
What does a year cost?

This chart provides an estimate of what you can expect to pay for one academic year (from September to the end of April) as an undergraduate student at McGill.

Donโ€™t forget about other personal expenses, like travel, clothes, transportation, entertainment, and your phone. Need help planning your budget? The Scholarships and Student Aid Office hasย tools and guidelinesย to help you get started.

The fees listed below are for the 2020-2021 academic year. 

International Students: Seeย 2021-22 Tuition Rates – International Undergraduate StudentsSelect your residency to view your estimated tuition, fees and total expenses.ย *Please selectQuebec residentCanadian citizenInternationalPlease select

Not sure which item to choose? Learn more aboutย fees by residency statusย andย tuition fee exemptions.

Living costs

Your living costs will depend on where you choose to live, and how much you spend on things like entertainment and eating out.

If you live off campus, you might need to factor in things like transportation, internet, heating and electricity. Residences are a great choice for first-year students who donโ€™t want to worry about these added costs.

 On-campus (McGill Residences)Off-campus
Housing$9,130 – $19,079
(depending on housing type and length of occupation)
$6,000 – $15,600
(based on a 12-month lease)
Food$5,475$2,600 (voluntary campus meal plan) – $4,500
Total$14,605 – $24,554$8,600 – $20,100

Mcgill University Scholarships

Applying for Entrance Scholarships

One-year entrance scholarships

No separate scholarship applicationย is required. All first-time university students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program areย automatically consideredย for a one-year scholarship if they meet theย minimum academicย requirements.

These scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of academic achievement.

Please note: you are not guaranteed a scholarship even if you meet the standards listed.

Major entrance scholarships

separate application that must be submitted soon after submitting your application for admission.

This single entrance scholarship application is used for consideration for allย majorย entrance awards listed in theย Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards Calendar.

Please note: The Undergraduate Scholarship and Awards Calendar is for information purposes only. There are no individual applications for specific entrance scholarships.

Important! Do not wait to be admitted to McGill to apply for a scholarship. Apply by the following deadlines: applicants from a Quebec CEGEP – March 7; applicants from a school in the rest of Canada – February 7; applicants from a school outside of Canada – January 21.

How to apply for major entrance scholarships

  1. After you submit your application for admission to McGill, you will receive an email acknowledging your application.
    This email will provide you with your:
    • McGill ID number
    • PIN used to log on toย Minerva
  2. Log on toย Minervaย and go to:ย Applicant > Apply for Major Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship. Here is aย sample preview of the application formย (PDF).
  3. You will be prompted to provide specific information which may include some or all of the following:
    • A factual list of your school activities and community/volunteer involvement for the last three academic years (including athletic/artistic and other activities)
    • A general essay either on a contemporary or historical figure that influenced/inspired you, or on a memorable event/experience which provided you with a new outlook on life
    • A one-page letter of reference that you have written โ€“ for yourself โ€“ in the third person
  4. Concerning grades and transcripts, please seeย McGill’s Admission site.
    • For applicants from high schools outside Canada and the U.S.A.: upload all your transcripts to Minerva.
    • For US high school applicants (from a school located in the U.S.A.): self-report your grades in Minerva.
    • Rest of Canada applicants: self-report your grades in Minerva.
    • Ontario and Quebec applicants: wait for the marks from Ontario and Quebec governments.
  5. Your referees or school administrator must email your reference letters (and statements of rank, only if available) toย scholarships@mcgill.caย (and quote your McGill ID number). These documents must be:
    • typed on official letterhead stationery
    • duly signed and converted to PDF

Applications for major scholarships are reviewed by members of the selection committees that determine the finalists. Finalists may be interviewed.

Students who apply for, but do not receive, a major scholarship will automatically be considered for a one-year scholarship. No additional application is required.

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