The Medical Honors Program (MHP), formerly Junior Honors Medical Program (JHMP), is an accelerated 7 Year B.S./M.D. program offered by the University of Florida. Admission is open to all possible candidates who are United States citizens or permanent residents.
The program is intended for undergraduate students who have demonstrated superior scholastic ability and personal development during their first two academic years of enrollment at a 4 year accredited science degree granting institution, and who are dedicated to pursuing medicine as a career. When accepted to this program, a student secures a place in medical school at the University of Florida College of Medicine as long as the MHP requirements are completed and academic standards are maintained.

Students’ first three years of college study will be completed at the Judy Genshaft Honors College at USF and the fourth year will be completed through the Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM). A Bachelor of Science (B.S.) will be conferred following successful completion of undergraduate requirements (typically after the fourth year of study). Students applying for this accelerated program will complete a major in Biomedical Sciences (BMS). The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) will be conferred by MCOM after the successful completion of the 4-year medical program.
During the first three years of study Judy Genshaft Honors College academic advisors will provide oversight of the student’s progress in meeting undergraduate requirements and will coordinate overall completion of the first phase of the program. The Morsani College of Medicine will provide oversight of the 4-year medical school curricular components of the program.
University of Florida Medical Honors Program Acceptance Rate
GPA | 3.85 |
MCAT | 514 |
Interview Rate(s) | 12.3% in-state | 3.4% out-state |
Acceptance Rate | 5.1% |
Percent of Entering Class In State | 80.5% |
Tuition | $32,744 in-state, $45,000 out-state |
- Apply directly for Undergraduate Admission to USF; if criteria below are met, the applicant will be automatically admitted to the Judy Genshaft Honors College
- Based on 4.0 weighted HS grade point average (GPA), as calculated by USF Undergraduate Admissions
- Once admitted to USF and the Judy Genshaft Honors College, no additional application is required for the 7-Year B.S./MD Program
- Starting in Fall 2020: SAT (Critical Reading and Math sections) score of 1500 or combined ACT score of 34 (we super-score all attempts for both tests)
- Transfer and continuing students are not eligible to apply for the 7-Year B.S./MD program (students who earn college credits before high school graduation are not considered “transfer” applicants)
- U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency (MCOM does not admit International Applicants) at the time of the AMCAS application (i.e., by the end of Year 2)

- Eligible students follow the 7-Year Track during their first year of undergraduate enrollment
- In the Spring semester of Year 1, students interested in formally continuing on to the second year of the program will be required to email a declaration of intent
- Students who meet all specified benchmarks will officially apply to the Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM) Core Program during the summer between Years 2 and 3
- Students must elect the Early Decision (EDP) timeline to submit their applications through the American Medical Application Service (AMCAS):
- Early Decision (EDP) applicants must submit the primary application (including transcripts) prior to August 1.
- An MCAT score which meets the program benchmark must be received by the Morsani College of Medicine no later than the AMCAS EDP primary application deadline.
- Note: AMCAS applications may be submitted beginning in early June of each year. Since AMCAS reviewers need four to six (4-6) weeks to verify applications prior to forwarding information to medical schools, we strongly encourage students to submit their primary applications by June 15 for the Early Decision option.
- Students will submit supplementary application materials, including letters of recommendation, to the Morsani College of Medicine no later than the secondary application deadline (currently August 15 for Early Decision).
- Applicants who have met all GPA, MCAT, and co-curricular benchmarks, and have submitted required application materials by the EDP deadline will receive an invitation for a formal interview by the Morsani College of Medicine.
- Successful completion of the interview is a requirement for acceptance into the Morsani College of Medicine for Years 4-7.
UF Medical Honors Program Requirements
By the end of the second year (preferably spring) of undergraduate work, as a full-time student, at a 4-year regionally accredited science degree granting institution, applicants must have completed the following courses:
- Biology with lab – 8 semester hours (12 quarter hours)
- General Chemistry with lab – 8 semester hours (12 quarter hours)
- Organic Chemistry with lab – 8 semester hours (12 quarter hours)
- additional 3000 (or higher) level science course (MCB 3023/L, PCB 3023, AGR 3303, etc). Further examples can be found at the following link.
Applicants should have taken at least 7 to 9 credit hours of science (math also counts) per fall and spring semesters. Eligible applicants must have a cumulative science GPA of at least 3.7 (including all college level Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math classes). Please note, a cumulative science GPA differs from the overall academic GPA as the science GPA is calculated based on the grades obtained in your biology, chemistry, physics, and math courses taken at the college level. Please refer to this AMCAS Application Course Classification Guide for guidance regarding the science and non-science coursework you list on your application.
AP and IB credits will be taken into consideration, but will not be used in the GPA calculation. To be most competitive, students with AP or IB credit in a class (e.g. Biology) are advised to either re-take that class at the university level or complete additional coursework in the same discipline at a higher level (3000 or higher).
The Medical Honors Program recognizes that undergraduate institutions have had to adapt the delivery of prerequisite course content in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We do not wish for any applicant to be at a disadvantage due to mandatory changes made by their institutions. Prerequisite lectures and labs that have transitioned completely to online for spring, summer, and fall 2020 will be accepted to meet required courses. In addition we will accept a pass, satisfactory, or letter grade of “C” or better for any prerequisite course (or higher level substitute). We will remain attentive to ongoing institutional changes that may affect undergraduate course offerings as the national and global situation continues to unfold.
The MCAT is not required for application nor admission to the program.
Volunteer Activities
Applicants must be able to demonstrate volunteer activity in a medical area. Preferably, applicants will be able to demonstrate at least one consistent medical volunteer experience. Volunteer activity in a non-medical area is of value, but is not afforded the same weight as consistent medical volunteer work.
Prior involvement in research is not a requirement for admission to the MHP. However, MHP students complete an Honors Research thesis during their junior year, so a research background may prove to be beneficial.
For a list of research opportunities here at the University of Florida, please visit this page:
This program is open to non-Florida residents. Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents.