
Wellington school of business and government ranking

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Victoria University of Wellington is not only the number one ranked university in New Zealand for research quality it is located in the capital city of New Zealand. As a capital city university, Victoria has strong links with government departments and agencies, international agencies, industries, regional and local government, iwi and environmental organisations, as well as some of New Zealand’s major research institutes.

Victoria consistently ranks among the world’s best universities, in 2015/12016 it was ranked 229 equal in the QS World University Rankings and in 2015 it received five stars from QS Stars University Rating in each of the eight caterories.

Victoria aims to produce graduates whose learning has been developed inside and outside of the classroom, experientially, and informed by a global perspective. There nine faculties, seven of which conduct teaching and research—Architecture and Design, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Science and Victoria Business School.

Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington School of Business and Government

Wellington School of Business and Government (WSBG) is a capital city business school, located in the heart of Wellington, New Zealand’s thriving capital city. WSBG has a long-standing history of academic excellence, is internationally recognised and holds the prestigious “Triple Crown” of accreditations with AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. It is a constituent faculty of Victoria University of Wellington, the leading research university in NZ. WSBG is similarly distinguished by its high quality scholarly and applied research and teaching, and connections to the business, government, and community sectors. As a capital city, Wellington is a centre for the diplomatic corps, arts and culture, public administration, politics and finance, and hosts the head offices of many businesses. WSBG has developed and maintains excellent relationships with many of the corporate leaders, financial institutions, government agencies and policy makers in the city to develop mutually beneficial partnerships. In addition, WSBG has a long-standing reputation as a business school committed to preparing graduates for employment opportunities in a wide range of business, public and community enterprises within New Zealand and overseas. In all these respects, WSBG is distinguished as much by how it seeks to contribute to the performance of government, the policy environment for business, as to the performance of business itself. This triad of activities related to business and government is reflected in the School’s mission: “Wellington School of Business and Government creates and shares knowledge of governance and management of resources in the public and private sectors to develop capability and provide our stakeholders with a global perspective.”

Rankings confirm excellence

Victoria University of Wellington | World University Rankings | THE

International subject rankings for 2020 confirm Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington as New Zealand’s globally ranked capital city university and a world-class university.4 March 2020

The results from the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject have Wellington University ranked in the top 100 of the world’s 18,000 universities for 11 subjects, including two in the top 50.

The University is also highly ranked for arts and humanities, at 68 equal, up five places from 2019 in the highly competitive rankings, and 137 equal for Social Sciences and Management.

The results confirm that the University is among the top 1% of universities in the world in 19 subjects, and in the top 2% of universities overall. There are more than 18,000 universities worldwide and the 2020 QS World University Rankings by Subject rank the top institutions.

Both of the subjects to be ranked in the top 50 sit within the Wellington School of Business and Government. One is Library and Information Management, which is part of the Information Studies programme, and is ranked 20 in the world in the QS results, up from 24 in 2019. This outstanding result demonstrates excellence in a specialist field of growing importance in a world driven by big data.

The other top 50 subject is Hospitality and Leisure Management, which is aligned to Tourism Management. Wellington is one of only two New Zealand universities to have been awarded the Tourism Education Quality (TedQual) certification by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and its ranking at 50 in the world shows its leadership in this diverse and growing industry.

The University’s Law programme is ranked among the top 100 in the world while the Wellington Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has five top 100 subjects—English Language and Literature; Linguistics; Performing Arts; Philosophy; and Politics and International Studies.

In addition to the above and the overall result for arts and humanities (68=), another four subjects within the Faculty are ranked in the top 150 in the world. They are Archaeology; Communication and Media Studies; History; and Modern Languages.

Wellington University has a robust commitment to the humanities and social sciences, viewing these disciplines as crucial to the University’s vision of cultivating global citizens capable of critical and creative thinking.

Outstanding results were also achieved in subjects taught in the Wellington Faculty of Science—Earth and Marine Sciences; Geography; and Psychology all continue to achieve a top 100 ranking.

Other subjects taught at the University that are in the top 150 in the world are Accounting and Finance; Architecture/Built Environment; Art and Design; and Education.

“Our global standing remains strong thanks to the quality of our research and teaching and the reputation of our academics.

“These results are further evidence of Wellington’s standing as an internationally respected and globally ranked capital city university,” says Vice-Chancellor Professor Grant Guilford.

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