
PhD In Data Science London

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Prof Doc Data Science | University of East London

PhD In Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

University College London Statistics PhD

Professional Doctorate Data Science

Data Science & Big Data degrees often overlap and teach students how to work with large amounts of information. But the purpose and tools used by each discipline are different. Big Data focuses on all the information which cannot be processed using traditional database systems. The easiest way to see if specific data can be labelled as Big Data is to analyse the 5 Vs (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value). Data Science, on the other hand, focuses on analysing the data and extracting useful insights for a particular individual, business, or industry. Data Scientists are also responsible for transforming their findings into presentations or reports which can be easily understood by clients or general audiences.

Introduction to data science for PhD and post-doctoral students |  Innovation & Enterprise - UCL โ€“ University College London

You should study a degree in Data Science or Big Data if you’ve always loved statistics and made decisions based on numbers and personal observations of past experiences. You’re likely to succeed if you have an analytical mind, problem-solving skills, and outstanding attention to details.

While Data Science and Big Data courses offer a well-rounded education, it is impossible to be an expert in everything related to data. After graduation, you’ll have to choose an area on which you want to focus. Some of the most popular specialisations are Data Engineering, Data Mining, Cloud Computing, Database Management, Data Visualisation, and others.

Research | Data Science Institute | Imperial College London

Data Science and Big Data courses and skills

The courses you’ll take during a degree in Data Science or Big Data vary from one university and programme to another. However, you can expect to take classes in Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Management, Machine Learning, Calculus, Programming, Data Statistics, Creative Thinking, Data Science Ethics, Predictive Modelling, Visual Analytics, etc.

The most popular and useful programming languages for data scientists and big data professionals are Python, R, SQL, Scala, SAS, C

, Java, and others. Data Science and Big Data classes also help you develop skills which are essential to succeed in this industry. They range from analytical mindset, problem-solving, and creative thinking to communication, teamwork, patience, and well-developed attention to details.

Funding a PhD - Queen Mary University of London

PhD In Data Science London

Data Science and Big Data careers

Because an increasing number of companies and organisations rely on data insights and technology, Data Science & Big Data graduates can find work opportunities in almost any industry. Some of the most popular jobs are data scientist, database developer, data analyst, data engineer, business analyst, cloud architect, data strategist, machine learning engineer, etc.

These are the most recent and exciting trends in Data Science & Big Data: continuous intelligence (using integrated real-time analysis of data to support the decision-making process), augmented analytics (the use of AI and machine learning to analyse data and provide insights with little supervision from an engineer), and the continuous growth of cloud services, like storage, text editors, etc.

Course Summary

The Professional Doctorate in Data Science (D.DataSc) is aimed at professionals who wish to enhance and/or validate data-centric, evidence-based approaches within their chosen career through a combination of taught modules and doctoral research. A cross-disciplinary approach is central to the delivery of this programme and is therefore suitable for professionals in a broad range of professional disciplines and areas of employment.

โ€œThe ability to take data – to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it – thatโ€™s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.โ€ (Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google). 

The programme is unique, international, and ground-breaking in offering a Professional Doctorate qualification in Data Science. D.DataSc is an earned doctorate that allows the holder to use the title โ€˜Drโ€™.

Training and support

While the emphasis is on independent research work, your supervisor will identify your training needs and so may encourage you to attend research training classes and/or some taught courses in Informatics.

As part of the PhD programme, you will also have opportunities for three to six month internships with leading companies in your area, and to participate in our industrial engagement programme, exchanging ideas and challenges with our sponsor.


Our research groups contain a diverse range of compute clusters for compute and data-intensive work, including a large cluster hosted by the Edinburgh Computer and Data Facility.

More broadly, the award-winning Informatics Forum is an international research facility for computing and related areas. It houses more than 400 research staff and students, providing office, meeting and social spaces.

It also contains two robotics labs, an instrumented multimedia room, eye-tracking and motion capture systems, and a full recording studio amongst other research facilities. Its spectacular atrium plays host to many events, from industry showcases and student hackathons to major research conferences.

Nearby teaching facilities include computer and teaching labs with more than 250 machines, 24-hour access to IT facilities for students, and comprehensive support provided by dedicated computing staff.

Among our entrepreneurial initiatives is Informatics Ventures, set up to support globally ambitious software companies in Scotland and nurture a technology cluster to rival Boston, Pittsburgh, Kyoto and Silicon Valley.

Career opportunities

We intend for our graduates to become the research leaders, both in industry and academia, whose work will lead the way in data science. This vision is shared by our industrial supporters, whose support for our internship programme indicates their strong desire to find highly qualified new employees.

You will be part of a new generation of data scientists, with the technical skills and interdisciplinary awareness to become R&D leaders in this emerging area.

Our component research groups already have excellent track-records in post-graduation destinations, including the research labs of industry-leading companies, and post-doctoral research positions in top tier universities.

UK entry requirements

You will need a good honours degree and a Masters degree in a relevant subject. A well-developed research proposal is also essential.

If you donโ€™t have Masters, our four-year integrated PhD, allows you to spend your first year studying at Masters level in order to develop the necessary knowledge and skills and to start your independent research in year two. This option is not available to all programmes, please contact us for more information.

You may be required to attend an interview/Skype interview for acceptance, and acceptance is subject to research expertise in the department.

International & EU entry requirements

Prof Doc Data Science | University of East London

We accept a wide range of qualifications from applicants studying in the EU and other countries. Get in touch with any questions you may have about the qualifications we accept. Remember to tell us about the qualifications you have already completed or are currently taking.


A research degree gives you the chance to investigate an area or topic in real depth, and develop transferable research skills. During your time in the Department you have opportunities to attend conferences, publish papers, and give talks at departmental research seminars. You may also attend some university modules, and will meet with your supervisor typically on a weekly basis.

Within our Department, our PhD students are usually encouraged to take our taught module, Research Methods, in the first year of study, so you are well equipped with the necessary skills to undertake effective research. You may also attend some other modules on an informal basis.

All our students wishing to study for a PhD enrol on a combined MPhil/PhD pathway. In your second year of study, depending on progress, a decision is made by our Department on whether to proceed with either an MPhil or a PhD.

Our full-time research students have a supervisory board to review their progress every six months (or annually if studying part-time). Typically, the board involves your supervisor and one other academic. The recommendations of this are considered by our Departmental Research Studentsโ€™ Progress Board, which will make decisions on your registration status.

If you progress well, you should be confirmed as a PhD student in the first term of your second year of study.

Home/EU fee


International fee

Data Science | University of London


Fees will increase for each academic year of study.

Postgraduate Courses for Data Science in London

Birkbeck, University of London

Computer Science and Information System

Applied Data Science

Postgraduate Certificate – PgCert

Data Science


Birkbeck, University of London


Geographic Data Science

MSc, Postgraduate Certificate – PgCert, Postgraduate Diploma – PgDip

City, University of London

Computer Science

Data Science


University of East London

School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering (ACE)

Data Science

MSc, Professional Doctorate

Goldsmiths, University of London


Data Science


London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London

Media and Communications

Data Networks and Society

Master of Philosophy – MPhil

Media and Communications (Data and Society)


London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London

Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method

Applied Social Data Science


London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London


Data Science


London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London


Health Data Science


London South Bank University

Computing and Informatics

Data Science


UCL (University College London)

Bartlett School of Environment, Energy & Resources

Data Science for Cultural Heritage

MSc, PG Dip

UCL (University College London)

Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Spatial Data Science and Visualisation


UCL (University College London)

Computer Science

Data Science (International)


Data Science and Machine Learning


UCL (University College London)


Social and Geographic Data Science

MSc, PG Cert, PG Dip

UCL (University College London)

Institute of Archaeology

Computational Archaeology: GIS, Data Science and Complexity


UCL (University College London)

Institute of Health Informatics

Health Data Science

MSc, PG Cert, PG Dip

UCL (University College London)

Statistical Science

Data Science


Brunel University London

Computer Science

Data Science and Analytics


Imperial College London


Data Science


King’s College London, University of London



Data Science


University of London Worldwide



Data Science


Middlesex University

Computer Science and Information Technology


Data Science

Master of Science – MSc (PG)

Queen Mary University of London

Electronic Engineering and Computer Science


Big Data Science


Data Science and Artificial Intelligence by Conversion


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