Dental program in Germany: Study dentistry in English in Germany while immersing yourself in the rich and unique German culture; meet people from all over the world while you make friends with both Germans and other international students. The Study Dental program in Germany is open to international students from all countries. The main objectives of the program are to provide a high standard of education at a reasonable cost, in English language and in a friendly environment in one of the best dental schools in Europe.
As it’s already known, preparing for dentistry school can be fun and at the same time, quite tasking. However, there is really nothing like finally seeing your dreams come true; your dreams of being a dentist in this case. Moving on, how much do you know though, about studying dentistry in english in germany? Read on to find out.
The article below brings you the latest information on studying dentistry in English in Germany, University of Berlin dental school, list of dental colleges in Germany, dentistry in Germany after BDS, University of Heidelberg dentistry & fellowship in dentistry in Germany. You will also find related posts on studying dentistry in English in Germany on Collegelearners.

Why should you study Dentistry in Germany?
Germany is one of the world’s top study destinations for international students and definitely a higher education paradise. In Germany, you will find countless prestigious and top-ranked universities for Dentistry, hundreds of specialized Dentistry study programs to choose from, degrees that are valued globally, and affordable studies. Not to mention, Germany is a country with a unique culture, dynamic lifestyle, and many interesting places to explore during your studies here.
List of Dental Colleges in Germany
About University of Berlin Dental School
FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN: Admission, Tuition, Courses, And Rankings
Freie Universität Berlin is one of the best Research Institute situated in the capital city of Germany, BERLIN. Berlin is not just the capital of Germany but also the largest city in the country with a landmass of 889 square kilometers.
This city houses about 3.5 million people. A school in such an environment is in the heart of the country.
In this article, we will be discussing everything about FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN: ADMISSION, TUITION FEES, COURSES AND RANKING
This city is located in central Europe, as one of the oldest cities in the world, it has a very turbulent and diverse past which can be seen in many places around the city.
That notwithstanding, the city is alive and bring together a lot of trends and worlds. unlike other German cities, Berlin brings more diverse people which makes it unique and special.
Therefore, studying in FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN gives you access to the uniqueness of the city. Thus many young German students want to come to the city and Also foreign students who want to study abroad in Germany.
Berlin is split into 12 urban districts and each of them has its own history and many of them have different cultural backgrounds.
Exploring Berlin takes a lot of time and even if you think you know everything there’s always something new coming up. Therefore living in the capital city can never be boring and there is always somewhere to explore.
over the years, this great city has been a sight of attraction bringing people from all over the world, not just for sightseeing but some of these people made it their permanent home, in search of new opportunities, and challenges within the city.
Diverse influences have actually made the city cosmopolitan and easygoing where people usually feel welcome to chase their dreams, this is one of the biggest assets the city has to offer.
Good a thing, that the Free University of Berlin is found in this great city. Therefore before I go ahead to DISCUSS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT STUDY IN FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN, let us see Why Study in Berlin?
Why Study in Berlin
When it comes to education, Germany has one of the best education systems in the world. A degree from a German university is acknowledged all over the world.
Berlin owns 4 universities and numerous technical colleges. The choice is therefore not easy.
The Freie Universität Berlin offers study programs in humanity and social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine.
The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin also covers humanity and social sciences as well as cultural sciences, medicine, and agriculture.
The Technische Universität Berlin has its focus on engineering and natural sciences but also offers programs in planning, humanity social sciences, and economics.
The fourth university is the University of the Arts in Berlin which covers – as the name says – the programs art, design, music and performing arts.
Aside from good quality education, Berlin also has a lot if it comes to personal development. As it is the capital city of Germany one is very close to politics, history and up-to-date developments. One can immerse into the German culture and get to know the diversity of the nation.
Berlin also is an international city and brings together a lot of different cultures, which form the Germany of today. One can participate in cultural and traditional events, which take place in Berlin.
Furthermore, Berlin is – compared to other university cities – is cheaper when it comes to rent and cost of living.

As earlier stated the Free University of Berlin is one of the reputable research institutes in the world. If you must enroll here, there is a lot you need to know about the school before making you move which includes the following:
The Free University of Berlin is one of the German universities that is successful in all three funding lines in both federal and state Excellence Initiative, thus receiving additional funding for its institutional future development strategy.
The school can, therefore, take its place as an international network university in the global competitions of universities.
Development and assessment of research projects take place within various focus areas, research networks, and platforms for interdisciplinary collaborative research.
Also, the university performance in Excellence Initiative added to its funding for several new graduate schools and transdisciplinary research clusters. this graduate schools play an important part in the development of internationally competitive research centers of excellence.
Freie Universität Berlin is a broad-based university with 15 departments and central institutes offering over 150-degree programs across a wide range of subjects.
When we Compare Freie Universität Berlin to other universities, Freie Universität offers a high degree of autonomy in terms of individual ideas and decision-making.
Up to 30,000 students in Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, of which 15% of them are coming from abroad, attend courses in Freie Universität. English courses and programs are offered for non-German speakers.
Founding year: 1948
Students: 31,500 students in bachelor’s and master’s degree programs
Students from abroad: 20 percent
Doctoral students: 4,400
Doctoral students from abroad: 33 percent
Professors: 349, incl. 46 joint appointments with non-university research institutes; 142 fixed-term professors
Staff: 4,350
Departments and central institutes: 11 academic departments, 1 joint medical school with Humboldt-Universität, 4 transdisciplinary central institutes
Subjects (including doctoral degree programs and continuing education): 228
Undergraduate Degree Programs: 73
Master’s Programs: 105
Doctoral programs: 50
Collaborative research centers (DFG): 11 as host university, 4 as part of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and 8 as a participating institution
Annual government funding: 318,5 million euros p. a. of which 61 million euros are for pension and health plans
External funding expenditures: 131 million euros
Figures do not include medicine unless stated otherwise; 2016 unless stated otherwise.
The Free University of Berlin For International Students
The Free University of Berlin is a hub for international students, over the years students from around the world about 80 different countries apply to the school enriching the academics community with their interest and experience.
So, if you are an international wishing to apply for a program do so and be part of this great community but before you do that, make sure you are eligible.
If your qualification is not recognized as sufficient to apply for a degree program in the school, you need not to worry, here is a way out.
You can apply for a one-year school-type preparation at the Studienkolleg. The result from your final assessment exam entitles you to apply for suitable degree programs at all German universities not the just Free University of Berlin.
Freie Universität also offers the Summer and Winter University FUBiS as well as the FU-BEST program for international students and graduates who like to gain first insights into German culture and language.
Free University of Berlin Study Program
In this part of this article, we are going to talk about both the undergraduate study programs and the graduate study program of the school.
Undergraduate Study Program:
By way of introduction, an undergraduate study program is a study program that gives the students it’s a first degree or diploma for higher education.
This category includes Bachelor’s degree programs, but also programs toward the state exam (Staatsexamen), Diplom or Magister degrees (a Magister degree is a postgraduate degree which is awarded after three to 6 years duration. It is equivalent to MSc degree. It is a prerequisite to have an MSc before applying to a Ph.D. or Doctorate degrees). which means that admission always requires that the student has successfully completed an undergraduate program first.
In Germany, agreements laid out by the Conference of Education and Cultural Affairs (Kultusministerkonferenz) state that undergraduate programs that lead directly to a master’s degree are not permitted.
Graduate Study Program
On the other hand, a master’s degree is an academic degree that university graduates earn upon completion of a second academic program.
A Master’s degree program lasts two to four semesters and builds upon an undergraduate program. Students who wish to enroll in a master’s degree program are required to have a bachelor’s degree or other degree or diploma from one of the single-stage academic programs traditional in the German system (Magister, Diplom, first state exam (Staatsexamen) in law or teaching credential (Lehramt) program; degree in medicine).
Depending on the area of focus, a master’s degree program can allow the student to explore the subject previously studied in greater depth or to branch out into new areas of knowledge.
A doctoral program (Promotion) leads to the academic degree of doctor (Doktorat) in a specific discipline. This degree is considered proof of the student’s aptitude to work scientifically or academically at an advanced level. It is based on independent academic work – the dissertation – and an oral exam.

Best Study Programs in Dentistry at Universities in Germany
There are 28 Dentistry study programs available at 11 schools and universities in Germany, according to Erudera.
Erudera aims to have the largest and most updated database of Dentistry study programs available in Germany, and new study programs are being added weekly. You can use the filters to narrow down your search or sort your results based on popularity and top rankings to find more specific Germany study programs. Once you filter your results, you can save your chosen Germany Dentistry programs to a personal list so you can do more research or contact the universities later.
Here are the best Germany universities for Dentistry :
- University of Marburg
- Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
- Justus Liebig University Giessen
- Witten/Herdecke University
- Dresden International University
- Goethe University Frankfurt
- University of Duisburg-Essen
- University of Greifswald
- Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
- RWTH Aachen University
foreign dentist in germany
For a career in dentistry, the prospective student must complete a regular course of study which last ten semesters, plus an additional six months. Following a five-semester pre-clinical phase, which focuses on the natural sciences, medicine and dental materials, the student must successfully complete his or her preliminary dentistry examination. This is followed by another five semesters of clinical study, including lectures, seminars and practical training, to further perfect the student’s medical knowledge and dentistry skills. A degree in dentistry is awarded upon the successful completion of the second state-administered dentistry examination. This may be followed by further specialist training in oral surgery, orthodontics, or public health, which can last between three and four years.
Whether you ultimately decide to pursue a career in medicine or dentistry – with or without additional specialist training – the decision to study in Germany is always the right choice.UniversitiesTop Rated Universities For Studying Medicine in Germany
- University of Heidelberg
- Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
- University of Gottingen
- University of Munich
- Universitat zu Koln
- Charite Medical University
- MH Hannover
- University of Bonn
- University of Leipzig
One thing you should have clear from the beginning: If you’re aiming to study at an undergraduate course in a public university in Germany you will hardly find a course taught in English because the absolute majority of them is taught in German.
The first question that comes into your mind is what universities provide higher education in the English language. Nobody wants to choose a university just because it offers study programs in English, but it also takes into consideration the quality of education he/she will be receiving.

Dentistry study in English at the University of Debrecen in Hungary
One opportunity for you is to carry out an online research by checking universities’ websites to see if they offer English study programs. To alleviate that burden to you we’ve made a list of universities which offer the chance to study in English in Germany.
Here are some of the best universities in Germany, which offer degree courses in English:
- Hochschule Mannheim –University of Applied Sciences
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
- Bremen University of Applied Sciences
- Jacobs University
- Technische Universitat Munchen
- University of Gottingen
- Max Planck Institute
- Freie Universitat Berlin
- Technische Universitat Dresden
- Munich University of Applied Sciences
- University of Bonn
- Saarland University
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern
- Universitat Hamburg
- ULM University
- HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
- University of Bayreuth
- WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management
- University of Stuttgart
- RWTH Aachen University
- HTW Berlin
- Technische Universitat Berlin
- TU Darmstadt
- University of Hohenheim
- University of Erfurt
- University of Freiburg
A complete list of these universities can be found here.
How to find a course in English in Germany
Information about this query is easily accessible, but is scattered through the web and apparently takes time to complete the puzzle. If you have made up your mind on which university you want to get your degree, then all you have to do is launch their website and check if there’s any course offered in English at that particular university.
On the other hand, if you haven’t decided what university you’re willing to enroll yet, we’ve made a complete list of degree courses at which you can study in English in Germany to ease your online research.
This list is easy to navigate as it enables you to narrow down the list of study programs according to the academic level. After you derive some suitable study courses you can check their modules and evaluate if any of them seem particularly interesting to you and finally decide which matches your academic long-term goals and budget limitations.
An important note: There are over 380 higher education providers in Germany so to help you save time for yourself note that if you’re willing to apply for an undergraduate degree, then focus more on private universities because in public universities there’s hardly any course delivered in the English language.
requirements to study dentistry in germany
Entry requirements are similar to those for German-taught course. The main difference is that in English-taught degrees you have to show proper English proficiency by submitting a standardized test with TOEFL and IELTS being the most common ones.
The following documents you need to apply for an English-taught program in Germany
A recognized qualification
Certified transcripts of your grades from previous education
Proof of English proficiency
Motivational or reference letters (optional)
Your qualifications must meet the standards of German higher education otherwise you won’t be allowed to enter a regular university course. On such occasion, the University of your choice may require you to sit in a preparatory course to grant you the required skills and knowledge necessary for attending the regular course of your aim.
As per your proof of English proficiency, there are several types of scores accepted at German universities, but most often are TOEFL and IELTS.
The minimum score required to be admitted is 80 points in TOEFL and 6.5 in IELTS, but it changes depending on the university and the type of your course. At the postgraduate level the English is of higher academic standards, therefore minimum scores are set higher compared to undergraduate courses.
Whatsoever, we recommend you to achieve a higher score as possible because it plays a significant role in your admission, particularly at in-demand universities, where competition is fierce and admission committees have to rely on several performance elements.
Other standardized tests mentioned on the list are mostly required in economics and business-related subjects. If you have chosen such a course to be ready to undertake GMAT or GRE as specified from the University of your choice.
Dentistry in Germany after BDS
Study Dental courses in Germany.
Hey, guys are you planning to study BDS/MDS/Dentistry in Germany. Hey there you are, I know you are thinking about how to proceed? Dentistry study in Germany can transform your life as well as a career for a better future. We know it is challenging to decide to study abroad for Indian students (Non- EU:- Ukraine, Georgia, Singapore, Russia, Nepal, Bangladesh etc.). There is a lot of confusion about education in Germany. So here, I will break down all the steps for Dentistry/MDS/BDS study in Germany. Study dental courses in Germany at Lowest Tuition Fees. Non-EU dentist in Germany have huge career opportunities in Germany
Before planning to study Dentistry/MDS/BDS in Germany, there are a lot of steps you should be aware of:-
Studying in Germany takes a little more time to complete the survey. Because before deciding Dental admission in Germany, you have to pass one entrance exam. And the entrance exam is based on your basic M-kurse syllabus and language program. And if you have good percentage marks in the High school/12th/Diploma and if you can pass the university entrance exam (FSP), then you will get a chance to study BDS/Dentistry in Germany. With the help of the entrance score, you are eligible to apply for Public universities in Dentistry in Germany. Study dental courses in Germany at Lowest Tuition Fees.
Germany also offers specialization in different fields of dentistry like- oral maxillofacial surgery, Endodontics, Periodontics, Orthodontics, Prosthodontics, etc. The normal duration of the Course is 3 to 6 years depending on the specialization that you choose. Dental professionals get a handsome salary ( 4000 to 6000 euros/month). Study dental courses in Germany at Lowest Tuition Fees.
Fellowship in Dentistry in Germany
Fellowship For Dentist in Germany
Fellowship are designed to provide enrolled dentists an advanced levels of Education. In dentistry didactic, laboratory, and scholarly components. During their fellowship programs, the Dentist will be trained to provide comprehensive dental care. Utilizing the latest dental technology. Fellowship:-
esthetic dentistry
laser dentistry
implant dentistry
prostho dentistry, etc.
Top Ranked Universities in the world
Germany is an advance and modern country. Here you will get a variety type of landscape. And one of the largest economic countries in Europe. It has its natural beauty and most preferable tourist country. It carries a fascinating history full of invention. Top Universities are:-
University of Bonn
University of Frankfurt
University of Freiburg
University of Marburg
University of RWTH , etc.
Bachelor in Dentistry (BDS) & Dental Postgraduate studies (DPDS)
The degree program in dentistry provides students not only with theoretical knowledge in the Dental sciences and comprehensive dental care but also with both theoretical and Clinical dental knowledge. Benefits are:-
Free Education
Part-time jobs during the study period.
Advanced dental technologies.
Earn up to 6000 euros/month