic medical education is taught in German.

Studying medicine in Germany allows you to work as a doctor in all European countries and many other countries in the world. Undergraduate medical education requires 12 semesters (6 years) compulsory full time. The study period is divided as follows:

  • Preclinical study: 2 years.
  • Clinical study:3 years
  • Internship: 1 year

At the end of each module mentioned above, students have to pass a state exam called Approbation (Approbationsordnung fรผr ร„rzte) and present a thesis at end of their education. Upon graduation they are titled as Dr.med.

Foreign students who want to study medicine in Germany, usually their high school qualification is not accepted in Germany and they should complete one year โ€œStudienkollegโ€ course which will make them eligible to study medicine in German university. For further evaluation of their secondary school education abroad they should check this link (in German). (also see Foreign students who want to study medicine in Germany).

For a number of universities, international applications should be submitted via the University Application Service for International Students, (uni-assist). Usually basic and postgraduate medical education in state universities is free of cost for locals and foreign students. Foreign students can find scholarship or stipends for living and other expenses on Daad (a huge database for basic and postgraduate education). While local and EU/EEA students can also get monthly stipend from Federal Student Financial Aid Program or BAfรถG.

Undergraduate Medical Education

Medical Residency in Germany In English

Basic Medical Education in Germany leads to graduation (M.D. – Diplom in Medizin) with an Approbation (Licence to practise medicine) after six years of studies at medical universities in Germany including the 48 weeks of continuous practical training. It is important to note that it is not difficult to obtain Specialist Medical Training positions for those candidates who have completed their basic medical education or M.D. in Germany as they already hold Approbation.

For doctors from outside Germany, they have to meet all the requirements leading to the Approbation first, before they can start their Specialist Medical Training in Germany. Specializations in a certain area of medicine is an important part of Specialist Medical Training in Germany and elsewhere. There are 30 different areas of Medicine to choose from for your Medical Specialist Training. Specialist Medical Training in Germany takes around 5-6 years and conducted at universitiesโ€™ clinics and medical facilities such as hospitals which are authorised for it. Regulations regarding Specialist Medical Training is different in each state in Germany. However, excellent German language skills upto B2/C1 followed by a medical license, the โ€œApprobationโ€ is the starting point towards your Specialist Medical Training in Germany.

Medical Specialist Training in Germany is a non-university degree and are not offered by universities. The degree โ€œFacharztโ€ (Medical Specialist) is awarded by the authorised centres where the doctors are trained. Usually during Medical Specialist training doctors work full time at a doctor’s practice, a university clinic or medical centre or other โ€œinstitution authorised to provide medical treatment and at the same time are trained under more senior physicians and surgeons in their field of specialities. During the training as a Medical Specialist, one is normally paid the salary of an assistant physician.

An important aspect of the Medical Residency or Medical Specialist Training for doctors who have completed their medical education outside of EU or Norway or Switzerland is the recognition of your medical education. The equivalency of the academic qualification is assessed by an examination called Kenntnisspruefung. If the medical board decides that your education is not equivalent to that of Germany, you will receive a temporaray medical license valid for a maximum of 2 years during which you are required to take the equivalency assessment examination. One normally receives โ€œApprobationโ€ or the German medical license after passing the exam.


Medical Residency in Germany for Non-Eu Citizens

This is an exciting time to be a doctor!

With the recent expansion of the EU and the ease of travel between member countries, it’s never been easier to work abroad.

And Germany is no exception. With a huge demand for doctors, there is a great opportunity for qualified medical professionals who want to make their careers in Germany.

We offer medical residencies for non-EU citizens at all levels of trainingโ€”from MDs to MSs, and everything in betweenโ€”so if you’re looking for an opportunity to work as a doctor in Germany, we’ve got you covered.

But wait it is not such an easy task if you think that you have a medical degree and based on that degree you will get work in Germany. Let me clear you one thing that different country has its criteria like that Germany also maintains different education criteria. We know Germany is an advance to develop the state and their rule regulation is too harsh.

For non-EU-citizen, it is quite challenging to get a medical residency in Germany. It is not that if you not completed a medical degree in Germany, then you will not get medical residency. You will, but you have to go through a process. Like for a license first, you gain a temporary permit.

We are pleased to inform you that [company name] has been selected to take part in a private medical residency program in Germany.

This program is designed to offer non-EU citizens the opportunity to complete their residency training in Germany. It is open to candidates from all countries and specialties who have already completed at least one year of postgraduate training.

During this 12-month program, candidates will receive personalised coaching and mentoring from a board-certified specialist in their chosen specialty. They will also benefit from an individualised curriculum designed by their mentor and be assigned a dedicated mentor on-site at the clinic where they will be working.

Candidates will have the opportunity to spend time with our medical colleagues at our German partner hospitals, as well as attend conferences and other events. They will also have the opportunity to explore German culture while they are based there.

German Permanent Residence Permit | expatrio.com

Medical residency in Germany is a great option for anyone looking to specialize in the medical field. It’s a very popular destination for doctors from around the world, and with good reason. The training and education you receive as a resident will give you an in-depth understanding of how medicine works in Germany, which will help you prepare for any future career path.

You’ll be able to gain practical experience working alongside doctors who have been trained at some of the top institutions in the world, so you’ll be getting hands-on experience with cutting-edge techniques right away. You’ll also have access to cutting-edge technology and equipment, which will allow you to see things like 3D scans or X-rays in high definition, helping your diagnosis skills improve dramatically.

The cost associated with medical residency in Germany is relatively low compared to other countriesโ€”you can expect between โ‚ฌ1,000 and โ‚ฌ2,000 per month depending on where in Germany you live and what kind of accommodations are available near your school or hospital.

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