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This Newcastle based business and management masters is open to those from any undergraduate background and aims to develop your leadership and management capability by enhancing your knowledge of international business management theory, whilst expanding cultural and ethical awareness.
There is a strong focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility. You will explore how international organisations seek competitive advantage through innovation, evaluating sustainable strategies to promote business growth in a responsible way.
Benefiting from learning in exceptional teaching facilities, you will cover a range of management and leadership concepts that will consider positive and responsible change within organisations, the impact of change on individuals and issues of resilience and sustainability.
This course also aims to develop contemporary skills that will enable you to develop effective strategies to successfully build sustainable, digital enterprises. You will have the opportunity to attend a residential where you will work collaboratively with peers, enhance your leadership and team-working abilities through increased self-awareness and knowledge of group processes.
The course culminates in either a dissertation, or consultancy project- tackling an issue faced by a real client, or if you prefer, a master’s management enquiry project – working with others as a team to explore a business issue. These can be related to any business and management discipline, given the wide and varied content of this master’s programme.
Graduates of this course can typically expect to go into professional and graduate management position. You may choose to start a career within an industry that is related to the subject that you studied during your first degree or you may prefer to take on a completely new challenge.
If you decide to start up your own business, it’s good to know that the combined turnover of our graduates’ start-up companies is higher than that of any other UK university.
The Business with Management Masters could also lead you to a postgraduate research degree such as an MPhil, PhD and Professional Doctorate.
Please note, applications for January 2022 are not yet open.
Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.Year one
BM9718 –
Research Methods and Analytics for Business Practice (Core,20 Credits)
In this module you will learn about a comprehensive range of research methods and business analytics techniques. This will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills necessary for you to conduct research at Masters’ level and prepare you to complete a Master’s Dissertation, Consultancy Project or Management Enquiry. By the end of the module you will know how to apply both quantitative and qualitative data collection and business analysis techniques. In quantitative techniques you will learn about sampling, questionnaire design, statistical inference, and hypothesis testing while qualitative techniques covered will include methods such as interviewing and focus groups. Analysis methods such as content analysis and thematic analysis will also be covered. In addition, you will gain some understanding of research philosophy (positivism and interpretivism) and research ethics and you will be able to write a research proposal to bring these ideas together.
Furthermore, this module will provide clear, critical, and analysis of data, you will also be able to consider the use of analytics implementation skills, where you will be introduced to analytics software such as SPSS. SPSS statistics analysis is one of the powerful solutions that is designed to help businesses and researchers to solve problems by various methods (geospatial analysis, predictive analytics and hypothesis testing).More information
GA7000 –
Academic Language Skills for Postgraduate Business Students (Core – for International and EU students only,0 Credits)
Studying away from your home country can differ due to cultural and language differences in teaching and assessment practices. This
module is designed to support your transition to postgraduate level study in the use and practice of subject specific skills around assessments
and teaching provision in your chosen subject. The overall aim of this module is to further develop your abilities to read and study effectively
for academic purposes; to develop your skills in analysing and using source material in seminars and academic writing and to develop your
use and application of language and communications skills suitable for a postgraduate level of study.
The topics you will cover on the module include:
• Understanding postgraduate assignment briefs.
• Developing advanced academic writing skills, including citation, paraphrasing, and summarising.
• Practising advanced ‘critical reading’ and ‘critical writing’
• Planning and structuring postgraduate level academic assignments (e.g. essays, reports and presentations).
• Avoiding academic misconduct and gaining credit by using academic sources and referencing effectively.
• Speaking in postgraduate seminar presentations.
• Presenting your ideas
• Giving discipline-related postgraduate level academic presentations, experiencing peer observation, and receiving formative feedback.
• Postgraduate level speed reading techniques.
• Developing self-reflection skills.More information
HR9737 –
Leadership and Management Development (Core,20 Credits)
This module engages you in personal and professional development in order that you develop and hone your teamworking, management and leadership skills,
capabilities and attributes, and in so doing, enhance your employability. On this module, you will not only prepare for your first job after you graduate but also kickstart
your commitment to life-long personal and professional learning. In the first part of the module you will be supported in a self-analysis by a range of activities, including
the completion of self-administered tool-kits to demonstrate an increased self-awareness and self-understanding. This will also involve applying theoretical frameworks
and researching contemporary literature for a more in-depth understanding of self. A key outcome of this process is how you will be able to exploit this development in
order to lead, and manage, more effectively in your future careers. The second part of the module contains activities which enable you to build on your self-analysis and
explore further your strengths, weaknesses and areas for development in the context of your career development plans. You will receive guidance on how to craft
professional, postgraduate CVs, LinkeIn profiles, and supporting documentation to meet the needs of employer. Furthermore, you will use your understanding of self to
help you to understand the key issues and specific challenges that you face, with your skills profile, in relation to your employability prospects in your target
profession/industry/sector. This will also include the development of knowledge into the global graduate market, (including routes such as self-employment and
developing your career with an existing employer) drawing upon local, national and international examples.More information
HR9738 –
Leadership for Responsible Change (Core,20 Credits)
This module critically explores managing and leading positive and responsible change within work organisations. While the focus is on planned approaches to changes, you will also develop an appreciation of emergent change through exploration of a range of concepts, models, and theoretical frameworks. You will compare types of change and processes to participatory change and stakeholder inclusion and engagement. You will also consider impacts of change on individuals and issues of resilience and sustainability.More information
MO9704 –
Strategy and Marketing (Core,20 Credits)
Following the historical perspectives, contemporary development, emergent areas in marketing and the cross-functional business areas, this module takes a strategic view of marketing management. The aim is to introduce marketing at an advanced strategic level, enabling you to develop theoretical understanding, in order to interpret the theoretical understanding into practical application.The purpose is to support the development of knowledge and skills required for strategic analysis of market and key stakeholders to formulate sustainable marketing strategies.
A forward-thinking approach is adopted throughout the module, as you will have the opportunity to learn and discuss the theories and concepts that have been persistently influencing the evolving marketing dynamics. This module will cover three key areas of strategic marketing and business sustainability:
1) Understanding your market and developing marketing strategies:
• The transformation in marketing dynamics: Looking backward to move forward
• Marketing audit: Stakeholders as the key players in your market
• Competitive factors and strategic marketing
• A cross-cultural world: Understanding the contemporary buyers
• Customer value and new product development
• Pricing strategy
2) Implementation of strategies: Strategic marketing and sustainable competitive advantage
• Stakeholder relationship management and business sustainability
• Marketing mix and market segments
• Strategic communication: Image, reputation and brand positioning/re-positioning
• Resource-based view and sustainable competitive advantage: Outplaying competitors’ value proposition
• Influencing buyers’ decision: Implications of behavioural economics
• Digital marketing
• International marketing
3) Emerging areas in strategic marketing
• The ongoing changes in market dynamics
• Ethical consumers and green marketing
• Responsible marketing and the UN sustainable development goals
• Cross-functional implications of marketing and vice-versaMore information
NX0477 –
NBS Masters Consultancy Project (Optional,60 Credits)
This option is offered as an alternative to the NBS Masters’ Dissertation on all 1-year MSc programmes and in the second semester of year 2 on the 2-year programme variants with Study Abroad and with Advanced Practice (if the students select an Internship in semester 1), again as a Dissertation alternative. It is also offered as alternative to the Management Investigation on the MBA.
On this consultancy based module you will enhance your individual effectiveness and employability skills by locating the learning and development in an organisational context. In doing so, you will promote personal and group development, commercial awareness, and a range of inter-personal, intellectual and practical skills and knowledge centred on and demonstrated through a group negotiated real-time work-based project.
The content of the management report will be unique. The nature and scope of the area of your investigation will be defined and agreed in collaboration with the organisation and the University supervisor. The syllabus will include:
• Conducting research in organisations.
• Identifying researchable questions.
• Consultancy and project management skills.
• Research methods and doing a literature review
• Presentation, communication and report writing skills.
• Analysing findings.
• Writing recommendations and action plans.
• Reflecting on work based experiential learning.
In undertaking this project based module, you will critically reflect and evaluate upon organisational practices and their relation with academic theory, and in doing so, provide practical and actionable recommendations through an investigative management report.
The assessment for your module consists of a Group Consultancy Report (7,000 words) and Final Client Presentation, weighted at 60%, alongside an Individual Assignment comprising a Literature Review (4000 words) and a Reflective Learning Statement (2,000 words), weighted at 40%.More information
NX0480 –
The Newcastle Business School Masters Dissertation (Optional,60 Credits)
In this module you will gain an understanding of the academic skills that are required to produce a Masters Dissertation. By the end of the module you will have written a 15000 word Masters dissertation. The areas included are:
• Justification for the choice of topic
• Appropriate understanding, awareness and critical analysis of existing and up to date literature evidenced by a comprehensive and well-referenced literature review with an extensive reference list
• Selection, justification and application of an appropriately rigorous methodology – including limitations of the approach selected
• Clear statement of the findings of the research
• Critical analysis of the findings
• Explicit links between the analysis and the conclusions supported by critical argument
• Evidence of original work or thought for example in the form or context of the data collected, analytical process or application of findingsMore information
NX9734 –
Masters’ Management Enquiry (Optional,60 Credits)
The Masters’ Management Enquiry module is a student-led individual project that enables you to undertake a significant piece of assessed
work commensurate with a capstone module and is offered as an alternative to the Masters’ Dissertation and Masters’ Consultancy Project.
The module aims to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate an authentic engagement with managers and/or professionals in your
discipline (this enquiry has to be discipline specific), and to integrate the knowledge you have developed during your programme to explore
the theory in practice. The learning on this module is experiential and problem based, where the focus is upon you discovering, probing and
questioning key practice-based issues. Through the module you will be offered the opportunity to develop and enhance key transferable
employability skills including; time management, project management, communication (written, aural and verbal), negotiation, persuasion and
influence, discovery, initiative, problem-solving and analysis.
The module has five thematic areas; explore, review, engage, reflect and connect. These form the key elements of the assessed submission
which is a single 15,000 word report.
Part A (35%, 5,000-5,500 words)
Explore: Interviewing a manager and/or professional in your discipline. In this interview you will either explore a key issue which you feel the
discipline is facing or, alternatively, explore with the manager or professional the key issues that they feel they are facing in practice. It is
expected that you will apply non-verbatim documented conversation and provide evidence of the key ideas emerging within the submitted
enquiry report (e.g. within the appendices).
Review: Critically examining the academic and practitioner literature to support the exploration, displaying an ability to critically assess and
appraise the knowledge of your discipline related to a specific key issue arising from your exploration.
Part B (65%, 9,500-10,000 words)
Engage: Displaying an authentic engagement with the discipline problem/issue identified in Part A, by collecting/generating and analysing
further live data (beyond the initial interview) regarding the discipline problem/issue. This live data may be primary data (e.g. further interviews
with, or questionnaire to, managers and/or professionals in practice) or secondary data (e.g. industry data). Application of appropriate,
ethically-considered, research methods and appropriate qualitative or quantitative data analysis.
Reflect and Connect: Demonstrating an ability to critically evaluate and reflect on the issues arising from the Management Enquiry.
Demonstrating how you have connected and fed-back to the participants of the Enquiry (usually the manager and/or participants) your key
findings to provide clear prioritised, well-justified, practical and actionable recommendations for change/enhancement/improvement to existing
practice to show how the recommendations would potentially affect workplace professional decision making.More information
SM4022 –
Globalisation, Innovation and Sustainability (Core,20 Credits)
This 20-credit core module is delivered during the first semester of the MSc International Business Management and is aimed at you if you have prior business and management academic experience.
The aim of the module is to build on your prior academic knowledge of business management and explores the new post-recession economic and business environment. It aims to develop your academic knowledge and professional skills in evaluating sustainable strategic options for international organisations seeking competitive advantage through innovation. Contemporary but also traditional strategy formulation theoretical frameworks are presented within the module to develop you as critical thinkers and future practitioners.
The module is designed around five pillars: (i) developments in the new (post-global recession) economic and business environment; (ii) strategic options for international growth; (iii) innovation; (iv) leadership and change within an international/global business model; and (v) sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR).More information
SM9715 –
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Core,20 Credits)
The module aims to provide you with knowledge and skills regarding the application of digital technologies in support of entrepreneurial activities, across the different stages of the entrepreneurial process (opportunity identification, start-up and scale-up). The module is delivered using interactive workshops, supported by an interactive discussion board, tutor supported, but permitting interaction with fellow students.
This module will cover the main aspects of the relationship between digital technologies and entrepreneurship:
• Opportunities and challenges of digital technologies for entrepreneurs,
• The skillset of digital entrepreneurs: entrepreneurial and digital skills,
• The impact of digital technologies on the creation and recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities,
• The start-up of digital enterprises: value creation, business models and funding strategies,
• The scale-up of digital enterprises: strategies to deal with regulation, competition and barriers to growth.
The module will lead you to the development of fundamental, contemporary skills for creating and developing digital enterprises. On completing the module, you will learn about the specific challenges of undertaking entrepreneurial activities in the context of digital markets and acquire the skills to develop effective strategies to build sustainable digital enterprises.More information