Are you in search of a post graduate courses in Europe? Do you want to increase your chances of taking your career to the next level by studying a post graduate diploma in ireland for international students? If ‘Yes’, then this article is definitely for you.
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Tuition free universities in Europe for international students 2020
Tuition Free Universities
What You Need to Know About Tuition Free Universities
A tuition-free university is the direct opposite of a typical brick and mortar institution where both its students and researcher have access to the benefits the University has to offer without paying tuition or any related fee throughout the year.
This educational system is made possible due to the generous donations and contributions made by philanthropic private and public organizations with the mission to make higher education accessible to everybody, whether rich or middle class.
Although tuition-free universities offer free education, the student might still be required to pay an Application and Assessment fees for each course completed (usually less than $200). Besides that, the student will not be charged for study material or an annual enrolment fee.
Why Secure Admission in a Tuition-Free University
The advent of tuition-free universities has now made it possible for students around the world to obtain a professional degree without fear of being affected by their small budget or low monthly income.
This education method is mostly recommended to individuals who have a minimal salary or find it hard to qualify for an academic scholarship.
Top 10 Tuition-Free Universities Around the World
University Of The People (UoPeople)
University of the People is one of the world’s first accredited tuition-free online universities in American. Unlike a typical university, UoPeople does not have a physical campus where students can take classes.
It offers its courses free of charge through an online learning platform to students around the world.
Aside from a $60 application fee and the $100 assessment fees per course, the University offers the students a professional degree free of charge. Besides, students also do not need to pay for textbooks or study material – they are available for free on the learning platform.
Haskell Indian Nations University
Haskell Indian Nations University aims to give a solid and substantial free tertiary education to Alaska Natives and American Indians.
In 2015, over 70 students from a range of tribes cumulatively saved up to $350,000 due to the free education provided by the school.
Students of Haskell save approximately $20,000 every year and only pay the required university fees, which totals $715 (on-campus students) and $240 (off-campus students).
The University Of Bergen
The University of Bergen is a public, academic institution and therefore does not require its students to pay annual tuition fees. This benefit is available to Norwegian students and individuals from around the world.
Besides paying the semester fee to the student welfare organization, the students are permitted to explore the school’s premises, attend classes, and make use of their equipment without any form of payment.
*Note: Students in exchange programmes are exempted from paying the semester fee.
Aalto University
Aalto University is one of the few universities on this list that charges its students an annual tuition fee. Fortunately, this fee is reasonable low; you can graduate with a degree and only pay $600 throughout the programme.
The University is still considered free due to its negligible tuition fee of up to $600.
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Just like every University on this list, the Freie Universitaet Berlin does not require its students to pay a tuition fee to complete a degree programme. The school sponsors the tuition, while the students take care of other insignificant costs each semester.

Students of the University are free to undertake a course of their choice without fear of paying for tuition. However, this benefit doesn’t apply to a few rare undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
University of Oslo
The University of Oslo is a public institution that is funded by the state/government. Therefore, it does not require its students to pay for their study material or tuition, aside from the small fee paid every semester.
Free lectures plus study material, and only a small semester fee of 70 euro.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München has both paid and tuition-free programmes which do not require the students to pay a dime. You’ll need to check the individual courses to know which one is paid or not.
A tuition-free educational experience with a variety of courses available to the student.
Technical University of Munich
This University operates an educational system where students are required only to pay semester fees (usually €114) but nothing more – no tuition fees or additional academic expenses.
Students can enroll for courses without paying a yearly tuition fee to the school.
Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University makes it easy to acquire either an undergraduate, Masters or PhD degree by paying little to nothing in terms of tuition and additional fees. However, a few special masters programs might attract a payment.
Free education for all types of programmes (including higher-level certifications).
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lastly, we have Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Just like every other University on this list, they do not accept tuition fees from students (whether German, EU or international).
The only fee they collect is the per semester registration fee, which totals €257 – €307 annually.
Students at the University will have a free educational experience with no money involved.
Tuition-free universities are a recommended solution for aspiring students with minimal monthly income.
Keep in mind that although these universities collect little to nothing in terms of tuition, they do not cover the student’s cost of living.
Therefore, before applying, the student should have already secured a reliable financial source to handle his/her daily expenses.
Tuition fees are another big factor for many prospective international students, which is why we’ve dedicated this post to showcasing some of the European countries where you can study for free (or almost free) in 2020-21.
Before we start, a word or two on Brexit. Even though the UK left the EU on 31 January 2020, a proposed transition agreement means that current conditions should remain in place until at least the end of 2020.
As such, fee and funding arrangements will likely remain the same for UK students beginning courses in Europe before the end of 2020. Similarly, there are guarantees that fees and funding for EU students won’t change for UK courses beginning in 2020-21.
It’s worth bearing in mind that most (but not all) of the countries in this blog are free / cheap for EU nationals only. The exceptions to this rule are Norway, Iceland, Germany and the Czech Republic, who offer free tuition to all (with certain caveats). If you’re from the rest of the world, you’ll usually have to pay higher fees.
Please note: the information provided below only covers public universities. If you wish to study abroad at private institutions, it’s likely that fees will be charged.
Completely free
This section covers the European countries that charge absolutely no fees – tuition or administrative – to European nationals. Out of these, Norway and the Czech Republic are the only place that offer free tuition to people from the rest of the world.
Of course, these fees aren’t the only costs you’ll encounter if you study a Masters abroad. You’ll also have to think about accommodation, health insurance and other living costs. But it’s certainly a big positive not to worry about paying some hefty tuition fees.
Free for who: Everyone (EU, EEA and the rest of the world)
Admin fees: None
Terms: We’ve listed Norway first because it’s one of the only countries in Europe that doesn’t charge any fees to students, regardless of nationality. With some world-class universities and an enviable quality of life, Norway is an excellent postgraduate destination.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Norway or search for Norwegian Masters.
Free for who: EU, EEA and Switzerland
Admin fees: None
Terms: Denmark offers free Masters to EU students, although people from the rest of the world will have to pay full tuition fees.
Whatever your nationality, you’ll be eligible for free Danish lessons – a pretty good way to settle into your new country!
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Denmark or search for Danish Masters.
Free for who: EU, EEA and Switzerland
Admin fees: None
Terms: Unfortunately, Finnish universities no longer offer free Masters to all international students. As of 2017-18, only EU, EEA and Swiss nationals qualify for free study.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Finland or search for Finnish Masters.
Free for who: EU, EEA and Switzerland
Admin fees: None
Terms: Like Denmark and Finland, Sweden operates a free tuition fee policy for domestic and EU students, but other international students will have to pay to study a Masters.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Sweden or search for Swedish Masters.
Free for who: EU, EEA and Switzerland
Admin fees: None
Terms: Polish universities offer free tuition to European nationals, making its historic universities a great choice for adventurous postgraduates.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Poland or search for Polish Masters.
Czech Republic
Free for who: Everyone (if you study in Czech!)
Admin fees: None
Terms: If you fancy learning Czech, you could take advantage of the Czech Republic’s generous approach to tuition fees: Czech-taught Masters are free to all. Masters in other languages – English, French, German and Russian are fairly common – usually (but not always) incur some fees.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in the Czech Republic or search for Czech Masters.
There are several other European countries that don’t charge tuition fees, but do charge relatively small administrative fees to students.
Free for who: EU, EEA and Switzerland
Admin fees: €19.20 per semester
Terms: Austrian universities extend free study to European nationals. The only catch is that you’ll have to pay if don’t complete your programme within two semesters of the usual duration – in these cases you’ll be charged €363.63 per term.
Although students from the rest of the world do have to pay tuition fees, they’re still pretty low at €726.72 per semester.
Whatever your nationality, you’ll have to pay €19.20 per semester for student union membership (student health insurance is included in this administrative fee).
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Austria or search for Austrian Masters.
Free for who: Everyone (except for universities in the state of Baden-Wuerttemburg)
Admin fees: Between €50 and €250 per semester
Terms: Public universities in 15 out of 16 German states charge no tuition fees, regardless of nationality. The exception to this rule is Baden-Wuerttemburg, which charges students from outside the EU €1,500 per semester.
You’ll also have to pay an administrative fee per semester. This varies from university to university, but will usually be between €50 and €250. The fee covers your registration and includes student union membership as well as a regional transport pass – pretty handy!
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Germany or search for German Masters.
Free for who: Everyone
Admin fees: €550 annual registration fee
Terms: Icelandic public universities don’t charge any tuition fees, no matter where you’re from. However, you will have to pay an annual registration fee of around €550.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in Iceland or search for Icelandic Masters.
Pretty cheap
These countries do charge tuition fees, but they’re well worth considering if you’re looking for a cheap place to study abroad. That’s why we’ve given France and Belgium honourable mentions.
Typical tuition fees: €243 per year
Admin fees: None
Terms: Tuition fees at public universities in France are capped at €243 per year by the French Government, making them some of the most affordable in Europe. These low fees are only applicable to EU/EEA nationals. Non-EU/EEA nationals are charged €3,770 per year.
Find out more in our guide to Masters study in France or search for French Masters.
Typical tuition fees: €900 per year
Terms: Universities in Belgium’s Dutch and French-speaking communities charge relatively low fees, at around €900 per year. If you’re looking for a multilingual, multicultural place to study, Belgium could be just the ticket.