
saint louis university medical school ranking

Obviously, choosing a school implies knowing how it is ranked internationally, such as saint louis university medical school, which is ranked among the top schools in the world. However, what is the specific ranking?


The article below tells you just that. Read on to get the latest information on saint louis university medical school ranking, saint louis university medical school acceptance rate, saint louis university school of medicine, saint louis university school of medicine tuition, washington university school of medicine ranking, & saint louis university school of medicine daca.

Saint Louis University is ranked No. 70 (tie) in Best Medical Schools: Research and No. 46 (tie) in Best Medical Schools: Primary Care. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Admissions to Saint Louis University School of Medicine is highly selective. Matriculates had an average GPA of 3.85 and an average MCAT score of 513 (Medical School Admission Requirements 2020 edition). Apart from these academic characteristics, the admissions committee recognizes a responsibility to consider applicants as individuals, particularly in the evaluation of the breadth of their educational experience, their personality traits, maturity level, and appropriate motivation and commitment to a career in medicine. For the most recent class to matriculate at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, 6,834 applicants competed for 180 seats.

Saint Louis University School of Medicine is currently ranked 70th for research by the 2019 edition of U.S. News and World Report of the 149 fully accredited U.S. medical schools (by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education and the American Osteopathic Association). Additionally, Saint Louis University School of Medicine was recently ranked 54 among the nation’s 130 medical schools surveyed and the school’s geriatrics program was ranked number 13 in the nation

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