
oregon state university vet tech program

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College of Veterinary Medicine


The Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University was established in 1975 with three major areas of responsibility—teaching, research, and public service. The college is fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Council on Education. 

200 Magruder Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-4801
Phone: 541-737-2098


Susan J. TornquistLois Bates Acheson Dean, 541-737-6943,
Luiz Bermudez, Head, Department of Biomedical Sciences, 541-737-6532,
Chris CebraChair, Department of Clinical Sciences, 541-737-4456,
Helio de MoraisDirector, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, 541-737-4458,
Mark Ackermann, Director, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 541-737-6964, 


The college was established in 1975 and began its professional education program in 1979. Approximately 40 residents of Oregon and 32 nonresident students are selected to enter the OSU Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine. These students will complete all four years of their professional education in Corvallis. Completion of the professional program leads to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree.

There are two departments supporting the DVM doctoral program: Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Sciences.

Comprehensive research training is provided through graduate programs leading to the MS degree in Comparative Health Sciences.

Post-DVM residency training leading to board eligibility in several clinical disciplines and pathology is also available.


Biomedical research is conducted in the college, supported by federal agencies such as NIH, USDA, DOE, as well as by a number of foundations. Collaboration with the OSU Agricultural Experiment Station, colleges of Pharmacy, Public Health and Human Sciences, Engineering and many other colleges, is part of the program. The research is of economic and public health significance, aimed at improving the health of animals and people.

The college emphasizes research of infectious diseases, such as those caused by Mycobacteria, Chlamydia, Clostridia, Vibrio, Mycoplasma, Cryptosporidium, herpesvirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, and HIV-1 virus. Research is also conducted on immunity and nutrition, neuroscience, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, reproductive diseases, and diseases of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife.

Public Service

The service programs focus on the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and control and prevention of animal diseases. The college assists veterinary practitioners, animal owners, and the general public through the Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital.

The Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is a full-service facility providing a wide range of animal disease diagnostic testing services to veterinarians, animal owners, and public agencies. The laboratory offers testing and expertise in pathology, clinical pathology, bacteriology, and virology, and is accredited by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians.

The Veterinary Teaching Hospital is designed and equipped for diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of canine, feline, equine, food animal, and camelid patients. Patients are admitted directly from animal owners and through referrals from practicing veterinarians in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Imaging (radiology, ultrasonography, fluoroscopy, CAT scan, MRI, and scintigraphy), anesthesiology, pharmacy, intensive care, and other services are available to support the hospital functions.

The Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital serve as learning centers where senior veterinary students and residents study animal disease, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Providing continuing education for veterinarians is also considered a major responsibility of the college. One- to three-day intensive courses of instruction on specific topics are offered periodically.

Career Opportunities in Veterinary Medicine

Opportunities for employment in veterinary medicine are excellent. Nearly 80 percent of the professionally active veterinarians in the United States are engaged in private practice. Some practices are limited to types of animals, such as food animal, equine, or companion animal practices. Others involve specialties such as surgery, ophthalmology, cardiology, or radiology. In addition to private practice, there are numerous teaching and research opportunities in academic, government, and industrial settings. Expanding areas include laboratory animal medicine and public health.

Veterinary Student Expenses

Oregon resident students registered in the Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine will pay tuition and fees of approximately $8,507 per term. Students from the WICHE states will pay the same fees as Oregon resident students. Nonresident student fees currently are $16,263 per term.

Veterinary students must provide required professional attire, as well as dissection, surgical, and diagnostic instruments, and notes and books.

Occasional field trips are scheduled in the veterinary curriculum. Transportation is provided by the university for required trips, but students must provide their own food and lodging. For optional trips, the student is usually expected to provide transportation, lodging, and food. All other expenses, such as residence hall and living expenses, are the same as for students in other colleges of the university.

Students desiring additional information about veterinary medicine should write to the Office of the Dean, Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine, Oregon State University, 200 Magruder Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-4801, email or see our website.

Policy on Laboratory and Duty Hours

During the professional curriculum, several laboratory exercises in the preclinical years require the use of live animals. The exercises are designed to complement didactic lectures and demonstrations through hands-on experience with various species of animals. In all instances, the animals are humanely treated and anesthetized if the procedures are potentially painful.

During the clinical years, animals are used in laboratory exercises in the teaching of basic surgical skills and medical procedures. In most instances, the animals are anesthetized. Strict protocol is enforced regarding the animals’ well-being in exercises requiring post-operative recovery. All use of animals in teaching is approved by the university’s Institutional Animal Care and Use committee.

During the fourth year of the veterinary curriculum, students complete rotations in sections of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Oregon Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Emergency services are offered to the public on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week. Student assignments in the clinical blocks are demanding, and students are required to spend time at night, weekends, and holidays in the delivery of health care to patients. Hospital operations continue seven days per week, and students are responsible for their assigned tasks regardless of time and day of the week.

DVM and MPH Dual Degree

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree program wishing also to complete a Master’s of Public Health Degree may do so if successfully admitted to the Graduate School and the College of Public Health and Human Sciences (CPHHS). Using pre-approved and cross-listed courses as electives, veterinary students may complete the MPH degree with an additional (5th) year of study.

The CPHHS offers an MPH degree in six tracks: Biostatistics; Epidemiology; Environment, Safety and Health; Health Management and Policy; Health Promotion and Health Behavior; and International Health.

In order to maximize use of elective courses in the dual degree program, it is important that veterinary students enter the dual degree option as early in their studies as possible.

The five core MPH courses are offered through distance education. In consultation with the student’s MPH adviser, internships, culminating activities and senior papers should be coordinated as well. The student’s MPH adviser must approve all veterinary courses counted toward the graduate (MPH) degree.

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