Programmes held in English
Below are presented all the Second Cycle Degree (Master’s – corsi di laurea magistrali LM – 120 CFU) programmes held in English, offered during academic year 2021-2022, divided by School.
School of Agriculture
Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-69
Info on access: Unrestricted
Flyer (pdf)
School of Architecture
Architecture (Curriculum: “Architectural Design”)
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-4
Info on access: Unrestricted
School of Economics and Management
Design of Sustainable Tourism Systems
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-49
Info on access: Unrestricted
Flyer (pdf)
Economics and Development
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-56
Info on access: Unrestricted
Flyer (pdf)
Finance and Risk Management
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-16
Info on access: Unrestricted
Flyer (pdf)
School of Engineering
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-35
Info on access: Unrestricted
School of Humanities and Education
Geography, Spatial Management, Heritage for International Cooperation
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-80
Info on access: Unrestricted
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences
Advanced Molecular Sciences
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-54
Info on access: Unrestricted
Computer Science (Curriculum: “Resilient and Secure Cyber Physical Systems”)
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-18
Info on access: Unrestricted
School of Political Sciences
International Relations and European Studies
Degree code (Classe di laurea): LM-52, LM-90
Info on access: Unrestricted
International Degree Programmes
- Programmes issuing a joint degree
- First Cycle (Bachelor’s) Programmes issuing a double degree
- Second Cycle (Master’s) Programmes issuing a double degree
Following its internationalisation process and through specific agreements with the foreign academic institutions involved, the University of Florence will offer the following programmes in academic year 2021-2022:
- Joint degree programmes (titolo congiunto)
- Double degree programmes (doppio titolo)
Joint degree (titolo congiunto) or double degree (doppio titolo)
These are two possible ways to earn a degree “integrated” with a foreign university. The “integrated” programme entails a inter-university degree ruled by a specific agreement between the two universities.
In case the outcome is a joint title, students are issued a single diploma signed jointly by both institutions. Alternatively, depending on the reciprocal agreements, for the same kind of title students can also be issued with two diplomas (double diploma mode).
In programmes that feature the issue of a double title, each of the two institutions will supply a separate national diploma.
Programmes issuing a joint degree
School of Law (Giurisprudenza)
- Single Cycle Degree in Italian and French Law (Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico LMG/01)
Offered since a.y. 2000-2001, as a result of an agreement between the University of Florence and Université de Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne this programme will issue a combined bachelor and master degree in Law and Maîtrise et Master 2 en Droits français et italien. The course aims to equip future jurists with the skills to deal in more than one judicial system and to work in a European or worldwide environment. The curriculum entails the attendance of the first two years at the University of Florence and the following years at Université de Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne.
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Law on the Official Register of the University of Florence and on the school’s website. Detailed information on the programme and its enrolment procedure can be found in the course website. - Single Cycle Degree in Italian and German Law (Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico LMG/01)
Offered from a.y. 2015-2016, as a result of an agreement between the University of Florence and Universität zu Köln, this programme will issue a combined Bachelor and Master Degree in Law (Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza LMG/01) a Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws – German and Italian Laws. The course aims to equip future jurists with the skills to deal in more than one judicial system and to work in a European or worldwide environment. The curriculum entails the attendance of the first two years at the University of Florence and the following years at Universität zu Köln. Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published yearly by the School of Law on the Official Register of the University of Florence and on the school’s website. Detailed information on the programme and its enrolment procedure can be found in the course website.
First Cycle (Bachelor’s) Programmes issuing a double degree
The participating academic institutions issue at the same time the two national diploma titles, following specific reciprocal agreements that entail the completion of an integrated curriculum of the same length as the single ones offered by the respective countries. The entire course is offered by both institutions, then on the basis of specific agreements, students participate to international mobility programmes on an exchange basis in order to qualify for the issue of the double degree from the partner university.
School of Engineering (Ingegneria)
- Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (Degree code L-7)
Bachelor of Environmental and Resources Engineering in agreement with the University of “Sts Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje (Macedonia).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Engineering on its website.
Detailed information on the course website.
School of Humanities and Education (Studi Umanistici e della Formazione)
- Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (Degree code L-11)
Curriculum: Italian-German bilateral studies / Bachelor Deutsch-Italienische Studien
In agreement with Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
Detailed information on the course website. - Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (Degree code L-11)
Curriculum: Italian-Hungarian bilateral studies with the Romanisztika alapszak (BA) Olasz Szakirány (Romance Philology specialised in Italian Studies, BA) or with the Magyar alapszak (Hungarian Language and Literature, BA).
In agreement with the Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University , Budapest, Hungary).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
Detailed information on the course website. - Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (Degree code L-11)
Curriculum: Italian-Hungarian bilateral studies with the Újlatin Nyelvek és Kultúrák alapszak (BA), Olasz Szakirány (Romance Philology specialized in Italian Studies, BA) or with the Magyar alapszak (Hungarian Language and Literature, BA).
In agreement with the Debreceni Egyetem (University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
Detailed information on the course website.
Second Cycle (Master’s) Programmes issuing a double degree
School of Architecture (Architettura)
- Architettura (Degree code LM-4)
Curriculum: Architectural Design
In agreement with the Tongji University di Shanghai (China)Detailed information on the course website - Architecture (Degree code LM-4 single cycle)
In agreement with the Catholic University “Our Lady of the Good Counsel” of Tirana (Albania)
Detailed information on the course website - Urban and Regional Planning & Design (Degree code LM-48)
In agreement with the Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
Detailed information on the course website
School of Economics and Management (Economia e Management)
- Economics and Development (Degree code LM-56)
Curriculum in Development Economics
In agreement with the Georg August Universität Göttingen (Germany).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Economics and Management on its website. - Finance and Risk Management (Degree code LM-16)
In agreement with the École nationale supérieure d’informatique pour l’industrie et l’entreprise (ENSIIE) of Evry (France) (from 2019/2020)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Economics and Management on its website. - Finance and Risk Management (Degree code LM-16)
Curriculum in Finance and Accounting
In agreement with the Warsaw School of Economics (Poland).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Economics and Management on its website. - Finance and Risk Management (Degree code LM-16)
In agreement with the University of Economics of Katowice (Poland).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Economics and Management on its website.
School of Engineering (Ingegneria)
- Environmental Engineering (Degree code LM-35)
Master in Geoenvironmental Engineering
In agreement with the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Engineering on its website. - Environmental Engineering (Degree code LM-35)
Master in Environmental Protection Engineering
In agreement with the University of Novi Sad (Serbia)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Engineering on its website. - Environmental Engineering (Degree code LM-35)
Master in Environmental and Resources Engineering
In agreement with the University of “Sts Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje (Macedonia)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Engineering on its website.
School of Humanities and Education (Studi Umanistici e della Formazione)
- Modern Philology (Degree code LM-14)
Curriculum: Renaissance Studies / Master Renaissance Studien
In agreement with Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
Detailed information on the course website. - European and American Languages and Literatures (Degree code LM-37)
Curriculum: Studi bilaterali italo-tedeschi / Master Deutsch-Italienische Studien
In agreement with Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
Detailed information on the course website. - European and American Languages and Literatures (Degree code LM-37)
Curriculum: Studi bilaterali italo-ungheresi Magyar Nyelv és Irodalom mesterszak (Philologist in Hungarian Language and Literature, MA) or with the Olasz Nyelv, Irodalom és Kultúra mesterszak (Philologist in Italian Language, Literature and Culture, MA) or with the Irodalom- és Kultúratudomány mesterszak (Philologist of Literary and Cultural Studies, MA).
In agreement with the Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
Detailed information on the course website. - European and American Languages and Literatures (Degree code LM-37)
Curriculum: bilaterale italo-francese in teoria e pratica della traduzione
In agreement with Université de Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (France)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website. - Sciences of Adult and Continuing Education and Sciences of Pedagogy (Degree code LM-57 and LM-85)
In agreement with Masaryk University (MUNI) in Brno (Czech Republic).
Admission is regulated by a dedicated Call for admissions published by the School of Humanities and Education on its website.
School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences (Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali)
- Chemical Sciences (Degree Code LM-54)
Master en Chimie
In agreement with Université de Rouen Normandie (Francia)
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences on its website. - Chemical Sciences (Degree Code LM-54)
Master en Quimica Avanzada
In agreement with Universidad de Burgos (Spain).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences on its website.
School of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri” (Scienze Politiche)
- International Relations and European Studies (Degree codes LM-52 and LM-90)
Master in International Affairs
In agreement with the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University – Russia).
Access to the programme is ruled by a specific public announcement published by the School of Political Sciences “Cesare Alfieri” on its website.
Detailed information about the course website. - International Relations and European Studies (Degree codes LM-52 and LM-90)
In agreement with Tongji University of Shanghai (China).
Detailed information about the course website. - International Relations and European Studies (Degree codes LM-52 and LM-90)
In agreement with Gdansk University of Technology (Poland).
Detailed information about the course website. - Politics, Institutions and the Market (degree code LM-62)
In agreement with Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University – Russia).
Detailed information about the course website.
School of Psychology (Psicologia)
- Psychology of the Life Cycle and its Contexts (Degree code LM-51)
With 3 separate agreements with the University of Sevilla (Spain) for the following curricula:- Crisis and promotion of resources and development
- Crisis and promotion of resources in social contexts and the community
- Promotion of resources in work contexts and organisations
Detailed information about the course website.