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“The clinical training is SUPERB. This is a world-class hospital and clinic with renowned faculty who outnumber the medical students 13 to 1. These physicians love to teach and there is a competitive process to teach medical students. Since the physicians are salaried, they get paid equally if they teach or if they do clinical care, so there is no pressure to churn out patients to ensure a paycheck – therefore they would gladly teach eager young medical students. We are taught mainly by MDs >95% of the time for both our lectures (mornings) and our small groups (afternoons). Anatomy is 7 straight weeks and we never have to go into the cadaver lab again if you don’t want to, and we get taught by world famous surgeons during anatomy where they come up to our cadaver and teach us all the relevant structures for that day. We also get strong patient care from year 1. We have a basic doctoring course year one where we learn how to take a history and do a physical on simulated patients, and then we go around the hospital our second year to visit patients and practice our physical exam skills on interesting findings on those patients. We are expected to interview, work up, and present 10 patients to physicians in our second year in our Advanced Doctoring course to learn how to interview and diagnose patients. In terms of research, many of my classmates have published multiple times – we have a classmate who published 21 mostly first-author papers by the time he graduated but it’s not uncommon to see medical students graduating with 5-10 publications. I myself will have 6 when I graduate. This is only hitting the tip of the iceberg at how amazing this medical school is and now that I am on the interview trail talking to other medical students at other top institutions, I truly believe Mayo provides the best medical education for those who want to be strong clinicians.”
Admissions and Application Process
Submission deadlines and admissions timeline
At Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, we look for more than bright minds. We seek students who want to change lives, transform health care, and define the future of medicine. Ensure you are prepared, and learn more about our submission items and deadlines.
Timeline | Action |
Early May | AMCAS application opens |
June 1-Oct. 1 | Application window |
September-November | Applicants invited to interview |
October-January | Campus interviews take place |
Oct. 15 | Deadline to post MCAT scores to AMCAS application |
Oct. 15 | Deadline to submit transcripts |
Nov. 15 | Deadline to submit secondary application and fee |
Nov. 15 | Deadline to submit letters of recommendation |
February | Applicants initially offered acceptance |
February | Applicants offered alternate list positions |
March-June | Applicants accepted from the alternate list |
June 15 | Deadline to submit prerequisite courses |
Mid-July | Orientation |
Prerequisites and requirements
Review the academic and test prerequisites and technical standards for students applying for admission to the M.D. Program at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine.
Find out more about our M.D. Program’s acceptance rate and admissions statistics.
How to apply
Students in the M.D. Program receive outstanding integrated clinical and research training, and also acquire the skills to be leaders in an ever-changing and challenging health care environment. We encourage you to apply and join us for an unparalleled medical training experience.
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from the Noun Project
Application requirements
M.D. Program application requirements
All applications submitted to AMCAS must include the following:
Online AMCAS application: Submit your application during the application window, between June 1-Oct. 1.
Transcripts: Transcripts for all previously completed academic programs must be submitted to AMCAS by Oct. 15.
Application processing/secondary fee: Applicants selected for secondary review will be required to pay a $120 processing fee by Nov. 15 (unless granted a fee waiver by AMCAS).
Letters of recommendation: Applicants must submit a minimum of three individual letters or one committee letter. Review Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine letters of recommendation requirements and submit letters of recommendation through the AMCAS Letter Service by Nov. 15.
MCAT: The latest MCAT will be reviewed. Only MCAT scores reported within three years of an applicant’s matriculation year are considered. Our current MCAT threshold for further consideration is the 75th percentile.
M.D.-Ph.D. training program application
If you are interested in M.D.-Ph.D. training, visit the Medical Scientist Training Program website for more information.
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from the Noun Project
Primary application
Complete the online application through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). Applications are accepted June 1 through Oct. 1. Given the highly competitive nature of our program, early submission of application materials is strongly encouraged.
As a national medical school, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine has one AMCAS application for our three campuses in Arizona, Florida, and Minnesota. Applicants who meet our MCAT threshold of the 75th percentile will be considered to receive our secondary application.
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from the Noun Project
Secondary application
Applicants invited to complete a secondary application will have the opportunity to select and rank up to four campus track options:
Arizona 4-Year Track: The Arizona campus will be your home base for all four years.
Minnesota 4-Year Track: The Minnesota campus will be your home base for all four years.
Arizona/Florida 2+2 Track: You will complete years 1-2 on the Arizona campus, and then years 3-4 on the Florida campus.
Minnesota/Florida 2+2 Track: You will complete years 1-2 on the Minnesota campus, and then years 3-4 on the Florida campus.
Applicants must select at least one campus track option. Options ranked will be considered at the time of interview invitation and acceptance.
An application is considered complete when the secondary application has been submitted, the $120 fee has been paid or waived, and the minimum number of letters of recommendation has been met.
Letters of recommendation
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine requires a minimum of three letters of recommendation or one composite letter from a premedical committee to supplement your application.
Guidelines for letters of recommendation
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine only accepts letters submitted through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) Letter Service. Letters sent directly to the school are not accepted. Applicants are encouraged to visit the letter service page on the AMCAS website for more information. To ensure efficient processing of your letters by AMCAS, carefully follow all instructions.
We require at least one letter to be written by a science professor. A letter from a teaching assistant is also acceptable.
Examples of letters writers include: research mentors, employers, volunteer supervisors, physicians with whom you have worked or shadowed, teachers and professors, and other professionals.
Letters should be written by people who know you well and whose opinions convey the likelihood of your success in medical school.
Letters from family and friends are not accepted.
A maximum of 10 letters are accepted.
The deadline to submit letters of recommendation is Nov. 15.
Application review process
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine has a separate admissions committee for each campus. Each of these committees is composed of current and retired Mayo Clinic staff, administrators, residents, medical students, and professional members of the community. These three admissions committees report to the Admissions Executive Committee that governs admissions for all campuses of the national medical school.
The admission committee members review applications until all interview slots have been filled for the season. We encourage applicants to apply as early as they can.
Selection criteria
The committee considers these factors when selecting applicants for interview:
Academic performance
MCAT score/percentile (at or above the 75th percentile threshold)
GPA (no minimum GPA requirement)
Depth and breadth of all experiences, such as community and volunteer service, leadership, research, exposure to and exploration of medicine, artistic and athletic endeavors, and work experiences
Personal statement
Letters of recommendation