Dayton is a highly rated private, Catholic university located in Dayton, Ohio. It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 8,046 undergraduate students. Admissions is somewhat competitive as the Dayton acceptance rate is 72%. Popular majors include Mechanical Engineering, Marketing, and Finance. Graduating 82% of students, Dayton alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $44,600.
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February 1
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$33,372 / year
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$25,858 / year
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grade B+Based on faculty accomplishments, salary, student reviews, and additional factors.
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of students agree that professors put a lot of effort into teaching their classes. 88 responses
of students agree that it is easy to get the classes they want. 108 responses
of students agree that the workload is easy to manage. 108 responses
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Mechanical Engineering
224 Graduates
189 Graduates
159 Graduates
University Of Dayton Law School Bar Passage Rate
89 in Student to Faculty Ratio
Dayton Law is tied for #89 in terms of lowest student to faculty ratio (6.9:1).
97 in Presence of Minority Faculty
Dayton Law ranks #97 in terms of the highest percentage of faculty who are racial or ethnic minority (12.5%).
104 in Presence of Female Faculty
Dayton Law is tied for #104 in terms of the highest percentage of faculty who are female (39.1%).
117 in Acceptance Rate
Dayton Law ranks #117 in terms of student selectivity with an acceptance rate of 51.9% among those who applied for admission.
123 in Presence of Minority Students
Dayton Law ranks #123 in terms of the highest percentage of students who are racial or ethnic minority (27.9%).
130 in Private Sector Salary
Dayton Law is tied for #130 in terms of the median starting salary among graduates working in private practice as law firm associates ($64,000).
131 in Public Sector Salary
Dayton Law is tied for #131 in terms of median starting salary among graduates working in government jobs or judicial clerkships at the federal or state level ($50,000).
142 in Median Undergraduate GPA
Dayton Law ranks #142 in terms of highest median undergraduate GPA (3.29) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students.
156 in Employment Rate at Graduation
165 in Employment Rate at 10 Months
Dayton Law ranks #156 in terms of graduates employed at the time of graduation (25.0%) and #165 in terms of graduates employed ten months after graduation (63.5%).
157 in Bar Passage Rate
Dayton Law ranks #157 in terms of bar passage rate among first-time test takers (67.3%), and it underperforms by -8.1% the state of Ohio’s overall bar passage rate of 75.4%. (A national comparison on this metric should be taken in a qualified sense and with caution, because every state has a different bar passage rate.)
166 in Median LSAT
Dayton Law is tied for #166 in terms of the median LSAT score (149) among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students. The LSAT measures reading comprehension, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning.
167 in Library Size
Dayton Law ranks #167 in terms of library size with 209,192 volumes or equivalents.
184 in Highest Tuition
Dayton Law ranks #184 in terms of highest tuition among full-time law students ($34,580). We rank from a total of 283 tuition rates from 194 law schools, ranking twice those law schools that have different in-state and out-of-state tuition rates.
About this Report
This report was released in spring 2019.
References to the lowest, median, and highest GPA and LSAT scores reflect those of the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile, respectively, among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students in fall 2018.
Acceptance Rates
The acceptance rate is that of applicants granted admission as full-time students for classes commencing in fall 2018. The acceptance rate of the applicants does not reflect actual enrollment rates, a subset figure.
Student-to-Faculty Ratios
The student-to-faculty ratio shows the number of students for that class per faculty member. This ratio reflects the applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students in fall 2018.
Bar Passage Rates
The bar passage rates reflect those among first-time test takers for the winter and summer 2017 administrations of the bar examinations. The state noted is that in which the greatest number of the law school’s graduates took the bar exam for the reported period.
Employment Rates
The employment rates shown are those of the 2017 full-time graduates at the time of graduation and ten months after graduation.
Law Library Volumes
The data indicate the number of print and microform volumes, as well as volume equivalents.
Gender, Race & Ethnicity
The data shown indicate the percentage of the faculty that are male and female, respectively, and the percentage of the faculty and students that are racial or ethnic minority (Hispanics of any race, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, multiracial, non-resident alien, or unknown race).
The salary statistics are those of full-time, long-term employed law graduates for the class of 2017 at the time of graduation and within ten months after graduation (approximately spring 2018 ), as self-reported by the graduates.
The salaries indicated for “Median Salary Private” reflect those salaries of the 50th percentile, among those graduates working in private practice as law firm associates. The salaries indicated for “Median Salary Public” reflect those salaries of the 50th percentile, among those graduates working in government jobs or judicial clerkships at the federal or state level.
In determining median salaries, jobs classified as “JD advantage” have been excluded (i.e., positions in which the employer requires a JD or considers it an advantage to hold such a degree, but in which admission to the bar is not required).