
study phd in australia with scholarship

10 Scholarships in Australia for International Students

The Australian Government and Australian Universities provide a large number of scholarships for international students wanting to study in Australia. lists the top Australia Scholarships for study at Australian Universities for international students.


Australian Government Scholarships »

Australia Awards Scholarships
Australia Awards Scholarships, formerly known as Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), are long term development awards administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. They provide opportunities for people from developing countries, particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific region, to undertake full time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions. The scholarship benefits generally include: full tuition fees, return air travel, establishment allowance, contribution to living expenses (CLE), Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC),  etc.

International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
The IPRS program enables international students to undertake a postgraduate research qualification in Australia and gain experience with leading Australian researchers.  The scholarships are available for a period of two years for a Masters by research degree or three years for a Doctorate by research degree.  The scholarship covers tuition fees and health cover costs.

Australian University Scholarships »

University of Sydney International Research Scholarships
The University of Sydney invites candidates who are eligible to undertake a Postgraduate Research Degree or Master’s by Research program at this University to apply for the University of Sydney International Research Scholarship (USydIS). The USydIS will cover tuition fees and living allowance for up to three years with a possibility of one semester’s extension for PhD students.

Macquarie University International Scholarships
The Macquarie University Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarship provides a partial tuition fee scholarship for outstanding students to study an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at Macquarie University North Ryde campus. The scholarship amount is varied up to AUD$10,000.

University of Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarships
The Graduate Research Scholarship was established by the University of Melbourne and is awarded to high achieving domestic and international research students.  The scholarship benefits include tuition fee waiver, living allowance, relocation grant, and overseas student health cover.

Also see Melbourne International Undergraduate Scholarships

Adelaide Scholarships International
The University of Adelaide offers the  Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) program to attract high quality international postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort.  The scholarships includes course tuition fees, annual living allowance, and health insurance.

Flinders International Postgraduate Scholarships
Flinders International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (FIPRS) are awarded to  suitably qualified applicants to pursue a full-time research higher degree at Flinders University – up to two years for a Research Masters degree and up to three years for a Research Doctorate degree.  The scholarship covers the international student tuition fees, living allowance, establishment allowance, relocation costs and airfares.

Charles Darwin University Vice-Chancellor’s International High Achievers Scholarships
Charles Darwin University offers a limited number of 25-50% tuition fee scholarships to international students who have a record of academic excellence and high achievement and who are seeking to commence an Undergraduate or Postgraduate coursework degree at CDU.

UNSW International Scholarships
UNSW offers a wide range of Scholarships and Awards to support International undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students commencing full-time study at UNSW. The scholarships may provide full or partial tuition fee payment, while others provide a stipend to assist with the costs associated with your studies.

PhD In Australia

The number of students starting a PhD in Australia has been increasing for a number of years. However, if you’re
interested in studying a PhD in Australia it is important to note that the process of applying for a PhD in Australia is slightly different from the process in other countries and it involves working with potential academic supervisors early on in the process of your application. 

Let’s take a look at what’s involved in studying a PhD in Australia.

Pre-application for a PhD in Australia

Potential PhD students in Australia need to have an excellent academic record and those with a 1st class undergraduate degree or a very high upper second class undergraduate degree will have the necessary academic record to apply for a PhD research position. Once an applicant has established that they have the necessary academic record they should see which academics in universities in Australia would be a good fit for their field of study. This can be done by searching through publications and research areas to see if the academic is interested in the same topics as they are. Potential PhD students should make initial contact with a potential supervising academic outlining what they wish to research into. In the initial contact, the PhD applicant should also include an outline of relevant experience, qualifications and any academic publications they have had. At this point the applicant could also include a brief research proposalFind a postgraduate program in AUSTRALIA

Application process in Australia

Once a PhD applicant has made contact with a supervisor, they will discuss the applicant’s research proposal further and they will either agree to support the application or will recommend another colleague. Alternatively they could decline to support the application altogether – but in this scenario they will hopefully be able to suggest ways that the student could improve or amend their research proposal in order to get it accepted. If an applicant does not know which academic to ask to supervise but is interested in an individual university then they should make contact directly to the university through an expression of interest, And the university will then direct them to any appropriate academics. 

Admissions process in Australia

Once the student has an academic supervisor who has agreed to support the PhD application they will need to make a formal application. This will need an excellent research proposal that links the study area with the interest areas of the academic supervisor. This is the main part of the application for the PhD, and the university being applied to will offer guidance on writing the research proposal. Potential PhD students in Australia also need to gather documents providing information such as grade transcripts, English language skills, and a CV. If the applicant is an international student institutions may require passports or proof that the PhD student is a Genuine Temporary Entrant, Some universities and departments require potential PhD students to attend interviews and others do not. 

Study methods in Australia

Part-time PhD students will have to prove that they can fit in their studies and complete their research within the time limits set by the university. In Australia, only domestic students are usually able to undertake their PhD on a part-time basis and international students would not gain a student visa with a part-time place. The vast majority of PhD students in Australia are researching full-time on-campus. 

Fees for a PhD in Australia

Students from Australia and New Zealand or those students with permanent residency visas for Australia will often have their tuition fees paid for by the Australia Government through their Research Training Program (RTP). Very few international students will qualify for the RTP, but it is always worth checking as some countries with historic or modern links with Australia qualify. Students apply via their university for the RTP. Most international PhD students will have to pay the full tuition fees by self-funding or with scholarships

Funding your PhD in Australia

The Australian Government also offers a stipend for PhD students to live on while they research as part of the RTP. If your research qualifies for the RTP and you come from a qualifying country or are considered a domestic student, then you will also qualify for the stipend. There are also significant scholarships available in Australia that are advertised through the department or university and are sponsored by the university. International students are usually recommended to find funding from scholarships from outside of their university in Australia or their home country. 

PhD duration

If a PhD student has taken funding for the tuition fees and the stipend to pay for living costs while they study, then they need to complete their PhD within four years, but it usually takes three years. Part-time PhD students are unusual, because of the funding issues, but they will be expected to complete their PhD in no more than six years. Some PhD students complete their research within two years, but this is very unusual.

International PhD students’ visas

In Australia, international PhD students no longer have a specific research student visa and must now apply for the standard student visa like all other students. A student visa lasts for five years in Australia, so international PhD students can apply as early as possible as this is longer than the three to four years that students will take to complete their research. 

Number of PhD students in Australia

The number of PhD students has increased over recent years as this table illustrates.

Australian Government Research Scholarship 2020 (Fully Funded)admin 19th January 2020 Australian Government Research Scholarship 2020 (Fully Funded)2020-01-17T03:42:31+00:00Master, PhD, Scholarships
Applications are invited to apply for the University of Adelaide Australian Government Research Scholarship 2020. Australian Government RTP University of Adelaide Scholarship is a Fully Funded Scholarship in Australia to Pursue a Masters or Doctoral Degree.

The Adelaide University Scholarship is open to all the students from around the world with any Nationality. The Adelaide Scholarships Awards are available in all Academic Discipline & Faculties areas. The Scholarship Duration will be for 3 Years.

A wide range of disciplines such as Engineering, Computer, Mathematical Sciences, Health Sciences, Arts, Professions, Sciences is available. The University of Adelaide is one of Australia’s most prestigious universities and are renowned internationally for excellence in education and research.

University of Adelaide Australian Government Research Scholarship Details
Country: Adelaide, Australia
Scholarship Level: Master, Ph.D. Degree
Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
University: University of Adelaide
Deadline: 10th July 2020
Scholarship Duration
Research Master: Up to 2 Years
Doctor of Philosophy: Up to 4 Years
Available Academic Fields & Majors
University of Adelaide Australian Government Research Scholarship in Australia is offering Scholarships in all Academic Majors/Faculties. The list of the fields is given below.

Engineering, Computer, and Mathematical Sciences
Health and Medical Sciences
You can further check the Details about Each Program HERE (STUDY FINDER)

Financial Coverage
Australian Scholarships RTP is a Fully Funded Scholarships for International Students in Australia. The scholarships in Australia 2020 will Cover the Following Expenses.

Stipend: An Annual Living Allowance of AUD$28,092 (tax free, 2020 value) for up to 2 Years for a Research Masters degree, and up to 3 Years for a Research Doctorate Degree.
Full Tuition Fee for Masters up to 2 Years & For Doctoral Degree up to 4 Years.
Medical Funds (Paid sick leave).
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Travel Allowance Airfare ($1000 travel from their home country to/from Adelaide.
Submission of the Thesis (e.g. Editing, Printing, Binding) Costs AUD$840 for Doctoral candidates. AUD$420 for Masters by Research candidates.
Eligibility Criteria
This is a basic Eligibility Criteria for Scholarship in Australia for Masters & for Scholarship in Australia for PhD.

Applicants must be International Students.
Applicants are required to have successfully completed at least the equivalent of an Australian Honours degree
Applicants are required to provide evidence of meeting the University of Adelaide’s English language proficiency requirements
Selection Timeline
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their scholarship application in mid-October 2020.
Recipients must commence their research program in semester 1, 2021 (between 1 January 2021 and 30 June 2021).
The last date to apply for the University of Adelaide Australian Government Research Scholarship 2020 is 10th July 2020

How to Apply For Adelaide Scholarship:
All the applicants need to submit an Online Application Form. The Link to Online Application Form & Official website link is given below in Red color.


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