
Sapienza University Of Rome Courses In English

The world’s leading university rankings place Sapienza at the top of Italian universities for quality of research, education and international dimension; moreover, Sapienza excels and leads as a benchmark in many subject areas.


About Sapienza University of Rome

With over 700 years of history, more than 120,000+ total students, 3,500+ professors, 3,000+ professional staff, Sapienza University of Rome is the largest University in Europe. Its mission is to contribute to the development of the knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education, and international cooperation. The most influential university rankings worldwide place Sapienza among the first Italian Universities for its research, educational quality, and international dimension. In the rankings for individual subjects, our University is a reference point for many disciplines

Founded in 1303, Sapienza is the oldest university in Rome and the largest in Europe. Its mission is to contribute to the development of a knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education and international cooperation.

Why Sapienza University of Rome?

  • Sapienza University, is one of the oldest universities in the world and a top performer in international university rankings
  • There are 115,000 students enrolled at Sapienza and can choose from over 250 degree programmes (Bachelors, Masters and PhDs) and 200 specialisation courses
  • Has 11 Faculties, 63 Departments and various research centres that drive high levels of excellence in archaeology, physics and astrophysics, as well as humanities and cultural heritage, environmental studies, nano technology, cellular and gene therapy, design and aerospace 
  • The Student population includes over 30,000 students from outside of the Rome area, 7000 foreign students and 3000 students on mobility programmes 

Sapienza University Of Rome Courses In English

Sapienza University currently offers 37 programmes entirely taught in English at Bachelors (3 years) and Masters (2 years) levels.
3-year Bachelor BSc Bioinformatics
The inter-faculty BSc in Bioinformatics aims to train students to use Bioinformatic approaches to address the molecular and cellular bases of biological systems, the structure and function of biological macromolecules and to interpret the massive information produced by biomolecular and biomedical screenings and data collection projects (genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, pharmacogenomic and microbiomic). In particular, the programme provides
basic training in Mathematics and Statistics,
Programming and Computer Science along with Chemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology,
Biochemistry and Genetics. These courses will be followed by more advanced ones, which will
guide students through the different applications of Bioinformatics.
Academic requirements: Admissions test
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 or
equivalent; Students without official language
certifications will be interviewed. For further
details, please refer to the call for applications
(available on the website in July).
BSc in Nursing
The BSc in Nursing prepares students to work
as certified clinical nurses in public and private
health facilities. Students learn the correct application of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, acting individually and also in collaboration with other health care and social service
operators. The programme is based on lectures, seminars, practical simulations and hospital internship, including traditional learning
activities, modern teaching tools and training
with specialist health services, as well as laboratory activities.
Academic requirements: Student enrolment
is based on an admission test. Admission to
degree programmes requires general knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and logical reasoning skills.
English requirements: For enrolment purposes, a passing grade on the admission test will
be considered as a sufficient level of English.
BSc Sustainable Building Engineering
The BSc in Sustainable Building Engineering introduces students to energy efficiency and recyclable materials application, reducing environmental impact, with the aim of following green
building standards. The objective of the course
is to allow students to design and work on both
new buildings and old ones, which need to be
recovered in an urban regeneration perspective.
They will learn skills for a sustainable land management, which respects geological, hydrogeological, hydraulic and seismic constraints in
making this target achievable. Indeed, the goal
of sustainable development is the real challenge
of our era. Please note: the Bachelors Degree
Programme in Sustainable Building Engineering
is held at the Sapienza Campus in Rieti, a town
80 kilometres north of Rome.
Academic requirements: High School diploma
earned after no less than 12 years of studies; if
you do not possess this requirement, please see
the “Foundation Year” section of this booklet
or visit our International Admissions webpage.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS
6.5 or equivalent)
Upcoming programmes 2020-2021
BA Classics
The BA programme in Classics will focus on
the advanced knowledge of cultural and historical documents of any kind, allowing students to get significant exposure to research.
Core classes will include: Latin and classical languages, Introduction to Greek and Roman cultures, Cultural History of Classical Antiquities, Archaeology and History of Greco-Roman World.
BSc Hospitality Management (TBC)
MSc Architecture (Conservation)
The MSc in Architecture (Conservation), which
focuses mainly on Italian architectural heritage,
aims to train students to consolidate and preserve the existing architectural and environmental heritage and embark on the development of
high-quality projects that take into account the
relation between new projects, the environment and the historical city. The programme,
which brings together a range of different disciplines, including humanities and technical-scientific subjects, addresses the historical-critical
and historical-technical analysis of architecture,
ranging from individual projects to the landscape as a whole, and architectural project design, execution, practice and conservation of
existing architectural structures.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Project Management and Building Sciences
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
The MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
trains students to develop the interdisciplinary
skills that are necessary to design and manage
the development of complex projects and their
impact on society. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are amongst the fastest growing sectors
worldwide and present unlimited opportunities
in nearly every field. Students will learn to design and develop advanced software systems
including components developed with Artificial
Intelligence Techniques, in particular robotic systems for service and industrial applications, and
computer animation and monitoring systems.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or
other scientific areas (the latter will be analysed
and approved on a case-by-case basis). Applicants will be interviewed (remotely) during the
evaluation process.
English requirements: Proof of English language proficiency at CEFR Level B2 or equivalent.
MSc Atmospheric Science and Technology
The MSc in Atmospheric Science and Technology (LMAST) is an international Masters degree
programme, jointly managed by Sapienza University of Rome and the University of L’Aquila,
providing students with a solid background and
specific skills in atmospheric science from both
a physical and an engineering perspective. The
programme includes fundamentals of fluid mechanics, dynamical meteorology, climate mod2-year Masters
elling and statistical mechanics, as well as satellite Earth observation, radar meteorology and
environmental meteorology, and requires interdisciplinary subjects, internships and a Masters
thesis. Graduates can obtain a statement of
learning curriculum conformity to the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) Recommendation n. 1083.
Academic requirements: Bachelor (BSc) in
Physics, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 or equivalent
Contacts:,, frank.marzano@
MSc Business Management
The MSc in Business Management provides students with the knowledge, skills and attitude
necessary to play a leading managerial and/or
entrepreneurial role or to work as a business
consultant. The programme integrates basic
and transversal knowledge in an inter-functional and entrepreneurial perspective. Students
acquire in-depth knowledge of management,
economics, mathematics, statistics and law;
problem-solving skills; and specific competences in governance, marketing and sustainability.
For the second year, students can choose to
concentrate on: General Management and Sustainability or Marketing. Management students
may also apply to double-degree programmes.
Academic requirements:
1) Bachelor in Business Administration or similar
first cycle Degree (EQF Level 6) with adequate
academic background (overall 72 ECTS) in:
• Business (minimum 18 ECTS or equivalent
credit hours) – The remaining credits must belong to at least 2 of the following areas: • Economics • Mathematics/Statistics • Quantitative
Analysis • Law
2) Academic performance as shown by weighted average mark
English requirements: TOEFL ibt 80; TOEFL
pbt 550; TOEIC 730; IELTS 6.5.
MSc Chemical Engineering for Innovative
Processes & Products
The Msc in Chemical Engineering for Innovative
Processes & Products Engineering provides students with a solid preparation and specialized
knowledge in the fundamental theoretical and
industrial aspects of chemical processes and operations and of materials technology. The particular focus is on micro/nano-scale aspects and
on reduced environmental impact in the different application areas of (i) design, management
and control of innovative industrial processes and
plants; (ii) design and management of industrial
processes for the sustainable production and pro-
cessing of traditional and innovative materials; (iii)
management of pollution prevention, environmental protection, and safety in process plants
where substances are handled or produced.
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Chemical
Engineering, Petroleum Engineering or equivalent
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS
grade ≥ 6; Cambridge FCE- Grade B or CAEGrade C, ETS-TOEFL paper-delivered grade ≥
547 or Internet-delivered grade ≥78)
MA Classical Archaeology
The MA in Classical Archaeology represents a great
innovation in Italian universities programmes. The
renowned Archaeology studies at Sapienza University are combined with the online tools of the
Unitelma Sapienza University which provides Italian and international users with an exclusive and
prestigious training project. The Masters Degree
is an inter-university programme awarded jointly
by the two partner universities providing a thorough training in the field of Classical Archaeology. In particular, through a didactic methodology
combining both traditional (archaeological, linguistic-philological, artistic) and innovative resources (applying the most advanced methods to
the knowledge of the material culture), this programme intends to train the second level graduates in archaeological and historical skills.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree
in Classical Archaeology or related fields (e.g.,
Ancient History, Classics, etc.). Relevant professional experience may be taken into account.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS,
TOEFL, Cambridge, Pearson Test of Academic
English, Trinity ISE, etc.).
MSc Clinical Psychosexology
The MSc in Clinical Psychosexology is based on
the demand for specific training by psychologists, who ideally go through three stages of
training: a) a three-year Bachelors degree focusing on the theoretical bases of neuroscience
and psychological and behavioural sciences; b) a
two-year Masters degree providing general clinical skills applied to the psychology and psychopathology of sexual and reproductive behaviour
based on gender differences and identities; c)
a postgraduate course enabling the exercise of
psychotherapy. This Masters programme, for the
first time in the Italian university system, trains
clinical psychologists and sexologists. Upon
graduation students will have acquired specific
competences for the management of prominent
issues and the construction of the stereotypical
image of the feminine and the masculine, from
the individual, to the dyad, the family, up to the
social macro area. In the public sector, graduates
will be able to provide psycho-sexual counselling
in the following specific areas: a) Consultors; b)
Medically Assisted Procreation Centres; c) Centres for Psychiatry, Oncology, Gynaecology, Andrology, Endocrinology; d) Outpatient clinics dedicated to STDs; e) Centres for the diagnosis and
treatment of gender identity dysphoria; f) Civil
and criminal courts (Appraisals); g) Prisons (criminal paraphilias); h) Compulsory and secondary
schools (Paid courses on sexuality, feelings and
respect for gender and orientation differences).
Academic requirements: Bachelors Degree in
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (ESOL,
MSc Cognitive Neuroscience
The MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience provides
students with an advanced understanding of
the neural correlates in cognitive processes as
well as of the relationship between the development of the mind and the brain. The programme aims to train psychologists to identify
specific cognitive deficits, evaluate their impact
on emotional states and the quality of patient
life, and adopt the most appropriate rehabilitative action. Students will conduct supervised
research activity and other educational projects
in neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, psychobiology and physiological psychology.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (ESOL,
MSc Computer Science
The MSc in Computer Science provides students
with a general overview of computer science as
well as in-depth knowledge on a number of
specific emerging application areas. Students
may choose from four specific tracks that address fundamental sectors of modern computing: Information Science and Applications (the
application of Computer Science to practical
issues), Multimedia Computing and Interaction
(fundamental methodologies and techniques
required for processing and interacting with
multimedia content), Networks and Security
(technological background necessary to design
and manage systems, networking, cryptography and security), and Software Engineering
(critical functions and security).
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
Computer Science or Engineering.
English language requirements: CEFR Level
B2, as demonstrated by an official accreditation
MSc Control Engineering
The MSc in Control Engineering introduces students to automatic control systems and focuses on
modelling and identification of dynamic systems;
measurement processing and on-line filtering of
sensor data; use of feedback to stabilize processes
and optimize performance; and integrated design
of automatic control systems. Beside the specific
technical know-how in Control Engineering, the
programme provides tools for understanding the
main issues in engineering problems; develops the
ability to create, plan, design and run automatic
systems/processes; and promotes skills in experimenting scientific innovation.
Academic requirements: Basic knowledge
(Bachelors level) in the technical and scientific
domains of Systems Theory, Automatic Control,
and Automation Engineering (for more details, also verified through a remote (Skype) interview.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc Cybersecurity
The MSc in Cybersecurity provides students
with a wide range of competences in the fields
of information technology, engineering, management and statistics for high-profile interdisciplinary education. Cybersecurity experts are
able to interpret and respond effectively to the
challenges of security and privacy in today’s cyberspace, as well as to keep updated on the ever-changing frontiers of the field. Through highly specialized theoretical and practical skills, our
graduates will be able to manage the security
of information in complex computer systems,
organize the protection from cyber-attacks, implement the management processes for computer incidents, and manage the recovery of a
computer system after an attack. Our graduates
also understand the tools necessary to design,
develop and test a secure software through advanced methodologies, and to face security-related aspects of information systems in corporate risk-management policies and regulations.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree
covering of all the aspects of computer architectures, databases systems, information technology, programming languages, computer
networks, and operating systems.
English requirements: IELTS level B2 certification
MSc Development and International Cooperation – Economics for Development
The MSc in Development and International Cooperation – Economics for Development provides students with an advanced understanding of a variety of fields (including Sociology,
Economics, Political Science, History and Law)
and the tools necessary to analyse and interpret
the social, economic, juridical and institutional
contexts that characterise developing countries.
The programme addresses the evaluation and
management of international cooperation programmes from a multidisciplinary prospective
in order to train new professional figures who
are capable of understanding, assessing and
managing new social, cultural and economic
Academic requirements: During your previous university career you must have taken at
least one or two exams in each of the following
disciplines: Economics, Law, Social Sciences.
Please note: The assessment is based on the
number of the credits, not only on the number
of the exams.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (we accept one of the following certificates: IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, Trinity College or TOEIC). You
are exempted from the certificate: If you come
from an English-speaking country – If the English
language is the official language of your country
and/or the medium of instruction of your previous course of study/educational institution.
MSc Data Science
The MSc in Data Science Programme is a joint
initiative of the i3S Faculty combining the expertise of four departments: Informatics, Computer Science, Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, and Statistics.
The remarkable increase in the volume and
complexity of available data and the new technologies that have been developed to process it
require a combined multidisciplinary approach
to develop an overall strategy aimed at transforming data into useful information. The MSc
in Data Science provides students with a solid
and modern preparation for understanding
and managing the multi-faceted aspects of the
analysis, management and statistical interpretation of data. The Masters programme in Data
Science combines all the necessary ingredients
for successful learning: a multidisciplinary theoretical background combined with frequent lab
activities and a special emphasis on developing
a final data-science thesis project. The Masters
programme works with companies, public administrations, industrial and public research institutes to create opportunities for internships,
stages and final projects based on real-life Data
Science problems.
Academic requirements: Students must possess basic knowledge in the following areas:
Mathematics: Differential calculus and integration in one or multiple real variables, basic notions of linear algebra and analytical geometry
in Euclidean space; Probability: Random variables, distributions and mean values, basic distributions, convergence of sequences of random
variables; Informatics: Programming principles,
knowledge of at least one of the following
programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Py-
thon. The academic background of international students is assessed by a Prospective Student
Selection Committee based on the documentation provided by students. The Committee may
also verify basic knowledge by requesting the
candidate undergo an on-line test, as well as an
interview via Skype or other services.
For further information: http://datascience.i3s.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc in Economics
The MSc in Economics provides students with
a sound knowledge of economic analysis and
quantitative methods for economics. Graduates will be able to interpret economic mechanisms and understand the behaviour and the
decision processes of individuals and economic
institutions. They will also develop the ability to
analyse the operation of markets and forecast
the future evolution of economic and financial
variables. The interdisciplinarity and international orientation of the programme are among
its main strengths. Work opportunities address
jobs with a strong emphasis on economic analysis. Typically, graduates embark on career opportunities at policy institutions, international
organizations, financial and non-financial corporations, consulting firms, research centres
and regulatory authorities.
Academic requirements:
1) Bachelors in Economics or similar with an adequate academic background (90 ECTS overall)
in: – Economics (macroeconomics, microeconomics and similar subjects, but excluding business subjects) (minimum 18 ECTS or equivalent
credit-hours) – The remaining credits must belong to the following areas: Business, Mathematics and Statistics, Quantitative Analysis (e.g.
Computer science, Programming, Econometrics, etc.) and Law. 2) Academic performance
as revealed by weighted average mark (cGPA)
English requirements: TOEFL ibt 80; TOEFL
pbt 550; TOEIC 730; IELTS 6.0
MSc Economics and Communication for
Management and Innovation
The MSc in Economics and Communication
for Management and Innovation (ECoMl) is a
multidisciplinary programme specifically based
on the needs of enterprises, as highlighted by
Confindustria, the main Italian Association of
Entrepreneurs. This course is interfaculty (Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication Science)
and is held in Rome in collaboration with the
University of Tuscia. The objective is to train
professionals who will be able to meet the
multidisciplinary requirements of modern enterprises, extending the traditional curricula
of single-faculty programmes by bringing together economics, computer science and social
sciences. The course has double-degree agreements with the MGIMO University in Moscow
and with the University of Bucharest.
Academic requirements:
1) First Cycle Degree (EQF Level 6) with adequate academic background (overall 72 ECTS)
in the following areas: Business (minimum
18 ECTS or equivalent credit hours), Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, Quantitative Analysis (e.g. Computer science,
Programming, Econometrics, etc.) and Law.
2) Academic performance: weighted average
mark (cGPA)
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (TOEFL
ibt 80; TOEFL pbt 550; TOEIC 730; IELTS 6.0)
MSc Electrical Engineering
The MSc Electrical Engineering provides students with the in-depth knowledge and advanced theoretical, scientific and professional
skills required to interpret and describe the
complex problems of Electrotechnical Engineering, which may also require an interdisciplinary
approach, using innovative methods, tools and
techniques. The programme, which focuses on
designing, planning and managing complex
systems, also addresses problem-solving associated with the safety of plants and the local environmental impact of these products. These skills
are based on the knowledge acquired with the
Bachelors degree, which is extended in terms
of methodologies and applications through the
two-year Masters programme. This allows graduates to face the most complex problems related to the development, design and management of modern plants, as well as to actively
contribute to the innovation and scientific and
technological advancement of the sector. The
programme is designed to train highly qualified
electrical engineers to work both in the field
of electrical power systems and electrical machines. The MSc also focuses on renewable energy conversion, electric mobility, smart grids,
electrical markets, HV installation and a range
of other modern electric technologies. By the
end of the programme, students will have acquired all of the necessary skills to either swiftly
access the working world or pursue their studies with access to a Doctoral programme.
Academic requirements: Bachelors Degree in
Electrical Engineering or equivalent.
Minimum CGPA: 3 out of 4.
English requirements: All applicants whose
native language/language of instruction is not
are required to provide proof of English proficiency (CEFR Level B2) in the form of TOELF,
IELTS (Academic) or ESOL (CAE or CPE) tests.
Contacts:; ee_
MSc Electronics Engineering
The MSc in Electronics Engineering provides
students with specific skills related to electronic
digital systems, integrated components, microwave circuits, radiofrequency systems and advanced communications together with multidisciplinary laboratory competences and advanced
mathematical topics. Other subjects include
discrete circuits, machine learning, advanced
antennas, electromagnetic scattering, circuit
design, embedded systems, nano-electronics,
power electronics, optoelectronics, lasers and
accelerators, environmental electronics, Earth
observation, bioengineering and wireless communication systems. The programme emphasises system-related and interdisciplinary aspects
and is closely linked with research and innovation activities. Students may also complete their
Masters thesis through an internship.
Academic requirements: Bachelor (BSc) in
Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering,
Information and Communication technology.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
Contacts:,, antonio.,
MSc Energy Engineering
The MSc in Energy Engineering addresses design,
technologies, advances and the control of complex systems involved in energy generation and
conversion, with a focus also on economic feasibility. The programme comprises multi- and inter-disciplinary topics in order to provide students
with the flexibility required by the labour market
and focuses on electrical issues related to energy
conversion, distribution and storage; advanced
heat and mass transfer for industrial and residential distribution; mechanical engineering related
to turbines, systems and plants; management,
design, safety and control issues. All those topics
are considered within the framework of energy
systems for renewable energy technology, as wind
turbines, solar and photovoltaic panels, fuel cells,
marine turbines, biomasses, geo-thermal energy
systems and of principles, technologies and plants
related to nuclear energy. In addition, students are
involved in the analysis of energy system integration, especially in relation to energy efficiency and
distribution in urban areas and for smart cities.
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Energy
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering are preferred. Very good basic and extended knowledge of Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Applied Thermodynamics,
Electricity and Electrical Devices, Mechanical Engineering and Structural mechanics is required.
Only high CGPAs will be considered.
English requirements: Level B2 or higher, certified by IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge ESOL or equivalent.
MSc Engineering in Computer Science
The MSc in Engineering in Computer Science
trains software specialists in computing, data
and information management, system security, pervasive systems, social networks and web
science. The programme addresses research,
design and development of IT services, products, architectures and systems, and provides
the project management and leadership skills
that are necessary for a responsible career in
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree
in Computer Engineering, Computer Science,
or other degrees with a strong background in
Computer Science (the latter will be analysed
and approved on a case-by-case basis). Applicants will be interviewed (remotely) during the
evaluation process.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MA English and Anglo-American Studies
The English and Anglo-American Studies MA
programme at the Faculty of Humanities provides a high specialisation, focusing on the
language, literature and culture of the Anglophone world, as well as translation. Additional
core/subsidiary subjects include Art, Fashion,
Linguistics, Philosophy, Italian, Computing for
the Humanities and New World Cultures. Admission is based on possession of entry requirements and personal competences: 84 credits in
various disciplines in BA degree, of which 54 in
English and/or Anglo-American Language and
Literature (24 in Language, or certified level).
Students, however, can enrol in single modules
prior to full enrolment.
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Language and Literature. Admissions Interview.
English and Italian language requirements:
CEFR Level C1 – Italian language requirements:
B1 level, when lessons begin.
Contacts: Bendetta Panciroli (didactic secretary); Iolanda Plescia and Irene Ranzato (enrolment);
MSc European Studies
The MSc in European Studies trains high-profile
professionals to work in the increasingly global international economic and law context that
is being driven by European integration. The
programme provides students with advanced
knowledge and skills on the methodologies,
cultural aspects and professional requirements
that will enable them to develop original solutions to juridical, economic, social and historical
issues that are emerging on the new European
and international scenarios. The programme
provides students with two different tracks:
“EU Law and Economics” and “Comparative
and European Law.”
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Economics, Law, Political Sciences and similar degrees
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS
6.5) or equivalent
MA Fashion Studies
The MA in Fashion Studies prepares students
for high-level responsibilities in the fashion
industry, as well as in related fields (figurative
arts, communications and entertainment). Students acquire knowledge related to the development of the fashion industry with special
attention to cultural, symbolic and economic/
financial factors, as well as the entrepreneurial and management skills necessary to work in
the field. In particular, the programme focuses
on specific competences to design, develop,
manage, and assess projects; tools to analyse
the human, historical and cultural influences in
the production, use and commercialization of
clothing; communications skills, linguistic and
technological media, knowledge acquisition
and transmission systems; and industry history
and clothing trends.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree
in the fields of Fashion, Arts and Performing
Arts, Architecture, Music, History, Media and
Communication, Sociology and Economics and
Marketing, Textile Engineering. Evaluation will
be based on the final grade of the Bachelors
Degree, CV and the portfolio of skills and activities in the field of Fashion Studies.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS,
TOEFL, Cambridge, Trinity College or TOEIC)
MSc Finance and Insurance – Financial
risk and data analysis (subject to final
This programme is designed to provide students
with a wide range of advanced quantitative and
programming tools, together with technical instruments and a sound knowledge of the complex
regulatory system that governs financial markets.
Graduates will have all the skills required to start a
successful career in financial institutions or major
corporations. A special focus is placed on the analysis of data and on the analysis and management
of risk, as well as on the application and development of appropriate models to address the many
complex challenges of financial activities.
Academic requirements:
1) Bachelors degree in Economics, Business Administration with an adequate academic background (overall 72 ECTS) in: Business, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics (minimum 54
ECTS or equivalent credit hours), Quantitative
Analysis (e.g. Computer science, Programming,
Econometrics, etc.) and Law.
2) Academic performance: weighted average
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc Genetics and Molecular Biology
The MSc in Genetics and Molecular Biology,
which prepares students to manage bio-molecular research (basic/applied for biomedicine),
addresses uni- and multi-cellular organisms as
model systems for the study of the basic mechanisms of gene expression or more complex
processes such as cellular development, differentiation and transformation; gene studies related to complex processes and human populations; processes involved in the regulation of
the structure and function of nucleic acids and
proteins; manipulation of biological macro-molecules; biomedical and biotechnological research; genetic and molecular concepts applied
to the diagnosis and cure of genetic diseases;
biological processes underlying the basic physiopathology of organs and systems and their
modulation, especially in mankind.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
Biological Sciences
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc Health Economics
The MSc in Health Economics provides a multidisciplinary preparation in the field of health
economics, health law, business management
of public or private firms operating in the health
industry, and tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis of economic policy decisions in
this sector. The Masters programme allows students to learn how to manage relations with
government institutions and to how to manage
the entire business processes for the delivery of
health goods and services. Graduates will be
able to hold top positions in direct support of
the Director General, Administrative Director
and top management of public and private
health and healthcare companies at national
and international organizations and institutions
dealing with health policy, and in public and
private research institutions. The programme
also includes internships with private and public institutions, and international organisations
working in the field of public health, as well as
seminars and laboratories, to help students gain
practical experience.
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Economics or equivalent degree – with an adequate
academic background and at least 90 ECTS in
the following areas: Economics (Minimum 18
ECTS or equivalent credit hours), Mathematics,
Statistics, Quantitative Analysis (e.g. Computer science, Programming, Econometrics, etc.),
Business, Law and Public Health.
English requirements: Equivalent B2 (i.e. TOEFL ibt 80; TOEFL pbt 550; TOEIC 730; IELTS 6.0)
MSc Mechanical Engineering
The MSc in Mechanical Engineering, which is
based on advanced knowledge of Maths and
Physics, focuses on research and development
design processes and the identification of innovative technical solutions. The programme
is designed to provide young engineers with
advanced university education on R&D design
processes and the development of innovative
technical solutions through an interdisciplinary
and problem-solving approach. Students will
also take advanced courses addressing turbo-machinery design, thermodynamics cycles
for energy power plants and renewable energy
systems, advanced mechanical design, production systems and operations management.
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering with final score > 75/100
English requirements: Certification of IELTS >
6 or equivalent
MSc Nanotechnology Engineering
The MSc in Nanotechnology Engineering programme addresses multi- and inter-disciplinary
subjects to provide students with the flexibility
required to understand, design and handle the
architecture, development and control of complex
systems at both the micro- and nano-scale. Students will be introduced to the basic tools necessary to master systems operating at the nanoscale
to conceive, design and characterise micro- and
nano-devices. The course is highly interdisciplinary,
involving nanoscale physics, advanced chemistry
and microscopy in combination with courses and
laboratories devoted to the design of micro- and
nano-devices for different applications in industry,
biotechnology and nano-electronics.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
the various fields of Industrial Engineering and
Computer Science Engineering.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS,
TOEFL, Cambridge, Trinity College or TOEIC, or
similar certificates ).
Contacts: ingegneria_nanotecnologie.lm53@
MSc in Physics
The MSc in Physics currently provides two different tracks in English: Particle and Astroparticle Physics (PAP) and Condensed Matter Physics
(CMP). PAP courses span the full spectrum of
experimental, theoretical, and applied particle
and astroparticle physics, from high-energy
colliders to neutrino physics, from gravitational waves to the search for dark matter, including high-performance computing and medical
physics. Research theses are performed within
the framework of collaboration agreements
involving CERN and other major international
facilities and universities. The CMP track offers
a wide variety of theoretical and experimental
courses. They span the full spectrum of condensed matter physics, including solid-state and
soft-matter physics, quantum optics, quantum
computation and information, and complexity
theory. Research theses are performed within
the many theoretical and experimental groups
present in the Department of Physics as well as
in groups working in national and international
research institutions and universities.
Academic requirements: BSc in Physics with
very-good/excellent marks. A good knowledge
of modern physics, including special relativity, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics,
atomic physics,
nuclear and subnuclear physics and quantum
optics (at an introductory level) is required. The
BSc programme includes extensive lab work
and computational courses (some programming experience is required).
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc in Product Design
The MSc in Product Design is a studio-based
programme for students who wish to hone their
innovative abilities, who are interested in the
integration of design, technology, cultures and
business, and who wish to address the creative
challenges of making objects and ideas that improve people’s lives. Candidates are expected to
design extensively, think creatively and reflect
critically. The Masters lasts 4 semesters (2 years).
The first semester is dedicated to improving critical capacity and understanding of the different
disciplines that contribute to the skills of a Product Designer. The second semester is dedicated
to developing an advanced design method ranging from Design Thinking to Design Prototypes.
The third semester allows students to puruse a
personalized design by choosing two of the four
Design Studios on Systemic Design, Design for
Interaction, Design for Materials and Language
Design. The final semester is dedicated to the
final thesis with students participating in an
internship in the R&D of national and international Companies or at foreign universities and
research centres. Students pursue their interests
in the field of Design by carrying out educational
activities (Elective Courses) or extra-didactic (Further Learning) by choosing from the network of
International Courses and Research Laboratories
at Sapienza and at foreign universities with open
collaborations (such as the Erasmus Programme
and International Agreements). Our programme
was selected as one of the top-50 European Design Schools and included in the catalogue published by the Journal “Domus”.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
the field of Design, Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science Engineering
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS,
TOEFL, Cambridge, Trinity College or TOEIC)
MSc Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
The MSc in Science and Technology for the
Conservation of Cultural Heritage trains experts in Archaeometry and Conservation Science. The programme focuses on the multi-analytical characterization of a wide range
of materials related to archaeology and cultural heritage, as well as scientific methods and
advanced technologies in the study of conservation of cultural heritage. In particular, the
programme addresses the ability to work in a
research area with a strong multidisciplinary
nature; analytical techniques, scientific methods of investigation and data interpretation
for the recovery and conservation of cultural
heritage; analysis of the interaction between
cultural heritage and the chemical-physical environment; archaeometric applications.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
a relevant discipline. Basic knowledge of mathematical, physical and natural sciences, of the
constituent and/or employed materials in cultural heritage, of humanistic and economic disciplines (museology, history of restoration and
techniques of artistic production, legislation
and economics of cultural heritage and activities), and information technology is required.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
MSc Space and Astronautical Engineering
The MSc in Space and Astronautical Engineering provides students with specific skills related to space mission planning and the analysis
and design of launch vehicles, satellites and remote metering and telemetry systems. The programme, which emphasises systems-related and
interdisciplinary aspects, is closely linked with
research and innovation activities carried out in
the Italian and European aerospace industries.
The Aerospace Engineering track, which is part
of the Masters programme and is held entirely
in English, provides students with advanced concepts, professional training and specific engineering skills, enabling them to address complex
issues requiring analysis, development, simulation and optimization in a wide range of aerospace-related topics. In year one, students acquire knowledge related to major areas of Space
Engineering such as Spaceflight Mechanics and
Altitude Dynamics, Controls, Compressible Fluid Dynamics, Propulsion, Structures and Space
Systems; in year two, students select follow-up
courses from a wide range of topics directly related to Space, Astronautical and Aeronautical
Engineering. Admitted students are eligible for
double-degree programmes with the ISAE Toulouse in France and the Instituto Superior Tecnico Lisboa in Portugal.
Academic requirements: Bachelors in Engineering (preferably Aerospace, Aeronautical, or
Mechanical Engineering)
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS
6.5 or equivalent)
MSc Statistical Methods and Applications
Data management and analysis (i.e. Statistics)
is fundamental to any professional activity. The
MSc in Statistical Methods and Applications
provides students with outstanding insight into
the data management process, including data
collection, analysis, and interpretation, as well
as related decision-making processes, with a
focus on Big Data analysis and its applications.
Starting from initial training in Statistics, Probability and Computing, students then choose
one of the following tracks: Data Analysis,
Official Statistics, Quantitative Economics. The
programme prepares professionals for careers
in consulting companies, industry and State
agencies, as well as candidates for PhD programmes in Statistics, quantitative Economics,
Data science.
Academic requirements: A Bachelors degree
with a solid foundation in Calculus, Probability
and Statistics, some computing skills and basic knowledge of programming. The academic
background of international students (EU and
non-EU) is assessed by a Prospective Student Selection Committee based on the documentation
provided by students (see below). The Committee may also request an interview with the prospective student via Skype or other services.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2 (IELTS,
TOEFL, or equivalent). The applicant’s knowledge of English will be tested during the preliminary remote (Skype) interview.
MSc Transport Systems Engineering
The MSc in Transport Systems Engineering allows
students to perform and manage a wide range
of activities related to planning, programming,
operating and monitoring transport systems and
their components. In particular, the programme
focuses on optimising infrastructure and services for transport; the design of transportation
systems and their components, such as infrastructure, services, vehicles, terminals and plants;
model vehicular flows on multi-modal networks
to improve the mobility of people and goods; demand and supply interaction and equilibrium calculation; design of on-line and off-line models for
transports system operation and management;
and monitoring mobility solutions from a technical, economic and environmental point of view.
Academic requirements: Bachelors degree in
Engineering or equivalent.
English requirements: CEFR Level B2
Contacts: Prof. Stefano Ricci, Chair of Transport
Systems Engineering Education Area; Dr. Natalia Isaenko, International
Students Adviser
Medicine and Surgery
6-year M.D. programme
Medicine has been taught at Sapienza since the
founding of the university in 1303. The aim of
the programme is to educate students to the
highest standards of medical practice, train specialised clinicians in patient-centred medicine
and tackle crucial issues concerning the mechanisms, prevention and treatment of disease. Sapienza places a strong emphasis on developing
clinical skills throughout the course of the programme and teaching often takes place in one
of Sapienza’s three specialist hospitals: Policlinico Umberto I, Sant’Andrea and Latina. Classes
are smaller than most medical schools to allow
greater professor-student interaction and foster
student self-evaluation, independent thinking
and investigation.
Academic requirements: Admissions test
IMAT (once a year)
English requirements: Verified by admissions test
Contacts: Secretary of the degree programme: office for
international students: settoretitolostraniero@
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
EMJMDs are prestigious, integrated, international study programmes, jointly delivered by
an international consortium of higher education institutions. Sapienza currently offers 3
• ALA – Architecture Landscape Archaeology –
National Technical University of Athens
(GR), University of Coimbra (PT), University
of Naples Federico II (IT)
• ARCHMAT – Archaeological Materials
Science – www.erasmusmundus-archmat.
University of Évora (PT), Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki (GR)
• STEPS – Sustainable Transportation and
Electrical Power Systems –
University of Oviedo (ES), University of Nottingham (UK), Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (PT)
Applications for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees have different procedures, deadlines and fees and must be submitted directly
through the project’s website.

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