msu finance major requirements

The finance program mission is to enable the graduating finance major to use the principles, tools, and techniques for effective and efficient financial management, perform financial analysis and planning, explain the Investments environment and asset valuation models, identify short, intermediate, and long-term financial alternatives, apply financial management for new ventures and small business, and to understand the management performance, and regulatory aspects of financial institutions and markets.

The finance major prepares students for a wide variety of careers in business and government, including corporate financial management, financial analysis, financial institutions, entrepreneurship, investments, real estate, financial planning, and international business. It provides students with knowledge and decision-making skills for acquiring, investing, and managing capital. The concepts, methods, and techniques equip the students with a thorough understanding of the financial process in order to add value to any organization.

General Education
General Education courses38-40
College of Business Required General Education Courses
ECON 201Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202Principles of Macroeconomics
MATH 210Elementary Statistics
PHIL 100Critical Thinking
College of Business Core Requirements
ACCT 200Elements of Accounting I3
ACCT 201Elements of Accounting II3
ACCT 315Legal Environment of Business3
BADM 301Fundamentals of Management3
BADM 321Marketing3
BIT 220Management Information Systems3
BIT 318Business Communication3
BOTE 247Spreadsheet Applications3
FIN 353Principles of Financial Management3
Courses Required for Finance Major
ACCT 321Managerial Accounting3
FIN 355Investments3
FIN 357Advanced Corporate Finance3
FIN 360Entrepreneurial Finance3
FIN 454Portfolio Theory3
FIN 455Financial Institutions & Markets3
FIN 457International Corporate Finance3
FIN 458Financial Analysis and Valuation3
Select three of the following:9
ACCT 301Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 302Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 303Intermediate Accounting III
ACCT 411Taxation of Individuals
ACCT 412Taxation of Property Transactions and Business Entities
BADM 496Study Abroad
ECON 318Money and Banking
ECON 320Environ and Nat Resource Econ
ECON 410Managerial Economics
FIN 421International Energy Markets
FIN 443Real Estate Finance
FIN 451Insurance & Risk Management
FIN 497Internships
FIN 499Special Topics 2
(To meet the 120 SH graduation requirement.)22
Total Hours120-122
1These courses can be taken as a part of the General Education requirement.
2Requires advisor approval for meeting program requirements.

Offered: On campus

Consider a degree in finance
A bachelorโ€™s degree in finance from Minot State University prepares you with the knowledge and decision-making skills needed to acquire, invest, and manage money.  It can open doors to careers in corporate financial management, financial analysis, banking, investments, real estate, financial planning, international business, and entrepreneurship. A finance minor compliments majors such as accounting and management.

Is finance right for you?

  • Financial advisors generally work for investment banks, insurance companies, mutual fund companies, pension funds, or securities firms.
  • Financial analysts gauge the performance, health, and value of potential investments.
  • Financial examiners must be detailed-oriented and able to review large volumes of documents.
    Most examiners work for the finance and insurance industries or federal and state governments.
    They may travel to investigate activities of a company and to enforce laws and regulations.
  • Portfolio managers manage investments for individuals, a group of people, or an institution.
  • Loan officers evaluate, authorize, or recommend approval of loan applications for people and
  • Budget analysts help public and private institutions organize their finances. They prepare
    budget reports and monitor institutional spending.
  • Real estate brokers and sales agents help clients buy, sell, and rent properties.
  • Insurance sales agents contact potential customers and sell one or more types of insurance.
    They explain various insurance policies and help clients choose plans that suit them.

Major Field Requirements: 2.0 Minimum GPA

Required Courses

These required courses introduce the basic concepts that define the field of finance. They provide students with essential knowledge and financial tools that are common to careers in the field.

Major Selection Courses

Students must earn nine (9) credits from the following finance major selection courses.

All business majors must be admitted to Jabs in order to enroll in upper-division option (300-400 level) ACTG, BGEN, BFIN, BMGT, BMIS, and BMKT courses and the senior capstone, BGEN 499. Requirements for admission to Jabs include: junior standing (completion of 60 semester credits), completion of all pre-business courses with no grade less than a C-, and minimum 2.50 cumulative MSU GPA.

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation; 42 of these credits must be in courses numbered 300 and above; 48 credits must be non-business/non-economics rubrics (although ECNS 101ISECNS 202ECNS 204ISBMGT 240IS may be included); University Core credit requirements must be satisfied.

All students transferring to Jabs must meet theย MSU & Jabs residency requirements.

The following is a sample schedule for this major โ€“ your actual schedule may vary.

Meet with your advisor and review the class schedule before confirming your schedule.

Missouri State is committed to helping you graduate in four years.

The following is a sample schedule for this major โ€“ your actual schedule may vary.

The following degree plan is based on the 2021-22 catalog and Missouri State general education requirements.

First semester (fall)

ENG 110 Writing I3
GEP 101 First-Year Foundations2
MTH 134 Algebraic Reasoning and Modeling3
PSY 121 Introductory Psychology3
Life Science (lab) or Physical Science (lab) – General Education4
Total hours15

Second semester (spring)

ITC 200 Critical and Creative Thinking Using Information Technology3
COM 115 Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
ECO 155 Principles of Macroeconomics3
PLS 101 American Democracy and Citizenship3
Human Cultures – Humanities3
Total hours15

Third semester (fall)

ACC 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting3
ITC 201 Computer Applications for Business3
ECO 165 Principles of Microeconomics3
MGT 286 Business Communications3
Human Cultures – Arts3
Total hours15

Fourth semester (spring)

ACC 211 Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
LAW 231 Legal Environment of Business3
QBA 237 Basic Business Statistics3
Life Science (no lab) or Physical Science (no lab)3
Cultural Competence – Take ANT 100/GRY 100/IDS 297/REL 210 to also count on globalization list3
Total hours15

Fifth semester (fall)

FIN 380 Financial Management3
HST 121 Survey of the History of the United States to 1877
or HST 122 Survey of the History of the United States since 1877
RMI 211 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance
or FIN 266 Principles of Real Estate
or FIN 381 Financial Planning
MGT 340 Principles of Management3
MKT 350 Principles of Marketing3
Total hours15

Sixth semester (spring)

LAW 332 Debtor and Creditor Rights and Remedies1
ENG 210 Writing II: Writing Across the Disciplines
or ENG 221 Writing II: Writing for the Professions
FIN 390 Intermediate Financial Management3
FIN 485 Investments3
LAW 335 Business Enterprises, Rights/Liabilities
or LAW 532 Legal Environment of Business Organizations for Professionals
MKT 364 Operations Management3
Total hours15-16

Seventh semester (fall)

RMI 211 Principles of Risk Management and Insurance
or FIN 266 Principles of Real Estate
or FIN 381 Financial Planning
FIN 384 Financial Markets and Intermediaries3
FIN 487 Intermediate Investments
or FIN 598 Financial Research and Portfolio Management
Finance List*3
General Elective to bring total to 1203
Total hours15

Eighth semester (spring)

ITC 429 Information Systems with Business Intelligence3
Finance List*3
FIN 586 International Financial Statement Analysis3
MGT 487 Strategic Management and Policy3
Finance List*3
Total hours15

*Finance List Courses*

FIN-392 – International Study Away in Finance or FIN-395 – Domestic Study Away in Finance

FIN-480 – Financial Decision Making

FIN 494 – Internship in Finance

FIN-582 – International Financial Management

FIN-589 – Management of Financial Institutions

FIN 596 – Research Issues and Problems: Finance

FIN-599 – Directed Study for CFA Level I Exam

RMI 520 – Risk Modeling and Analytics

RMI 530 – Risk Transfer

GPA & credit hour requirements

Electives, as needed to bring total credit hours to 120 and upper division hours (300+) to 40.

GPA requirements include a minimum 2.00 Missouri State GPA and a minimum 2.50 combined GPA to apply for admission to the College of Business.Degree plan last reviewed 07-22-2021.

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