
stanford application fee

You can find all the information you need about the stanford application fee by reading the following article. Have you been searching on the Internet in vain for relevant information on this topic? If so, then you need not keep looking, as this article will provide you with all the information you need.


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The application fee is $125 and is non-refundable. Payment is made in the payment section of the application by credit/debit card (Visa or MasterCard only). Electronic check payments or checks by mail are not accepted.

  • GRE Fee Reduction Certificate Recipientsopen in new window (for the current academic year): Recipients are required to provide a scanned copy of the email from ETS that includes the GRE Fee Reduction Voucher Number. Information on the GRE Fee Reduction Program can be obtained from the Educational Testing Serviceopen in new window (ETS).
  • American Economic Association Summer Training Programopen in new window: Participants are required to provide verification of their participation from the AEA Summer Program Director at Michigan State University.
  • Introduction to Diversity in Doctoral Education and Scholarship (IDDEAS)open in new window: Attendees are required to provide details about their participation in IDDEAS including dates and host institution.
  • McNair Scholarsopen in new window (current or former): McNair Scholars are required to provide verification of their McNair Scholar status from the McNair Scholars Program Director at their institution.
  • PhD Project Conference Participantsopen in new window (accepted to attend the current or previous year’s conference): Conference participants are required to provide verification of their approved conference acceptance from the PhD Project.
  • The PhD Excellence Initiativeopen in new window: Participants are required to provide verification of their participation from their research supervisor.
  • Research Scholar Initiativeopen in new window: Participants are required to provide verification of their participation from the program director or their research supervisor.
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