If you are learning about online associate’s degree in electronics for the first time, the subject might seem overwhelming to those who haven’t explored the subject before, but you are likely to find it fascinating.
Read more about information on electronics degree online, associates degree in electronics technology salary, online engineering associate’s degree, and online associate’s degree in electronics technology. You’ll also find related articles on online associate’s degree in electronics engineering technology on collegelearners.
Students in the Electronic Engineering Technology associate’s degree program learn about the fundamentals of circuit design, voltage, semiconductor devices, theory vs. simulation, transistors, microprocessors and more. The program helps prepare students for employment in a variety of fields including consumer electronics, telecommunications, and semiconductors – wherever there is a need for the design, testing, and manufacturing of hardware and software for all things electrical.
The amount of time it takes for a student to complete the program will depend upon the individual student’s course load. Students can earn the Associate of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology (64 credits) as a first step towards earning the Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering Technology (127 credits). Many of the courses taken toward this degree can be also applied toward a related Certificate Program in Introduction to Electronic Engineering Technology, allowing students to earn additional credentials as they pursue their degree.
Note: Although some of the courses in this program are available online, the majority of the courses are only available on campus.
– Total Credits: 64
– For students who entered the program in or after September 2009
– First-year students should not take more than 1 or 2 courses their first semester. Subsequent course loads may be determined by the student’s own personal time constraints.
Suggested Program of Study – (24 Courses / 64cr)
- ENGL.1010 College Writing I (3cr) – Available Summer 2021!
- MATH.1200 Precalculus Mathematics I (3cr) – Available Summer 2021!
- —-.—- Arts & Humanities (AH) – 3cr
- ENGL.1020 College Writing II (3cr) – Available Summer 2021!
- MATH.1230 Precalculus Mathematics II (3cr)
- INFO.2670 C Programming (3cr) – Available Summer 2021!
- ETEC.2130 Electric Circuits I (3cr)
- MATH.1250 Calculus A (3cr)
- MTEC.2260 Technical Communications for Engineering Technology (3cr) – Available Summer 2021!
- ETEC.2140 Circuits II and Laboratory (3cr)
- MATH.1260 Calculus B (3cr)
- PHYS.1310 Technical Physics I (3cr)
- ETEC.2150 Circuits III and Laboratory (3cr)
- ETEC.3550 Electronics I and Laboratory (3cr)
- PHYS.1320 Technical Physics II (3cr)
- ETEC.2160 Circuits IV (3cr)
- ETEC.3560 Electronics II and Laboratory (2cr)
- ETEC.3540 PSPICE Simulation (3cr)
- PSYC.1010 Introduction to Psychological Science (3cr) – Available Summer 2021!
- ETEC.3570 Electronics III and Laboratory (3cr)
- ETEC.3830 Microprocessors A (3cr)
- ETEC.3610 Project Laboratory A (2cr)
- ETEC.3580 Electronics IV and Laboratory (2cr)
- ETEC.3840 Microprocessors B (2cr)
Students enrolling in this program should purchase an electronic calculator capable of handling logarithmic and trigonometric functions. The use of the calculator will be an integral part of courses ETEC.2130 and ETEC.2140, where proficiency will be developed.
Competency in the use of the calculator will be assumed in all subsequent E.E.T. courses.
Proper approval for a ETEC.3/4– course is automatically assumed if all prerequisites are satisfied.
All associate’s degree candidates are required to earn a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA), to present a minimum of 60 semester hours, to fulfill the residency requirements, to conform to the general regulations and requirements of the University, to satisfy the regulations and academic standards of the colleges which exercise jurisdiction over the degrees for which they are matriculating, to satisfy the curriculum requirements established by the departments or programs in their major, and to complete the University’s Core Curriculum requirements, which are listed within the program’s curriculum outline. For additional information regarding the University’s general policies and procedures, transfer credit information and residency requirements; please refer to our Academic Policies & Procedures.