Have you been trying to get all the information you can on online colleges with weekly start dates? Have you been able to get all the information you want? If you haven’t, you need not get worried. The article below brings you the information you are looking for.
You will also discover up to date related posts on online colleges with weekly start dates, easiest colleges to get into, hardest colleges to get into, colleges with low acceptance rate, high acceptance rate colleges, easy big schools to get into, colleges that don’t require sat or act scores & colleges with low entry requirements on collegelearners.

About Easy Big Schools to Get into
pen enrollment allows students without strong academic backgrounds to gain admission to community colleges and some four-year colleges.
Strict admission requirements can make it difficult for some learners to gain entry to college. Open enrollment provides students without strong academic backgrounds greater access to education, broadening the pool of potential schools and programs available to degree-seekers.
This guide provides information on how open enrollment works and ranks the best online colleges offering open enrollment. It also covers other important information for prospective students, including answers to frequently asked questions.
What Is Open Enrollment?
Many online colleges use open enrollment in place of more selective or competitive processes. First implemented in the 1970s to reduce discrmination, open enrollment increases educational access by removing restrictive measures that might prohibit some learners from attending school. Open enrollment is most often offered by community colleges and other two-year institutions.
In practice, open enrollment typically means eliminating most admission criteria, such as standardized test scores and minimum GPA requirements. Most online colleges with open enrollment require only a high school diploma or GED for admission.
Who Should Apply Through Open Enrollment?
Students without strong academic backgrounds or those who otherwise lack access to higher education benefit the most from open enrollment. Like schools with more strict admission criteria, open enrollment colleges and universities provide a pathway for students to advance their careers and go on to pursue further study.
Other Ways To Enroll
Colleges and universities may have a variety of enrollment policies in addition to open enrollment, including regular decision, rolling admissions, and early decision. The following sections outline these and other common enrollment policies.
Rolling Admissions
Schools that practice rolling admissions accept applications at any time throughout the year. Many online colleges use this option. Individual policies vary by school, but in most cases, prospective degree-seekers can apply anytime within a specified window and receive a decision within several weeks.
Open Door Policy
Early Action
Early Decision
Regular Decision
Can I Start Online College Anytime?
Prospective learners may wonder: When do online classes start? Most online colleges offer flexible start dates, but they do so within a clear scheduling structure. Some online schools use a traditional semester system, while others use quarter or trimester terms.
The semester system generally consists of two 15-16-week terms in the fall and spring. Quarter systems usually use four 10-week terms in the fall, winter, spring, and summer, while the trimester system comprises three 12-13-week terms in the fall, winter, and spring.
Learners can typically begin taking online courses at the start of any term. However, some schools require students to start in the fall, while others offer monthly start dates. There are also self-paced online colleges, where students access and complete materials entirely on their own schedules, those these are relatively rare.
Multiple Start Dates
Many online college courses have multiple start dates. Individual departments or programs usually set these dates individually at various times within the academic year. Accelerated courses often use multiple start dates to accommodate the varying needs of busy learners, but some traditional and self-paced classes also offer them.
Online colleges with weekly start dates are rare, though they do happen, usually for certificate or vocational degrees. It’s more common to see monthly or quarterly start dates.
Independent Study Course Schedules
Independent study courses let learners explore their areas of interest through opportunities not formally offered in curriculum catalogs. The content of these courses is usually determined between the degree-seeker and an instructor; they arrive at a mutually agreed-upon plan of study. This option works best for degree-seekers whose needs are not met by traditional curriculum offerings. These courses usually begin at a convenient time for both the learner and the instructor.

About Hardest Colleges to Get into
Online Colleges That Offer Open Enrollment
Arizona State University – ASU Online
Arizona State University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Founded in 1885, well before Arizona gained statehood, Arizona State University is now one of the largest universities in the country, enrolling over 51,000 students at its main campus in Tempe in a variety of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. The university also offers numerous online degree programs through its ASU Online platform. ASU Online offers plenty of start date options, with two 7.5 week sessions and one 15 week session per fall, spring, and summer semesters.
Arizona State University – ASU Online appears on several of our ranking lists, including:
Best Online Colleges
100 Best Universities in the World
Best Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Database Management
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Colorado State University Global
Colorado State University Global is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Since 2007, Colorado State University Global has offered a variety of entirely online degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate level. Founded as the distance education wing of Colorado State University, the Global Campus enrolls over 12,000 students from all over the country, and even internationally. CSU Global’s programs utilize eight-week accelerated courses that start every four weeks, allowing for plenty of scheduling flexibility.
Colorado State University Global appears on several of our ranking lists, including:
Best Online Colleges
Best Online Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Management Programs
Best Online Bachelor’s Degree in Management Information Systems Programs
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Columbia College
Columbia College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Columbia College, a private, liberal arts college established in 1851, enrolls over 13,000 students in a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Though non-sectarian, it remains connected to the Disciples of Christ. Columbia College’s online degree programs utilize eight-week accelerated sessions, with six start dates per year.
Columbia College appears on several of our ranking lists, including:
Best Online Bachelor’s in Human Services Degree Program
Best Online Bachelor’s in Management Information Systems Programs
Best Online Colleges in Missouri
About High Acceptance Rate Colleges
Top 10 Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
BCS-Top Online CollegesSo, you’ve decided to enroll in university online. Maybe you’re a new student, looking to save money by taking advantage of the affordable tuition and the savings of living at home during college. Or maybe you’re returning to school to complete your degree. Maybe it’s just time to go ahead and earn that master’s you’ve been thinking about. Regardless, you’re motivated and ready to go. So you probably don’t want to get stuck in a situation where, having made your decision, you have to wait several months before you can start school. That’s where this ranking comes in.
Traditional academic schedules allow you to start courses in the fall and spring. Some allow you to start in summer, but these are more rare. The schools in our ranking harness the flexibility of online delivery to provide many more start dates per year. For the purposes of our ranking, we required that in order to be included, schools had to provide students with at least four start-dates throughout the year. Turns out, even the schools with the fewest start-dates in our ranking provide at least six of them–on average one every two months (about the length of most online courses). Some schools provide as many as 12 start-dates. And with the increasing popularity of flex-courses, in many cases there are a few courses for your degree that you can start at any moment. This ranking features the top ten schools you can start any time.
1. University of North Dakota
School Profile
University of North Dakota-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 28
The University of North Dakota offers 76 undergraduate courses in the flex format, meaning you can start them any time. Most of these courses are low-level and will fit easily into whatever degree you decide to pursue. UND offers 27 online bachelor’s degrees including majors like civil engineering, computer science, cyber security, data science, mechanical engineering, geological engineering, petroleum engineering, public affairs/political science, and social work. The public affairs/political science majors can be earned as part of a dual-level degree program where the student also earns a master of public administration.
Tuition: $8,695
Start Dates Per Year: Flex
Graduation Rate: 84%
Number of Degrees: 27
2. Arizona State University
School Profile
ASU-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 26
Arizona State University is a highly respected public research university and offers one of the most robust selections of online degrees in the country. Among the 82 bachelor’s degrees offered online, you will find majors like art history, biochemistry, food industry management, business data analytics, communication, economics, electrical engineering, engineering management, geography, global health, and information technology.
Tuition: $12,270
Start Dates Per Year: 6
Graduation Rate: 63%
Number of Degrees: 82
3. Upper Iowa University
School Profile
Upper Iowa University-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 25
Upper Iowa University offers two fully self-paced degrees 100% online. However, students can also take individual self-paced courses that fit into their online degrees delivered through a more traditional online format. Students can choose to major in criminal justice, graphic design, accounting, business administration, public administration, software engineering, information technology, psychology, or marketing.
Tuition: $13,620
Start Dates Per Year: 12
Graduation Rate: 62%
Number of Degrees: 28
4. Brandman University
School Profile
Brandman University–Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 23
Of the 39 online bachelor’s degrees offered by Brandman, seven of them are “MyPath” degrees meaning they are entirely self-paced, competency-based degrees. The seven MyPath degrees are in general business, information systems management, management and organizational leadership, marketing, supply chain management and logistics, information technology, and organizational leadership.
Tuition: $12,380
Start Dates Per Year: Self-Paced
Graduation Rate: N/A
Number of Degrees: 39
5. University of Oklahoma
School Profile
Oklahoma University-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 20
The University of Oklahoma self-paced courses allow students up to 180 days to complete a given course. Self-paced courses can be used while earning your online degree in subjects like administrative leadership, lifespan care administration, aviation, criminal justice, and liberal studies. The University of Oklahoma is actively increasing its self-paced course selection.
Tuition: $10,285
Start Dates Per Year: Self Paced
Graduation Rate: 67%
Number of Degrees: 5
6. University of Illinois Online
School Profile
University of Illinois-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 20
The University of Illinois Online offers primarily master’s and doctoral level degrees. The one online bachelor’s currently offered is in earth, society, and environmental sustainability. However, there are over 1,200 online undergraduate courses to choose from, and many are offered in the flex format. Flex courses can be started any time and completed at the student’s own pace within 16 weeks of starting the course.
Tuition: $28,606
Start Dates Per Year: Flex
Graduation Rate: 85%
Number of Degrees: 1
7. University of Maryland University College
School Profile
UMUC-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 19
UMUC is the Maryland State University system’s home for its online degrees. Degrees are offered in both 100% online and hybrid formats, and no SAT or GRE scores are required for admittance to the program. UMUC offers 32 online bachelor’s degrees with majors like accounting, biotechnology, business administration, communication studies, computer networks and cybersecurity, computer science, criminal justice, digital media and web technology, and investigative forensics.
Tuition: $12,336
Start Dates Per Year: 11
Graduation Rate: 28%
Number of Degrees: 32
8. Liberty University
School Profile
Liberty University-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 19
Liberty University is an evangelical Christian university in the Baptist tradition. Among the extensive selection of bachelor’s degrees online you will find programs like aviation, criminal justice, elementary education, information technology, teaching English as a second language, social media management, Christian leadership and management, religion, and computer science cybersecurity.
Tuition: $11,700
Start Dates Per Year: 8
Graduation Rate: 67%
Number of Degrees: 33
9. Colorado State University Global
School Profile
CSU Global
Score: 17
CSU Global was developed to serve as the university system’s dedicated hub for online degrees. Among the 14 degrees offered by the digital campus are online bachelor’s degrees like computer science, healthcare administration and management, human resource management, human services, information technology, project management, and organizational leadership.
Tuition: $8,400
Start Dates Per Year: 12
Graduation Rate: N/A
Number of Degrees: 14
10. Columbia College
School Profile
Columbia College-Top Ten Online Universities You Can Start Anytime
Score: 14
Columbia College was originally a Christian women’s liberal arts college, but in 1970 it transitioned to a non-sectarian, co-educational model. The school maintains a mutually beneficial affiliation with the Disciples of Christ denomination. Columbia College sees nearly 16,000 students taking one or more online course every year. Some of the online bachelor’s degree programs offered by the school are computer information systems, criminal justice, healthcare management, human resource management, management information systems, public administration, and sports management.
Tuition: $11,250
Start Dates Per Year: 6
Graduation Rate: 26%
Number of Degrees: 32
What are the benefits of multiple start dates?
There are several benefits of multiple start dates beyond just allowing you to get started quickly. Essentially, schools that offer multiple start dates usually have courses that run between six and eight weeks. In most cases you can take two of these courses at a time, and each period has about a week or two between the end of one session of classes and the beginning of the next. This significantly increases your flexibility. You might have eight weeks where you can easily complete two courses, followed by eight weeks where you will be more busy and have only time for one course. You may even have periods of time where you can’t fit even one course into your life.
Multiple start dates throughout the year insures that you aren’t locking yourself into a specific schedule for four months at a time. This flexibility is so beneficial when you are trying to plan out your life. It’s not always easy to see four months into the future. So multiple start times per year will allow you to decide on your own pace. It’s also pretty common for online classes to be offered throughout the summer, so you can either take the summer off, or you can step down to one class, or you can take multiple courses per summer session and make up for lighter sessions during the school year. As you can see, the additional flexibility of multiple start-dates is beneficial not just initially, but throughout your academic career.
What are self-paced or “flex” courses?
These courses differ from traditional courses in a few ways. First, you can start and end them at any time. They tend to be competency-based, which means once you’ve learned the material, you take a test, and if you pass then you get the credit. Some schools allow 16 weeks to complete the self-paced course, while others allow 180 days, which is just under half a year. A few colleges have even begun offering entirely self-paced degree completion programs. However, most schools just offer a selection of self-paced courses. Usually courses are common to many different degree programs, so as to be able to take them and easily slot them into your degree as a required class.
Can I earn a full undergraduate degree from online college?
The answer to this varies from school to school. Many schools offer degree completion programs, which are designed to be started after you have completed the 60-credit core curriculum elsewhere. These are great to take advantage of if you attend a local community college first, which with decent financial aid can be practically free. However, more and more universities, including some in our ranking above, are offering full, 120-credit bachelor’s degrees. And in many cases, public universities like Penn State and Arizona State offer these online programs at extremely discounted tuition rates. At both those schools, out of state students pay less than half the price of out of state students who attend the school at the main campus. If you’re an undergraduate student who plans to live at home while completing your degree online, you save even more on room and board. Take all these things into account and you can begin to see why earning a degree online can save you an incredible amount of money.
Why do you include tuition as a factor in a ranking focused on quality?
The cost of university is one of the major concerns facing the United States. A study by the now-closed HOPE Lab at the University of Wisconsin found that 36% of students report being food insecure, while another 36% report being housing insecure. An Ohio State University national student financial wellness study saw 70% of students reporting financial stress, and nearly 60% said they were stressed about the cost of tuition specifically. 32% of students have said they find themselves neglecting their studies sometimes because of money they owe.
According to the National Institutes of Health, stress on financial decision-making (for instance choosing between housing, food, and school) can “precipitate the onset of mood and anxiety disorders.” Science Daily reported findings that depression and anxiety have hidden costs regarding academic performance.
Hunger, housing insecurity, and financial stress all have a negative impact on a student’s ability to learn and perform well academically. This is why we considered cost of a university to be a major factor in its quality. When students can better afford tuition, housing, and food, they will learn better, which will be reflected in their grades, which will impact their success getting into graduate school and moving into the workforce. Affordability directly impacts student outcomes both in school and in the years afterward.
Methodology for ranking the top 10 online universities you can start anytime
Affordability is becoming more and more an essential consideration for college students. Being able to acquire a high quality education for an affordable price makes it easier to focus on school instead of financial stress. And if affordable school allows you to work less, you can spend more time on your studies. We awarded affordability points based on estimated annual tuition as follows.
Under $40,000= 1 Point
Under $35,000= 2 Points
Under $30,000= 3 Points
Under $25,000= 4 Points
Under $20,000= 5 Points
Under $15,000= 6 Points
Under $10,000= 7 Points