Graduate Program in Economics

Now more than ever, today’s national and global leaders at the forefront of key policy making decisions and analysis have relied in one way or another on advanced knowledge of economics and its theories. From university academics and senior government policy analysts determining the benefits and costs of a potential free trade agreement, to business leaders looking at output and pricing strategies, to Central Bank and financial analysts looking at resolving financial crises, each leader has ultimately relied on key economic concepts and economic statistical analysis to determine the best outcome. Throughout each key sector in the economy, there is a greater appreciation and demand for advanced economic skills to solve any economic or business problem.

The Graduate Program of Economics at York University provides such advanced and specialized skills that will be invaluable in solving todayโ€™s economic problems. Our department has made a sustained commitment to ensure that our Masterโ€™s (MA) and PhD programs continue to be some of the best in the country. Our programs are ranked among the top programs in Canada, with strengths in Econometrics, Industrial Organization, International Money and Finance, International Trade, and Applied Economic Theory. Our program offers both applied courses associated with professional economic skills useful for work in the private or government sector, along with technical and theoretical courses and dissertation work for a career in academia.

Our programโ€™s location in Toronto helps students establish employment networks with many firms and economic institutions in Canadaโ€™s largest commercial and financial centre. Major employers visit our MA and PhD students for recruiting, including the Department of Finance in Ottawa, the Ministry of Finance in Toronto, and the Competition Bureau in Ottawa. The annual recruiting session for PhDs is held in Toronto, where our graduate PhD students have found academic positions in universities in Canada and throughout the world.

Yorkโ€™s Graduate Program in Economics has particular strengths in:

  • Applied Economic Theory,
  • Econometrics,
  • Industrial Organization,
  • International Money and Finance,
  • International Trade, and
  • Monetary Theory.

We offer courses and research opportunities leading toย MAย andย PhDย degrees.


For entry into Fall 2022, our application is available October 15โ€”February 15.

Admission Requirements

All applicants must have a 4 year Honours baccalaureate degree (with at least a B average in the final two years) and must have successfully completed:

  • one term of university level courses in Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Econometrics (3 credits each–half courses), such as York’s undergraduate AP/ECON 1530, 1540, 2500, 3210, 3500, 3530, 4210, and 4220.
  • two term courses in Intermediate Microeconomics and Intermediate Macroeconomics (6 credits each–full courses). such as York’s undergraduate AP/ECON 2300, 2350, 2400, and 2450.

Even though it is not required, admission priority will be given to applicants who have demonstrated excellence in advanced level courses in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (such as York’s undergraduate AP/ECON 4020 3.0 and AP/ECON 4010 3.0).

English Language Proficiency

Applicants who are asked to present evidence of competence in English should note that minimum scores are:

Paper-based: 577
Computer-based: 233
iBT: 88-91

IELTS (Academic) 
Overall Band Score: 7.0

Overall Band: 4

Other Regulations

  • All students must have met our admission requirements before being admitted to our graduate program.
  • Applicants with an ordinary three-year undergraduate degree do not meet the minimum admission requirements of our graduate program.
  • If you do not meet the admission criteria because you have not taken one or more of the required courses in your four-year undergraduate program, you can register at York as a non-degree student and take the missing course(s) before you apply for admission to our MA program. To do that, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
  • Our graduate program does not offer a qualifying year. If you need additional preparation for the MA program, you may consider taking the 4th-yr undergraduate advanced level Micro, Macro, and Econometrics courses as a non-degree student before applying for admission to our MA program.
  • As long as you have met the minimum admission requirements your application will be considered. *However, meeting the minimum entrance requirements is not a guarantee of admission by the Faculty of Graduate Studies*.
  • Information on the general admission requirements can be found at Faculty of Graduate Studiesโ€”Admissions.

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For entry into Fall 2022, our application is available October 15โ€”February 15.

Apply Now

Degree Requirements

There are two general requirements for the Masterโ€™s degree: a mathematics course requirement and graduate programme courses. Students are expected to complete all degree requirements in two academic terms.

Mathematics Pre-Requisite Course Requirement

Students must demonstrate competence in Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Statistics by enrolling in GS Economic 5000 0.0 Mathematics for Economists course and obtain a passing grade.

The Mathematics Course Requirement will not be included among the eight half-courses required for the Masterโ€™s degree.Note: This course is evaluated as a Pass/No Pass course and is not to be included as part of the 24 credits required.

The MA program is a one-year program which begins in mid-August with the GS Economic 5000 0.0 Mathematics for Economists course. Classes for the Mathematics course begin in mid-August and are held each day from Monday to Friday – 8:30 – 11:30am with tutorials from 12:30 – 2:30pm for a three week period. The final exam is scheduled at the end of the course and each student must receive a pass in order to continue in the MA program.


Masterโ€™s students must satisfactorily complete eight graduate half-courses (or equivalently 24 credits) selected in consultation with the programme Director. Specific programme course requirements are described below in 1 through 6.

  1. A Microeconomics course, ECON 5010 3.0,
  2. A Macroeconomics course, ECON 5011 3.0,
  3. An Econometrics course, ECON 5025 3.0,
  4. Five additional elective courses offered in the Economics Graduate Program,
  5. Students may take one elective half course (3 credits) from a graduate programme outside Economics subject to the approval of the Graduate Program Director,
  6. Students can take PhD-level courses; ECON 5100, ECON 6100, ECON 5110, ECON 6110, ECON 6220, ECON 6250 as a substitute for a compulsory or elective course in (1) to (4), subject to the approval of the Graduate Program Director.

M.A. students should verify their eight course and degree requirements in consultation with the Program Director during the group advising session.


Admission Requirements

Applicants must normally have completed a masterโ€™s degree in Economics which includes a B+ average and strong performance in the (core) area of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Econometrics.

Ph.D. applicants must have met, or be in the process of completing, the minimum admission requirements. *However, meeting the minimum entrance requirements is not a guarantee of admission by the Faculty of Graduate Studies*.

Information on the general admission requirements can be found in Faculty of Graduate Studiesโ€”Admissions.

English Language Proficiency

Applicants who are asked to present evidence of competence in English should note that minimum scores are: TOEFL 575, and MELT 88. There are no other language requirements or GRE score requirements.

Degree Requirements

There are four requirements for the Doctoral degree:

  1. Courses
    Satisfactory performance in eight graduate half courses or seminars chosen in consultation with the director (as described below);
  2. Comprehensive Examinations
    Satisfactory performance on written comprehensive examinations; one in Microeconomic theory, one in Macroeconomic theory, one in Econometrics, and one in an area of specialization from the listing below;
  3. Research Paper
    Preparation of one research paper (to be approved by the program); and
  4. Dissertation
    A satisfactory dissertation.

All students should verify degree requirements at the time of registration. Each candidateโ€™s program of study and research is guided and approved by the Program Director.  Candidates are sometimes encouraged to take selected courses outside Economics.

Satisfactory performance is required in eight graduate half courses or seminars (24 credits) chosen with the approval of the Director.  These courses must include Economics 5100 3.0Economics 5110 3.0Economics 6220 3.0Economics 6100 3.0Economics 6110 3.0 and Economics 6250 3.0.  (If equivalent courses were completed at the MA level with grades of B+ or better, the latter requirement can be waived and other courses substituted).

In addition, a student must take two of the three courses, Economics 7100 3.0, Economics 7110 3.0 and Economics 7220 3.0. Satisfactory performance and registration is required in the PhD Research Seminar course Economics 7000 0.0. in each year of registration starting from the third year.

Students must successfully complete the Microeconomics and Macroeconomics Theory comprehensive examinations within 13 months of enrolling in the program, and the comprehensive examinations in the Econometrics core and a Field area within 25 months.

The doctoral program offers study in the following fields:

  • econometrics
  • monetary economics
  • industrial organization
  • international money and finance
  • international trade
  • applied economic theory

The comprehensive exam in the elected field comprises two components: a written exam component and a research paper component.  The research paper should be prepared (in consultation with a supervisor) and regarded as a dissertation prospectus.  By the second year of enrolment in the PhD program a student should (a) be finished the theory comprehensive exams (b) be finished (or nearly so) the field exams (c) have chosen a dissertation field and supervisor (in consultation with the Director) and supervisory committee and (d) have prepared a written research paper to present to the program at a scheduled seminar date.

At this stage a dissertation proposal should be submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.ย  A student should consult the Program Office for regulations regarding dates and procedures for preparation of a proposal and subsequent dissertation.

How to Apply

Graduate Program Requirements: Click HereAll admission applications for the MA or Ph.D. Economic programs must first be sent to and assessed by the Office of Graduate Admissions – Faculty of Graduate Studies for minimum requirements. Successful applicant files will then be sent to the Graduate Economics Program office for further review.Apply Now

Referees may submit reference letters electronically to the Graduate Admissions Office once the applicant has submitted the Supplementary Information form and the referee has been identified as a referee.

Applicants are required to provide two official sealed copies of transcripts sent directly from each post-secondary institution attended.

Because of the structure of our core curriculum, both the MA and Ph.D. programs only admit students in the Fall term. The MA program commences in mid-August with an intensive 3-week mathematics pre-requisite course which must be taken prior to the start of the program in the Fall term. A final exam will be scheduled at the end of the course and students must receive a pass in order to continue with the MA program.

Application Deadlines

Please consult the material provided by the Graduate Admissions Office for the dates. Students who desire financial assistance should apply as early as possible. Because both the MA and PhD programs are of limited size, some eligible applicants may have to be refused admission in a given year.

Applicants who are neither Canadian citizens nor landed immigrants should also apply at a Canadian Consulate or High Commissionerโ€™s Office for a student visa as soon as they are accepted into the program. Visa applications can take several months to process.

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