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About Law School Admissions Statistics
This report was released in spring 2019.
References to the lowest, median, and highest GPA and LSAT scores, including all data under the headings “GPA Low”, “GPA Median”, “GPA High”, “LSAT Low”, “LSAT Median” and “LSAT High” reflect those of the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile, respectively, among those applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students in fall 2018.
Acceptance Rates
The acceptance rates, indicated under the heading “Accept,” are those of applicants granted admission as full-time students for classes commencing in fall 2018. The acceptance rates of the applicants do not reflect actual enrollment rates, a subset figure.

Student-to-Faculty Ratios
The student-to-faculty ratios are indicated under the heading “S/F Ratio” and show the number of students for that class per faculty member. These ratios reflect the applicants granted admission who enrolled as full-time students in fall 2018.
State & Bar Passage Rates
The bar passage rates reflect those among first-time test takers for the winter and summer 2017 administrations of the bar examinations. “State Bar” indicates the statewide bar passage rate for the jurisdiction in which the greatest number of the law school’s graduates took the bar exam for the reported period. “Pass Bar” is the bar passage rate among those students who passed the bar exam within that jurisdiction.
Employment Rates
The employment rates shown are those of the 2017 full-time graduates at the time of graduation (“Empl. @Grad”) and ten months after graduation (“Empl. @10Mos”).
Law Library Volumes
The data shown under the heading “Library” indicate the number of print and microform volumes, as well as volume equivalents.
Gender, Race & Ethnicity
The data shown under “Male Fac.” and “Fem. Fac.” indicate the percentage of the faculty that are male and female, respectively.

The data shown under “Min. Fac.” and “Min. Stu.” indicate the percentage of the faculty and students that are racial or ethnic minority (Hispanics of any race, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, multiracial, non-resident alien, or unknown race).
Admission statistics are made available by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) and the American Bar Association (ABA) in the spring for matriculants in the preceding fall semester. Brown-specific information is based only on information that applicants have shared with LSAC.
The longitudinal data below is updated as it becomes available every spring. Brown students and alumni can search for Brown alumni in law through BrownConnect and Linkedin
Sort on a column by tapping the heading at the top. Filter the table with the text box. The data is also available as a Google spreadsheet. GPA and LSAT data with an asterisk (*) are from the first-year 2019 class; all others are from the first-year 2020 class. Share it with anyone you want!
Top Law School Admissions – GPA and LSAT Chart
This is a chart visualizing the data. Tap a school to see their 25th percentile, median, and 75th percentile GPA and LSAT scores for marticulating students for that year.
LSAT is shown on the Y-axis, and GPA on the X-axis. The circle represents the median scores, and the edges of the rectangle represent the 25th and 75th percentile scores. More selective schools are in the top right, and less selective schools are in the bottom left.
Top Law School Admissions – GPA and LSAT Chart
This is a chart visualizing the data. Tap a school to see their 25th percentile, median, and 75th percentile GPA and LSAT scores for marticulating students for that year. LSAT is shown on the Y-axis, and GPA on the X-axis.
The circle represents the median scores, and the edges of the rectangle represent the 25th and 75th percentile scores. More selective schools are in the top right, and less selective schools are in the bottom left.
Are you planning on applying to law school but don’t know where to apply? Several factors should influence your decision, such as a school’s ranking, fees, program options, and others. But one factor you definitely shouldn’t ignore is the acceptance rate.
The good news is you can increase your chances of being accepted into a law school by applying to one that’s known to have higher acceptance rates. Nonetheless, to get into any law school, you still must possess at least the minimum requirements – a good LSAT score and GPA.
Getting into Law School
Law school acceptance rates vary. Some schools, especially the higher-ranked law schools, are pickier than others when it comes to accepting applications. For instance, Yale only accepts 9 percent of applicants.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are schools with an 80 percent acceptance rate or higher. These schools aren’t in the top 50, but they are still ABA-accredited—so you can still successfully sit for the bar exam after getting your JD degree there.
Let’s take a look at some of the hardest and easiest law schools to get into and their acceptance rates.
Which Law Schools Are the Hardest to Get Into?
According to Lawschooli, the ten hardest law schools with the lowest acceptance rates are:
Yale University: 9.47%
Stanford University: 10.70%
Harvard University: 16.65%
University of Pennsylvania: 17%
Northwestern University: 17.79%
University of Virginia: 19.86%
Duke University: 20.16%
University of Chicago: 20.68%
Columbia University: 20.83%
Georgetown University: 23.52%
The higher the quality of a law school, the lower the acceptance rate usually is. But even though getting into and graduating from one of these schools is difficult and expensive, it’s usually worth it. This is because successful law firms and large corporations are more eager to recruit graduates with a JD from a top 15 law school.
These law schools know their value, which is why they aim to recruit only the best or most distinguished of their applicants. So, if you want to get into one of the above low acceptance rate law schools, you need to come prepared with a solid GPA and a high LSAT score. You’ll also need a personal statement and recommendations that stand out from the crowd.

If that’s more than you can handle, you could always try one of the law schools below with friendlier acceptance rates.
Which Law Schools Are the Easiest to Get into
The law schools below are the easiest to get into due to their less strict admission requirements.
Thomas M. Cooley Law School
This law school currently has a law school acceptance rate of about 85 percent, making it the US law school with the highest acceptance rate. Unlike schools like Yale and Stanford that require a minimum GPA of 3.80 and a minimum LSAT score of 169, Thomas M. Cooley accepts applicants with a GPA of 2.50 and LSAT score 145.
None of this means that the school is a bad one. After all, they still have a bar pass rate that’s above 60 percent.
Golden Gate University
With a law school acceptance rate of about 64 percent, Golden Gate University offers a variety of JD programs, including ones that specialize in international, business, intellectual property, and real estate. It also offers full-time and part-time programs.
With a GPA as low as 2.80 and an LSAT score of 150, you can still get into this school. On the downside, the number of its graduates that pass the bar exam is low, at about 45 percent.
Whittier Law School
With a 2.50 GPA and an LSAT score of 152, it is likely you can get into this school. Its acceptance rate currently stands at 66 percent.
Vermont Law School
This law school has an acceptance rate of about 81 percent, and you can get in with a minimum GPA of 2.80 and an LSAT score of 147.
Other law schools that are easy to get into with an acceptance rate of 70 to 80 percent are:
Mitchell Hamline
Creighton University
Willamette University
Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, New Zealand, Palestinian Territories, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Netherlands, The Philippines, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
…and can read and speak the following languages:
American Sign Language, Arabic, Attic/Classical Greek, Bisaya, Cantonese, Dholuo, Esperanto, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kichwa, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Malayalam, Mandarin, Marathi, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Shindzuani, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.

University of St. Thomas
Charleston School of Law
Northern Kentucky University
Capital University
Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Consider applying to these law schools if either your LSAT score or GPA isn’t the best.
Deciding Factors in Law School Admissions
Top-ranked law schools don’t admit students on a whim. They have specific factors that they take into consideration when deciding who to accept.
While they may not be as strict as that of a top-tier school, law schools with high acceptance rates also have minimum requirements. Knowing what factors law schools consider in determining admission will help you better prepare and tailor your application accordingly. Below are the most significant factors a law school’s admission board uses to evaluate applications.
LSAT score
LSAT scores are used to determine which students qualify for law school admission and which don’t. The top 15 law schools in the US typically only consider candidates with an LSAT score of at least 165, while the top five require a score of 170 and above.
The LSAT exam is designed to test your logical reasoning, reading comprehension, and analytical skills. These skills are crucial for coping with the law school curriculum and being an effective lawyer.
That said, even if you have the highest possible score on the LSAT, it still doesn’t guarantee that your admission application will be accepted. This is because you might fall short in the other requirements of the school.
Also, some law schools have started accepting other types of tests in place of the LSAT, such as the GRE.
Undergraduate GPA
Law schools will look at your undergraduate grade point average (GPA) alongside your LSAT score to decide whether to admit you or not. If your GPA is low and your LSAT high, or vice versa, it can compromise your chances of getting admitted.
A solid GPA implies that you worked hard all through school and that you are committed to academic excellence. These are qualities a law school wants in a student. Fortunately, law schools generally don’t care what courses you majored in to achieve a high GPA. They would give your GPA higher regard if your major was tough or unusual, however.
In light of this, we recommend that when choosing courses as an undergrad, pick ones that you enjoy and believe you can excel in. The higher your grades and GPA are upon graduation, the higher your chances of getting into the law school of your choice.
Quality experience
The admissions board will like to see a history of leadership or valuable accomplishments on your résumé. These increase your value as a potential student.
For instance, experience doing volunteer work for your community, winning awards, or interning at a reputable organization will all add points in your favor during the screening process.
Personal Statement
Your personal statement is an opportunity to show that you are a unique and valuable candidate. If your GPA or LSAT score isn’t the best, a properly-crafted personal statement has the power to give you an edge. The more compelling and inspirational your personal statement is, the more likely the board is to consider you for admission.
A letter of recommendation from a noteworthy person can tip the scales in your favor during the admission process. Get a respected professor or a past employer to write a recommendation that speaks well of you. The recommendation must show that you are exceptional and that the law school will be lucky to have you.
The more enthusiastic the tone and wording of the letter, the more convincing it’ll be to the admissions committee.
Law School Predictor
To help you predict your chances of getting into the law school of your choice, try one of these free online law school predictor calculators:
HourUMD Calculator
This popular law school predictor uses data provided by law school applicants to calculate your chances of getting into a law school of your choice. To find out which law schools might admit you, simply input your GPA and LSAT score into the calculator.
Law School Admission Council’s Calculator (LSAC Calculator)
This tool also uses your GPA and LSAT score to predict your admission chances. But unlike HourUMD, which only uses data provided by law school applicants, the LSAC calculator uses a more diverse and expansive database for its prediction results.